Starlight Celebration Crier

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Starlight Celebration Crier

Hello! Enjoying the festivities, are you? If you have any questions regarding the Starlight Celebration, please don't hestitate to ask!

— In-game description

Starlight Celebration Crier is a Hyur in The Lavender Beds.

Quests Started

Quest Type Level Quest Giver

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Quest Type Level Quest Giver

Additional Information

The Starlight Celebration Crier is found in each of Eorzea's main cities and gives information on what the celebration is about and where to find the heart of the festivities. The Ul'dah crier is on the Ruby Road Exchange, the Limsa Lominsa crier is at the Aftcastle, and the Gridania crier is outside the Mih Khetto Amphitheatre.



Starlight Celebration Crier: Merry Starlight, friend, and may the Spinner's blessings be with you. We thank you for joining us for the festivities. Is there aught I might assist you with?

What will you ask?

  • What is the Starlight Celebration?
    • Starlight Celebration Crier: The Starlight Celebration can be traced back to ancient Ishgard. Long ago, a terrible battle claimed countless lives, leaving thousands of children orphaned in the harsh cold weather of Coerthas.
    • Starlight Celebration Crier: Unable to bear their suffering, Ishgardian knights would offer these children board and lodging within their barracks. Of course, this was expressly forbidden, but the knights devised a plan to sneak them in, disguising the choldren in jackets of their scarlet uniforms.
    • Starlight Celebration Crier: Owing to their generosity, the children survived the winter and lived to pay forward the kindness they had received. The former orphans would adorn themselves in scarlet uniforms, delivering gifts to children on the coldest week of the year. Thus, the Starlight Celebration was born.
    • Starlight Celebration Crier: Over the years, the celebration has undergone gradual changes. The snowy-bearded captain of the kind-hearted knights has become known as the "Saint of Nymeia," and children believe that he delivers their hopes and prayers directly to the goddess Herself.
    • Starlight Celebration Crier: Similarly, his red-jacketed knights have become the "saint's little helpers." They are particularly beloved by the younglings, for it is their role to bring gifts to every child who sends a prayer to the Spinner.
  • What's your task in all this?
    • Starlight Celebration Crier: My scarlet-clad colleagues and I have been charged by the Adventurer's Guild with running the Starlight Celebration. The festival spans the entire realm of Eorzea, and we have little helpers stationed in the cities of Gridania, Limsa Lominsa, and Ul'dah.
    • Starlight Celebration Crier (2024): For this year's festivities, we are pleased to host a new attraction in Gridania. It aims to cater to children and grown-ups alike, and I hope that you'll enjoy it!