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Alchemist Quests/Quests

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Quest Level NPC Zone Coordinates Items Needed EXP Gil Reward Optional Reward
Way of the Alchemist 1 Deitrich Ul'dah - Steps of Thal (x9,y13) 100 115 Water Shard.png x100, Lightning shard icon1.png x50, Weathered alembic icon1.png
My First Alembic 1 Severian Ul'dah - Steps of Thal (x9,y13) Distilled water icon1.png 100 0 Water Shard.png x150, Lightning shard icon1.png x100, Copper sand icon1.png x10, Hempen kurta icon1.png
The Second Principle 5 Severian Ul'dah - Steps of Thal (x9,y13) Antidote icon1.png x3 560 194 Water Shard.png x200, Lightning shard icon1.png x150, Amateurs mortar icon1.png Hempen bandana icon1.png, Hempen chausses icon1.png, Maple pattens icon1.png, Allagan tin piece icon1.png x3
All of Your Beeswax 10 Severian Ul'dah - Steps of Thal (x9,y13) Beeswax icon1.png x12 1710 289 Water Shard.png x250, Lightning shard icon1.png x200, Bronze alembic icon1.png Amateurs headgear icon1.png, Amateurs kurta icon1.png, Amateurs smithing gloves icon1.png, Allagan bronze piece icon1.png x2
For Fair Love 15 Severian Ul'dah - Steps of Thal (x9,y13) Potion of intelligence icon1.png, Potion of dexterity icon1.png 3360 382 Recruits mortar icon1.png Hempen doublet vest of crafting icon1.png, Hard leather merchants pouch icon1.png, Ash pattens icon1.png, Allagan bronze piece icon1.png
The Arcanist's Tome 20 Severian Ul'dah - Steps of Thal (x9,y13) Engraved hard leather grimoire icon1.png + Melded any Level 1 Materia 4060 470 Initiates alembic icon1.png Initiates headgear icon1.png, Initiates gloves icon1.png, Cotton breeches of crafting icon1.png, Allagan bronze piece icon1.png x4
Practical Alchemy 25 Severian Ul'dah - Steps of Thal (x9,y13)
HQ Mask.png
Natron icon1.png
4760 557 Initiates mortar icon1.png Silver magnifiers icon1.png, Initiates gown icon1.png, Velveteen halfgloves icon1.png, Allagan silver piece icon1.png
Baleful Brews 30 Severian Ul'dah - Steps of Thal (x9,y13)
HQ Mask.png
Weak blinding potion icon1.png
x3 HQ
7410 639 Conical alembic icon1.png Velveteen beret icon1.png, Velveteen gown icon1.png, Velveteen shortgloves icon1.png, Allagan bronze piece icon1.png x6
Cease and Assist 35 Severian Ul'dah - Steps of Thal (x9,y13)
HQ Mask.png
Hi-ether icon1.png
234520 0 Silver alembic icon1.png Mythril magnifiers icon1.png, Apprentices smock icon1.png, Linen halfgloves icon1.png, Allagan silver piece icon1.png x4
Might Made Right 40 Severian Ul'dah - Steps of Thal (x9,y13)
HQ Mask.png
Hi-potion of strength icon1.png
x3 HQ
11270 0 Apprentices mortar icon1.png Linen deerstalker icon1.png, Linen smock icon1.png, Boarskin smithys gloves icon1.png, Allagan silver piece icon1.png x6
Ultimate Alchemy 45 Severian Ul'dah - Steps of Thal (x9,y13)
HQ Mask.png
Mega-potion of intelligence icon1.png
HQ Mask.png
Mega-potion of mind icon1.png
HQ Mask.png
Mega-potion of vitality icon1.png
