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Shaped by Tragedy

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Shaped by Tragedy

The Man with Too Many Scars.png
Quest giver
The Crystarium (X:10.5, Y:16.2)
Quest line
Shadowbringers Role Quests
Tank role.png Tank
Experience 218,880
Gil 1,120
Previous quest
Feature QuestThe Man with Too Many Scars
Next quest
Feature QuestDefined by Loss

Granson is eager to take to the road.

— In-game description



  • Granson is eager to take to the road.
  • Granson knows better than to simply venture out into the wilds of Norvrandt without any inkling of where to search for his prey. Thus he would have you travel to the village of Wright on Kholusia, a humble settlement that was once attacked by Dikaiosyne, that you might gather information to aid you in your hunt.
  • The bounty hunter seems to possess a connection to the village, though he refrains from elaborating for the present. For now, you are to split up and question the residents of Wright in an effort to learn more about your quarry.
  • Regrettably, the villagers with whom you speak are reluctant to discuss the fateful day which haunts them still. In light of this, it seems rather unlikely that Granson will have obtained any information of value...
  • Although Granson's inquiries were equally unproductive, he is at least finally willing to reveal his connection to the village─his village, it would seem. A year ago, he was still a humble game hunter living happily with his bride-to-be, a goldsmith who had been hard at work restoring an antique bracelet. Alas, when he returned from the shipyards with supplies for her work, he found the village in disarray, for Dikaiosyne had come and set about killing and corrupting all who crossed his path─including Milinda, Granson's beloved, who was transformed into a sin eater before his very eyes. Afterwards, Dikaiosyne wordlessly scooped up the antique bracelet and quit the village with his horde of eater followers, but not before the hunter was forced to put Milinda out of her misery. It was this tragedy which set Granson on the path he now walks, for only by taking his revenge on the eater which destroyed his life will his soul ever know peace.


Quest Acceptance

Granson: All set to embark on our great hunt, [Forename]?
Granson: Then let us be about it!
Granson: Before you ask, I've no intention of leading us out into the wilds without even an inkling of Dikaiosyne's whereabouts. Norvrandt may not be a particularly large realm─even before the Flood─but it'd take us a dozen lifetimes to scour every nook and cranny.
Granson: So we'll start by asking around a place I know for a fact Dikaiosyne has attacked before. The village of Wright, on Kholusia.
Granson: While I don't have reason to believe he will return, I'd like to think that the survivors might know something of value. After all, you can be sure that they haven't forgotten the day the bastard came through...
Granson: So let us be off, then!

Rendezvous with Granson in Kholusia

Granson: Welcome to Wright. I reckon it might not seem like much to you, but to me...
Granson: Never mind. We'll save that conversation for after. Tracking down Dikaiosyne is what matters right now.
Granson: Let's split up and ask after the bastard. Better odds of turning up useful information that way, I'd wager.

Question the residents of Wright

Despondent Villager: Huh? Where did you come from? And what do you want with me?
Despondent Villager: Dikaiosyne? That thrice-damned eater that's the spitting image of a Galdjent knight? That Dikaiosyne?
Despondent Villager: I...I can't help you. All I know is that when he came, he... Wicked white, if you had seen the carnage, you would... I'm sorry. I can't talk about this.
Skittish Villager: Ahh! What, what, what? What do you want with me!?
Skittish Villager: The sin eater? The one that came and killed everyone!? Oh gods, is he here!?
Skittish Villager: Then why are you talking about him? Ohh, I knew I should've stayed inside. There's nothing but death out here now. Death and horror and eaters and... Gaaah! Gaaaaaah!

Speak with Granson

Granson: Well? Learn anything worth sharing?
Granson: I wish I could say I'm surprised, but I'm not. What we saw that day...what he did to us... <sigh> There's no moving on from that.
What will you say? Waht exactly happened here? / What's your connection to this village?-> What's your connection to this village?
Granson: Well, I was planning to tell you the whole story eventually, but I suppose now is as good a time as any...
Granson: I was born and raised in Wright. Lacking any real prospects, I eked out a living as a hunter. Might've tried my hand at something more exciting had I not also been trying to provide for the love of my life, Milinda...
Granson: Was about a year ago that she accepted a commission from this Eulmoran trader─bloke dealt mostly in antiques, and he had this bracelet in need of restoration.
Granson: Bloody old with a questionable provenance, but supposedly it once belonged to royalty or some such. The Fangs of Orthus, he called it.
Granson: Me and her'd been talking about tying the proverbial knot─buying land, building a home, that sort of thing. Around here that might not take much, but it was still a lot more than we had, so when the trader made his offer, she didn't hesitate to say yes.
Granson: I'd gone down to the shipyards to pick up extra tools and materials she needed for the work. Quality stuff, but it'd pay for itself ten times over. But when I got back to Wright...
Granson: Dikaiosyne had been busy. I spied at least a dozen newborn eaters fluttering about, trying to make sense of their new lot.
Granson: The grandmother who lived next door and shared the fruits of her orchard with us. The gruff woodsman who'd brought firewood to our doorstep in the dead of winter. Both of them reduced to mindless fiends, just like that.
Granson: There wasn't time to mourn or to think. I started looking for Milinda...
Granson: And then there she was─alive and well. Our eyes met, and we knew it was going to be all right. We ran for each other, and...
Granson: ...Even now, a year later, it doesn't feel real. One moment she was there─right there, in front of me, and the next, she was...
Granson: Dikaiosyne knelt and took the Fangs of Orthus, then left, leading a host of sin eaters out of Wright.
Granson: But Milinda─I still couldn't see her as anything else─she wouldn't budge. She just hovered there and stared, waiting for me
Granson: ...To end it.
Granson: Well. I could never say no to her. Not once in the years we'd been together.
Granson: For all the times she'd welcomed me home with a bowl of hot stew... All the times she laughed at my crude jokes and gave me counsel when I was losing my way...
Granson: For all that and more...I killed her.
Granson: I swore then and there I'd have my vengeance. Dikaiosyne would die by my hand!
Granson: I carved the scars in my flesh to mirror the ones he left on my soul. An enduring reminder of the vow that I never dare stray from the path.
Granson: ...There. All done. No need to wallow in it. Wouldn't want my tragic yet trite tale to put you off our hunt. Still with me to the end, sinner?
Granson: That's the spirit. Still, I've some unfinished business here, so if you could give me a moment before we resume, I would be most grateful.