A Warrior's Welcome
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A Warrior's Welcome
- Quest giver
- Cirina
- Location
- The Azim Steppe (X:31.1, Y:12.0)
- Quest line
- Stormblood Main Scenario Quests
- Level
- 65
- Required items
- 1 Sack of Entrails
1 Gulo Gulo Meat
1 Sack of Gulo Gulo Meat - Experience
- Gil
- Previous quest
Stars in the Dark
- Next quest
The Heart of Nations
Keeping the Faith
Tent That Rocked
Sacred Sweeping
- Patch
- 4.0
Main Scenario Progress: 450 / 968 (46.5%)
Stormblood Progress: 71 / 162 (43.8%)
“Cirina would impress upon you the gravity of the path you walk.
— In-game description
- Choose one of the following options:
Two to three Gulo Gulo will spawn near the river on the far north west location and at the two northern locations. Thus it is possible to change the cutscene text by beating Hien, who will always return with six.
- Speak with Hien.
- Use the entrails to lure out gulo gulo and slay them.
- Show the meat to Gosetsu.
- Deliver the sack of meat to Cirina.
- Cirina would impress upon you the gravity of the path you walk.
Accepting the Quest (Cutscene)
Cirina: My friends, I must warn you. The path upon which you embark is fraught with peril. Cirina: You will journey unto the far reaches of the Steppe to confront a terrible foe, as did the warrior Bardam in the days of yore. Three days he battled with the demon ere he returned to his people. So it is written, so must it be. Cirina: Many who follow in his footsteps perish, lacking in strength of body and mind. Therefore... Cirina: We must treat you to a great feast! Cirina: Have...have I said something strange? The hungry fox starves at the bull's testicles, therefore warriors should be well fed on the eve of battle! Hien: She does have a point. You have been keeping busy in my absence. A brief repast may be in order, lest we collapse of fatigue and malnourishment in the midst of our trial.
Cirina: Yes, just so! However, it will take time to prepare.
Lyse: Is there anything we can do to help? It might also give us a chance to learn more about your people and their ways.
Cirina: Well, if you insist, I am sure that the others would be glad of your assistance. Cirina: Hmm... Would you go and speak with Dorbei, Lyse? Cirina: As for you three—you can help me with another task. Cirina: For today's feast the gods decreed that we lure gulo gulo to slaughter with entrails. Perhaps you could be the ones to do this?
Gosetsu: That your people look to the gods for guidance I can understand, but in your daily meals! I say, your grandmother must be quite busy.
Cirina: Some days more than others. But every night we come together around the cookfire.
Hien: Even babes must earn their keep on the Steppe. Give over the entrails, Cirina. We will bring you a bounty of meat!
Cirina: Hien has the entrails. Good hunting, [Forename]!
Temulun: All is in accordance with their design. Mol Iloh is your home.
Gosetsu: Shall the gulo gulo be so easily lured to the slaughter, I wonder...
Speaking with Hien
Hien: A word of advice. Our quarry is wont to avoid the Xaela and their settlements, but is fond of flowing waters... Hien: Hmm. A thought occurs to me. How about we make a game of it, [Forename]? Hien: I have six bags of entrails with which we may lure our gulo gulo. Three for you, and three for me. Hien: Whoever returns with the greater portion shall be declared the winner. What say you? Hien: Then it is settled! Gosetsu will stand as witness. Let the game begin!
(Optional) Gosetsu: The rules are simple. Whoever returns with the greater portion shall be declared the winner. 'Gosetsu: You have but a limited quantity of bait. Use it wisely, [Forename]. Seek places far from men and near water.
Showing the gulu gulu meat to Gosetsu
Gosetsu: Oh, have you used all your bait? In that case, let us see the fruits of your labor!
Hien: Ho! It would seem that, at the very least, you are the faster hunter. Hien: But speed is not everything! For my part, I slew six gulo gulo!
Gosetsu: Aye, that you have, my lord. As for [Forename]...
(If slew less than Hien) Gosetsu: This day you are twice the hunter as she/he, for our friend delivered unto me but three portions - half your sum, my lord.
Hien: Oho! And there you have it. I shall try not to let it go to my head. Hien: I know better than to expect the hawk to show her/his talons on a whim. Nay, when the time comes, I expect you will prove yourself more than my match.
(If slew equal to Hien) Gosetsu: Six gulo gulo did she/he slay too! 'Twould seem you have met your match, my lord.
Hien: Hah hah hah! Of all the possible outcomes, this is perhaps the most amusing. Hien: And perhaps the most auspicious. Though I would have preferred to win the day, I shall settle for the whimsy of the kami.
(If slew more than Hien) Gosetsu: The meat of eight gulo gulo did she/he bring! A fine day's work, and undeniably the greater portion.
Hien: Bah! A loss, is it? And how confident I was in my chances. Hien: Nevertheless, it is a testament to your skills as a hunter and a warrior. How fortunate I am to count one so talented among my allies!
(All) Hien: And with that, our game is concluded. Let us return to Mol Iloh forthwith—and let us have [Forename] present our meal to Cirina. Hien: Mayhap you are unfamiliar with the traditional Xaela cuisine? Let not its appearance deceive you—it is quite hearty and nourishing. Hien: Were it not so, I doubt they could have nursed me back to health. Heh heh, you should have seen the state I was in...
Hien: She should be impressed when she sees the quantity we have brought.
Gosetsu: Such kindness and generosity they have shown not only my lord, but us all. Victory in the Naadam will be a fitting repayment!
Delivering the sack of gulo gulo meat to Cirina
Cirina: You are returned, [Forename]. How was your hunt? <Hand Over Sack of Gulo Gulo Meat> Cirina: My word, this is impressive! Or were you so hungry that you felt the need to kill so many? Cirina: Well! I shall endeavor not to disappoint you all with my cooking!