12420 0 Electrum alembic icon1.png Woolen deerstalker icon1.png, Woolen smock icon1.png, Raptorskin smithys gloves icon1.png, Allagan silver piece icon1.png x8
Momentary Miracle 50 Severian Ul'dah - Steps of Thal (x9,y13)
HQ Mask.png
Budding rosewood wand icon1.png
, Quicktongue materia iii icon1.png
132000 0 Paracelsus icon1.png Alchemists monocle icon1.png, Alchemists gloves icon1.png, Alchemists thighboots icon1.png, Allagan gold piece icon1.png x2
Without a Trace 50 Severian Ul'dah - Steps of Thal (x9,y13) 19200 821 Water Crystal.png x120, Commercial engineering manual icon1.png x3
Magic Marks the Spot 53 Wiltwaek Mor Dhona (x23,y8)
HQ Mask.png
Enchanted mythrite ink icon1.png
230400 1514 Water Crystal.png x160, Mythrite mortar icon1.png Rainbow coatee icon1.png, Rainbow gloves icon1.png, Rainbow bottoms icon1.png, Rainbow shoes icon1.png, Allagan silver piece icon1.png x3
From Hells 55 Wiltwaek Mor Dhona (x23,y8)
HQ Mask.png
Grade 1 intelligence dissolvent icon1.png
322560 1362 Water Crystal.png x200, Hardsilver alembic icon1.png Ramie doublet of crafting icon1.png, Dhalmelskin halfgloves of crafting icon1.png, Ramie skirt icon1.png, Dhalmelskin shoes icon1.png, Allagan silver piece icon1.png x4
Burden of Proof 58 Wiltwaek Mor Dhona (x23,y8)
HQ Mask.png
Draconian potion of strength icon1.png
489600 1573 Water Crystal.png x240, Titanium alembic icon1.png Craftsman's Competence Materia IV.png, Craftsman's Cunning Materia IV.png, Craftsman's Command Materia IV.png
What Death Can Join Together 60 Wiltwaek Mor Dhona (x23,y8)
HQ Mask.png
Noble gold icon1.png
878850 1563 Craftsman's Competence Materia IV.png, Craftsman's Cunning Materia IV.png, Craftsman's Command Materia IV.png
Not Quite Dead Yet 60 Severian Ul'dah - Steps of Thal (x9.2,y13.6) 83700 713 Water Crystal.png x250,Commercial engineering manual icon1.png x3
The Forbidden Blade 63 Severian Ul'dah - Steps of Thal (x9.2,y13.6)
HQ Mask.png
Intellectuary icon1.png
1725300 838 Water Crystal.png x250,High steel mortar icon1.png,Quality Assurance.png Ruby cotton coatee icon1.png,Gyuki leather gloves of crafting icon1.png,Ruby cotton bottoms icon1.png,Gyuki leather shoes icon1.png,Allagan silver piece icon1.png x5
Do Goldsmiths Dream of Gilded Sheep 65 Severian Ul'dah - Steps of Thal (x9.2,y13.6)
HQ Mask.png
Twice-fermented mun-tuy juice icon1.png
2079000 1748 Water Crystal.png x250,Doman iron alembic icon1.png,Manipulation II.png Kudzu robe of crafting icon1.png,Durium chaplets icon1.png,Kudzu culottes of crafting icon1.png,Tigerskin boots of crafting icon1.png,Allagan silver piece icon1.png x6
No Sin Unpunished 68 Greinfarr Ul'dah - Steps of Nald (x8.0,y12.4)
HQ Mask.png
Luminol icon1.png
2902500 1095 Water Crystal.png x250,Doman steel mortar icon1.png Craftsman's Competence Materia V.png, Craftsman's Cunning Materia V.png, Craftsman's Command Materia V.png
A Love Beyond Lifetimes 70 Popokkuli Ul'dah - Steps of Thal (x13.9,y10.8)
HQ Mask.png
Potent dissolvent icon1.png
3680000 0 Craftsman's Competence Materia V.png, Craftsman's Cunning Materia V.png, Craftsman's Command Materia V.png