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Legend of the Not-so-hidden Temple

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Legend of the Not-so-hidden Temple

Legend of the Not-so-hidden Temple.png
Quest giver
The Rak'tika Greatwood (X:23.9, Y:3.6)
Quest line
Shadowbringers Main Scenario Quests
Experience 223,200
Gil 1,972
Previous quest
Main Scenario QuestMi Casa, Toupasa
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Main Scenario QuestThe Aftermath

Main Scenario Progress: 600 / 960 (62.5%)


Shadowbringers Progress: 59 / 157 (37.6%)


Almet wishes to offer you words of warning.

— In-game description


Solution for the sliding tile puzzle
Solution for the sliding tile puzzle
  • The first room contains sentinels moving around the room counter-clockwise. Position yourself between their paths, far enough behind the last as not to draw its enmity, but do not delay so long as to be caught by the second. Watch them move a moment, and pace yourself.
  • The second portion contains sentinels which will meet and walk away from one another. Your best bet is to look for the opening along the middle of their path. It will be a three-sided opening. Quickly move into the hole to avoid detection. Do this all the way around. If caught, you will be cursed. After so many stacks of the curse, you will die.
  • The third section is easy-- when Y'Shtola casts glamour, SPRINT (whatever spell or ability that will enable you to move quickly) across the room. Activate the teleporter, and step into the circle and wait to be teleported.
  • The fourth section is a puzzle. Your goal is the yellow portal. If you land on a blue one, you will be forced to start over. When you step onto the stones with arrows, you will be moved quickly in the direction that they are pointing! There are broken-walled squares that you are safe to stand in to make your next move. Follow the arrows to find the best route to the yellow portal.
  • The fifth section will release several boulders that will move quickly down the ramp. RUN! Using a zig-zag pattern, slip into the missing sections of the wall (there will be light there) and run out immediately after the boulder passes! Continue running down the ramp and when you get to the end, jump! You will fall a ways down, but you will not suffer damage. VERY "Raiders of the Lost Ark" :)
  • Next, you will encounter General Ran'jit and one of his officers. There will be a brief section of fighting. Do not be discouraged as the Viera warriors, the sisters, will join the fight. Her sisters will call out for you to run while they hold them off. Move to the side door as it will then be clickable.
  • As you move into the next room, two large sentinels will be standing guard and attack. Move quickly around them and seize the prize while Y'Shtola stops them.

Without giving away the story, there will be cinematics at this point before being teleported out of the solo instance.



  • Almet wishes to offer you words of warning.
  • Almet explains to you and Y'shtola the possible dangers that await within the final chamber of the pyramid, offering you whisperweed to use in the event you find yourselves separated. With her words in mind, you enter the chamber prepared for the worst.
  • Once inside, you soon realize the chamber is a labyrinth, filled with magicked sentinels and perilous traps at every turn. The end is nearly in sight when you encounter a most unexpected obstacle: General Ran'jit. Uimet and Cymet follow him into the temple and, together with their sister, hold him off long enough for you to activate the final switch restoring the flow of aether through the whole of the pyramid, thus opening the path through the Qitana Ravel.
  • Despite your success, Ran'jit has no intention of allowing you to leave. After making quick work of the Viis sisters, he comes barreling down the corridor toward you. His onslaught is cut short, however, when Y'shtola steps in the way to protect you with a barrier. The Eulmoran adjutant, finally taking notice of his general's struggles, rushes to help him when he steps on a curious panel on the floor. The room begins to tremble, and soon they find the floor falling out from under them, forcing them to a corner opposite the exit, a gaping chasm now preventing their escape.
  • All present expect a rescue party to arrive, though it remains to be seen if the Scions or Eulmorans will arrive first. Still, not wanting to risk an altercation, the adjutant makes a proposal: a number of the Blessed have been poisoned, and the adjutant is willing to provide you with an antidote, granted he and his commander are allowed safe passage out of the temple. General Ran'jit is disgusted by this proposition, choosing to rid himself of the adjutant and any hope of saving the Blessed by kicking him into the chasm along with the antidote. Without thinking, Y'shtola leaps into the void, grabs hold of the antidote, and tosses it to you before disappearing into the dark.
  • Her last words continue to ring in your ears as Minfilia, Thancred, and Urianger arrive. General Ran'jit has no time to react as he is summarily ensnared in an enchantment and sent down into the depths with a swift strike from Thancred's gunblade. A bittersweet victory, but victory nonetheless. With the antidote in hand, you take your leave of the pyramid with the Scions.
  • The group is still reeling from Y'shtola's sacrifice, yet with the Night's Blessed all but knocking on death's door, you have no choice but to press on. Before rushing headlong into more danger, however, Thancred suggests waiting for news from Uimet of the Eulmoran forces that entered Yx'Maja.


Y'shtola: Let us do what needs be done and quit this place. We've precious little time. 

