Dragoon Endgame Rotations

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See also: Dragoon and Dragoon Guide

An up-to-date Dragoon job guide is provided by The Balance.


Your most basic rotation looks like this:

Heavy thrust.png --> Impulse drive.png --> Disembowel.png --> Chaos thrust.png --> Fang and claw icon1.png or Wheeling thrust icon1.png --> Phlebotomize.png --> True thrust.png --> Vorpal thrust.png --> Full thrust.png --> Fang and claw icon1.png or Wheeling thrust icon1.png

Essentially, you alternate between Heavy Thrust/Chaos Thrust combo and Phlebotomize/Full Thrust combo, weaving in off-GCDs between. Should Blood of the Dragon ever fall off, you can revert to the old 2.0 rotation (nicknamed by some the "rotation of shame") until it comes back up. Instead of going back and forth, you'll be doing Chaos Thrust combo -> Full Thrust combo x2 -> repeat, while alternating Heavy Thrust and Phlebotomize every combo.

Opener (with potion)

Heavy thrust.png --> Battle litany icon1.png Internal release.png --> Impulse drive.png --> Blood of the dragon icon1.png Blood for blood.png --> Disembowel.png --> Draconian potion of strength icon1.png --> Chaos thrust.png --> Power surge.png Leg sweep.png --> Fang and claw icon1.png or Wheeling thrust icon1.png --> Jump.png --> Phlebotomize.png --> Spineshatter dive.png --> True thrust.png --> Dragonfire dive.png --> Vorpal thrust.png --> Life surge.png Geirskogul icon1.png --> Full thrust.png --> Fang and claw icon1.png or Wheeling thrust icon1.png

Opener (without potion)

Heavy thrust.png --> Battle litany icon1.png --> Impulse drive.png --> Blood for blood.png Internal release.png --> Disembowel.png --> Leg sweep.png Blood of the dragon icon1.png --> Chaos thrust.png --> Power surge.png --> Fang and claw icon1.png or Wheeling thrust icon1.png --> Jump.png --> Phlebotomize.png --> Dragonfire dive.png --> True thrust.png --> Spineshatter dive.png --> Vorpal thrust.png --> Life surge.png --> Geirskogul icon1.png --> Full thrust.png --> Fang and claw icon1.png or Wheeling thrust icon1.png

AOE Rotation

Heavy thrust.png --> Ring of thorns.png --> Doom spike.png x many

Only use your AOE rotation when there are 3 or more mobs, otherwise use your single-target rotation. Doom Spike has a larger AOE than you might realize, but it may still be difficult to line up the enemies; Ring of Thorns is good in those cases. Keep Heavy Thrust up throughout, remember to use Invigorate, and weave in off-GCDs as you go.