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The First of Many

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The First of Many

Quest giver
The Fringes (X:29.9, Y:25.9)
Quest line
Stormblood Main Scenario Quests
Experience 108,000
Gil 917
Previous quest
Main Scenario QuestThe Silence of the Gods
Next quest
Main Scenario QuestStrong and Unified

Main Scenario Progress: 482 / 953 (50.6%)


Stormblood Progress: 103 / 162 (63.6%)


Alphinaud hopes that you are ready to rejoin the main host.

— In-game description





There are no journal entries for this quest.


Accepting the Quest

Alphinaud: I trust you are well rested and refreshed, yes? Then let us return to the front. 
Alphinaud: The greater part of the Alliance forces should have advanced into the Peaks by now, but I expect we will pass many of our comrades on the road east. 
Alphinaud: There is a checkpoint along the way, as I recall, but we will need only to identify ourselves to the soldiers in order to pass. 

Speaking with the Alliance recruit (Cutscene)

Alliance Recruit: Scions! A pleasure to have you with us again. 
Alliance Recruit: You'll be happy to hear we've taken Ala Ghiri, and have already begun fortifying it as our new base of operations in the Peaks. Give a shout to the lads as you pass, eh? 

Cutscene (Voiceover)

Lyse: I remember how they laughed. Alliance and Resistance soldiers, eager for battle, trading jokes as we marched east towards the Peaks... 
Lyse: Beyond this last line of defenses lay the Lochs and the city. Breaching it would be no small feat. 
Lyse: But we beat the imperials back, just like that, and we liberated a village. The first of many...


Alisaie: The imperials sure do like their towers, don't they?
Alphinaud: Through the pass and onward to the southeast, was it?
Lyse: My village—the one we visited with Meffrid—is far to the north. There's no easy way to get to it from here, though...

Speaking with M'naago

M'Naago: As you can see, this part of the Peaks is much higher than the northern reaches, hence why the imperials built Specula Imperatoris where they did. 
M'Naago: See those three towers to the east? That's her. Sits right on the edge of a cliff, so attacking from the north is a fool's errand. From the south, on the other hand, she's no different from any other imperial installation. 
M'Naago: You see now why Velodyna was so important, eh? Right, then. Come along—they're waiting for us in Ala Ghiri. 


Alisaie: The settlement is remarkably intact. I see little evidence of fighting...
Alphinaud: Ala Ghiri was once a hub of trade and commerce, as I recall, hence the need for a large central square.
Lyse: Ala Ghiri's famous for that giant crystal. Some say Rhalgr Himself put it there.

Following M'naago to Ala Ghiri (Cutscene)

M'Naago: Here we are. The new base of operations for the Alliance and the Resistance! 
Raubahn: Ah, there you are! 
Alphinaud: Greetings, General. I see you have been quite busy in our absence. 
Raubahn: Less than you may imagine. The imperials fled at our coming, and we took the village without a fight. 
Raubahn: Your timing is impeccable. We were about to discuss our strategy to seize Specula Imperatoris. 
Alphinaud: Though we are fresh from the road, we should be glad to attend. 
Raubahn: Good. Take a moment to gather yourselves, and join us when you are ready.