Accepting the Quest

Almet: Before we enter, I would tell you of the trial that awaits you. 
Almet: The chamber is said to be filled with all manner of devices to keep trespassers away from the switch. 
Almet: The most potent being wards of displacement. They may very well force you into danger. 
Almet: Should we become separated, please use these. 
Almet: Whisperweeds. They will allow us to communicate no matter where we may find ourselves. 
Y'shtola: I think [Forename] and I can work out how to use these well enough. Thank you. 
Y'shtola: All right, [Forename]. The sooner we finish here, the sooner we can return to the others.
Almet: I will do all I can to assist you, but I cannot guarantee your safety once we enter.

Speaking with Y'shtola

Y'shtola: Shall we get this over with?

Solo Duty

Y'shtola: We must hurry. Before the Eulmoran soldiers gain any ground.
Almet: Wait! Do you see those sentinels? 
Almet: They are made to curse any who enter the pyramid. It is said to be seen by them is to be seen by death. 
Almet: Beware their gaze. 
Y'shtola: Let's get moving.
Uimet: Sister! Sister, can you hear me? Two soldiers have broken through our defenses! 
Almet: Follow them! They are not to reach this temple, understood?
Almet: A pair of soldiers somehow made it past my sisters. No doubt on their way here. 
Y'shtola: All the more reason we should hurry, then.
Almet: Another sentinel. Its movement is somehow different from before. 
Y'shtola: We must find a place to hide. 
Almet: Stay sharp.
Almet: They are massive... How are we to get around them? 
Y'shtola: I will draw their attention with a glamour. 
Y'shtola: It will not last long. The moment they are distracted we must run with all haste.
Almet: Impressive.
Y'shtola: A teleportation device? This should end well... 
Almet: There is no turning back.
Y'shtola: [Forename]? Almet? ...Can anyone hear me?
Almet: We have been sent to...<cough> <cough>...separate chambers. This mist... 
Y'shtola: Poison. And it has─<cough>─nullified my magick. 
Almet: These markings on the floor. <cough> <cough> I think they show the way out.
Almet: Somehow we are still in one piece... 
Y'shtola: That means little to the others if we do not hurry.
Y'shtola: What was that noise? 
Almet: By the gods...!
Almet: Run!!! 
Y'shtola: There! That crevice in the wall! 
Almet: We have to jump!
Almet: Well, there is no going back now. I pray it is not much further. 
Uimet: Sister! They have reached the temple! I fear they are too fast for us. 
Almet: Be careful of the traps inside. We are nearly there. 
Almet: It is unheard of for anyone to outpace the Viis. What is this man who comes after you? 
Y'shtola: Could it be Ran'jit? If so, we have precious little time.
Y'shtola: Another door. Wonderful... I can but imagine what awaits us inside.  
Ran'jit: There you are!
Almet: Impossible!
Ran'jit: My lord demands retribution!
Y'shtola: I fear this is going nowhere...
Almet: Uimet! Cymet! You know what to do!
Uimet: At once, sister!
Cymet: I have him!
Ran'jit: Pathetic!
Ran'jit: What in the─
Almet: We will hold him here. Quickly, make for the Heart of Toupasa.
Y'shtola: Quickly, the door!
Y'shtola: More sentinels? Go, [Forename]. I will draw their attention.
Y'shtola: Hurry!

(Optional (If seen and cursed)) 
Almet: Dammit! We must deal with them quickly, before the curse can take hold. 
Y'shtola: This curse was not as potent as I dared imagine. But I suggest we avoid another confrontation. Its effects no doubt grow with every invocation.


Y'shtola: It seems to be working!
Y'shtola: I think not!
Eulmoran Adjutant: General! Hold on! 
Eulmoran Adjutant: Hm? 
Y'shtola: Expertly done. 
Eulmoran Adjutant: How was I to know that that would happen!? It looked like any other part of the floor!
Eulmoran Adjutant: ...Might now be an opportune time to strike a bargain?
Eulmoran Adjutant: We poisoned a number of villagers in Slitherbough with a toxin brewed for us by the Children. 
Eulmoran Adjutant: This is the antidote. 
Eulmoran Adjutant: I daresay you know how potent their concoctions are─and the futility of trying to counteract their effects. 
Eulmoran Adjutant: Now, now. Try anything here and we're all likely to fall.  
Eulmoran Adjutant: Eventually, someone will come to our rescue. Or yours. Promise us safe passage and we'll give you the antidote! 
Eulmoran Adjutant: Do we have a deal? 
Ran'jit: We do not negotiate with the enemy. The villagers' lives are forfeit. As is yours... 
Eulmoran Adjutant: General?
Y'shtola: Do not fail.
Ran'jit: How noble. And pointless.
Minfilia: Is─is everyone all right? 
Minfilia: What in the─ 
Thancred: Urianger! 
Urianger: At once! 
Thancred: Down with you! 
Minfilia: Where...where is Y'shtola? 


Urianger: Oh, Y'shtola... Had we been but a few steps faster.
Minfilia: Why would she do such a thing?
Cymet: We should have tried harder to repel them.
Almet: I have failed you. Words fail to express my shame...

Speaking with Thancred

Thancred: Thankfully Ran'jit's cohorts had the good sense to fall back. 
Thancred: Uimet should be here soon with word from Fanow. 
Thancred: We should hold our position here until she arrives.