The Wind, It Passes

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The Wind, It Passes

Quest giver
Eastern La Noscea (X:33.8, Y:30.5)
Required items
3 Wind sprite core icon1.png  Wind Sprite Core
Experience 3,570
Gil 1,725
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Lock up your arcanists and hide the heavy equipment, Master Gegeruju is feeling bored.

— In-game description



  • Lock up your arcanists and hide the heavy equipment, Master Gegeruju is feeling bored.
  • Master Gegeruju's idea is refreshingly harmless. In order to call up the winds, first collect three cores from wind sprites.
  • You collected three wind sprite cores. Place them at the tip of the nearby cliffs to summon a storm sprite.
  • Nature is not to be trifled with─the storm sprite attacks you. Report to Master Gegeruju.
  • Far from apologetic, Master Gegeruju pouts that he only felt a whiffle. There is no greater adventure than serving at his pleasure.


Accepting the Quest

Gegeruju: Excellent timing, come, come! Such a still, wilting day and I had a thought─a little thought, a violet not a rose─to call up a refreshing breeze.
Gegeruju: The wind sprites now, you can get a healthy puff or two out of them. It follows that a powerful sprite can set a whole city aflutter!
Gegeruju: According to my best calculations─or rather my second best calculations, no need to ask how or why─collecting three cores from wind sprites should permit you to summon a more powerful specimen.
Gegeruju: Won't someone─present company definitely included─carry out my genius plan? Will someone deign to collect this handsome reward?

Reporting to Master Gegeruju

Gegeruju: The storm sprite attacked you?
Gegeruju: So only you enjoyed a refreshing buffeting? I had but a whimpering whiffle! Oh, phooey, now I shall be bored again.