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Rising Windmill
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Rising Windmill
“Delivers an attack with a potency of 140 to all nearby enemies.
Additional Effect: 50% chance of granting a Fourfold Feather
Can only be executed while under the effect of Silken Symmetry or Flourishing Symmetry.
※Action changes to Jete while dancing.— In-game description
Rising Windmill is an action unlocked at level 35. It is available for Dancer.
Related traits
- Esprit (Lv. 76) - Grants Esprit to self and nearby party members upon successfully executing Standard Finish or Technical Finish.
- Enhanced Esprit (Lv. 84) - Increases Esprit Gauge by 10 upon successfully landing Reverse Cascade, Fountainfall, Rising Windmill, or Bloodshower.
Related actions
- If both Silken Symmetry and Flourishing Symmetry are active, this action can be executed twice to consume both buffs.
- Patch 6.1 (2022-04-12): The requirement for execution has been changed from "Can only be executed while under the effect of Flourishing Symmetry" to "Can only be executed while under the effect of Silken Symmetry or Flourishing Symmetry."
- Patch 6.0 (2021-12-07):
- Potency has been changed from 300 to 140.
- Execution requirement has been changed from Flourishing Windmill to Flourishing Symmetry.
- Added "Action changes to Jete while dancing."
- Deleted "50% less potency for all remaining enemies."
- Patch 5.1 (2019-10-29): Potency has been increased from 250 to 300.
- Patch 5.0 (2019-07-02): Added.