Sap for Smiles

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Feature Quest icon.png

Sap for Smiles

Way of the Botanist.png
Quest giver
Old Gridania (X:6.5, Y:7.8)
Required items
10 Maple sap icon1.png  Maple Sap
Experience 1,434
Gil 194
Previous quest
Feature QuestMy First Hatchet
Next quest
Feature QuestWeapons of a Feather

Fufucha wants to assign you a new task.

— In-game description


In addition to the above, choose one of the following options:


Level 2 Logging from Mature Tree in North Shroud (X:26.1 Y:26.8)



  • Fufucha wants to assign you a new task.
  • Cicely explains that the maple sap you collected will be used to make sweets for the many children orphaned by the Calamity. Upon hearing this, you cannot help but feel a sense of pride that your newly acquired skills have served such a good cause. Keep your nose to the grindstone, and ever more resources will be yours to gather.
    • ※The next botanist quest will be available from Fufucha upon reaching level 10.


Fufucha: Hello again, [Player]. I'm told you've been putting your hatchet to good use. Well done!
Fufucha: Yet, as I mentioned before, hacking away at trees does not make you a botanist. You must also strive to deepen your understanding of nature.
Fufucha: I say this in the knowledge that you have done just that. Whether you realize it or not, you have the air of a man/woman who is at ease with the world around him/her. I do believe you are ready for your next task.
Fufucha: I would like you to go to Treespeak, and there harvest ten pots' worth of maple sap. Once you have enough, pray deliver the sap to Cicely. She will be pleased to receive it.
Fufucha: Off you go now, [Player].

Delivering items

Cicely: On a quest for maple sap? Then your best bet is to search in the vicinity of Treespeak. I happen to be waiting for a delivery of sap myself. Might you be the botanist tasked with supplying it?


Cicely: Ah, the maple sap I requested! Then you must be the new botanist Fufucha has been fussing over. Ah, but where are my manners? Thank you!
Cicely: Hm? Why do I need so much of the stuff? Well, allow me to explain—it's the very least I can do, after all you've done.
Cicely: Boiling maple sap causes it to thicken into a sweet syrup called—aye, you've guessed it—maple syrup.
Cicely: From maple syrup we can make maple sugar, an ingredient used in various recipes, particularly confectionery—from cakes and tarts to toffees and chocolates. In short, all the things that children love.
Cicely: You've probably guessed it by now, but the maple sap you harvested will be used to make sweets for the children—those poor souls who were orphaned by the Calamity.
Cicely: They may put on a brave face, but their eyes reveal the depth of their sorrow. There's precious little joy left in their lives.
Cicely: But Gridania hasn't—won't abandon them. No matter your walk of life, there is always something you can do to help. Though it may only last a fleeting moment, a single smile of theirs is worth all the effort.
Cicely: ...M-My apologies, I got carried away. Now, where was I? Ah, yes.
Cicely: In addition to maple sap, we botanists gather various other kinds of foodstuffs. As such, we work quite closely with culinarians, those Disciples of the Hand who excel at cooking. We're also on good terms with woodworkers and weavers, as both are reliant upon us to supply the lumber and fiber that they need for their respective crafts.
Cicely: As botanists, it behooves us to learn what manner of materials are used in crafting, and there's no better way to do so than firsthand. If you have an interest, you might consider dabbling in one of the disciplines out there.
Cicely: I also urge you to make a habit of reviewing the gathering log. As your knowledge of botany grows, more of its contents will become comprehensible to you.
Cicely: Well, I'd best see to the maple sap. It was lovely talking to you!