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Il Mheg, the Faerie Kingdom

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Il Mheg, the Faerie Kingdom

Il Mheg the Faerie Kingdom Image.png
Quest giver
Il Mheg (X:8.7, Y:35.4)
Quest line
Shadowbringers Main Scenario Quests
Experience 218,880
Gil 3,242
Previous quest
Main Scenario QuestThe Oracle of Light
Next quest
Main Scenario QuestSul Uin's Request
Main Scenario QuestYs Iala's Errand
Main Scenario QuestOul Sigun's Plea
Side QuestWhat's in a Name
Side QuestA Hairy Request
Side QuestFlowers of Fury
Feature QuestThe Forbidden Lran

Main Scenario Progress: 569 / 953 (59.7%)


Shadowbringers Progress: 28 / 157 (17.8%)


Thancred is trying to think his way out of the present predicament.

— In-game description





  • Thancred is trying to think his way out of the present predicament.
  • From what little he is able to make of the mischievous voices, Thancred believes that the pixies wish to play with you. He reasons that they may therefore allow you to find their village, Lydha Lran─if nowhere else. At his suggestion, the party continues along the path.
  • You soon arrive at the pixie settlement, but see no sign of its residents. Convinced this means their games have already begun, Thancred suggests that you search for a plant with a furled tip called a looking grass which should allow you to see them. Before you set about your task, you are warned not to respond to any voices that call to you, lest you fall prey to further mischief.
  • You succeed in finding the looking grass, but not wholly unscathed. You hurry back to Thancred that he might put an end to the pixies' games.
  • Thancred puts the looking grass to use, and moments later the pixies pop into being all around you. Unfortunately, they prove disinclined to let you continue on your way, and after a moment's discussion declare that you must lend them a helping hand. Heaving a heavy sigh, Thancred suggests splitting up to tend to the pixies' chores.


Quest Acceptance

Thancred: As it stands, we cannot hope to find the way to Urianger. For that, we must convince the pixies to lift the spell. From what I could make of the voices, the creatures want to play with us. If that is the case, they should permit us to find their village─Lydha Lran. Come. I have a sneaking suspicion this path will lead us directly into their midst. Oh, and I should mention that Minfilia has been informed of our situation. Of the different worlds and our mission. You may consider her an ally.

Speak with Thancred

Thancred: Well, here we are. Yet the pixies are nowhere to be seen. Knowing them, their games have already begun. In which case...
Thancred: Small─there is a variety of plant native to these parts with a distinctive furled tip. "Looking grass“ is its name─so called because it can be used to spy pixies, believe it or not. I'll...explain how I know all of this later, but first, I need you to help me find some. Oh─if a voice calls to you, under no circumstances should you respond. You will only subject yourself to further mischief.

Search for looking grass

You search the scrub, but find nothing resembling looking grass. Suddenly, a voice rings out...
Adorable Voice: Hee hee hee... Greetings, mortal! What is your name?
What will you say? ([Forename Surname]. / ...) -> Forename Surname. 
Adorable Voice: Small Potatoes, Potatoes Small! A wonderful name! Pretty like morning dew and funny like caterpillars! I shall slice it and splice it and make it mine! All mine! And when your name is mine, so are you! Hee hee hee...
Your body begins to feel heavy...
You search the scrub, but find nothing resembling looking grass. Suddenly, a voice rings out...
Kindly Voice: What is it that you seek, child? Perhaps I can help you find it.
What will you say? Looking grass. / ... -> Looking grass.
Kindly Voice: Ah yes, I know the plant. And being the kindly pixie that I am, I shall take you to it. Just close your eyes and focus on my voice. Set your mind adrift, and together we shall go to the ends of the realm.
Searching the scrub, you find what appears to be looking grass. Suddenly, a voice rings out...
Playful Voice: Ooh, a visitor! Where are you from, pray tell? 
What will you say? The Crystarium. / ... -> The Crystarium.
Playful Voice: What is that? Where is that? When is that? In your dreams, perhaps? Forget all about that place, for Il Mheg is your home now. Today and tomorrow and forevermore...

Deliver the looking grass to Thancred

Thancred: I take it you met with some trouble. Apologies for subjecting you to that. Can I assume from your presence that you managed to find us some looking grass?
Thancred: Yes, this is the stuff. Thus armed, we should be able to see through the pixies' veil of invisibility. And seeing them is the first step to dealing with them. Come, let's gather everyone and put Urianger's little trick to good use. (Thancred holds the grass up to his eyes and looks through it
Thancred: [I've found you. The game is over.]
Sul Uin: Nooo, we are found! How did this mortal know our trick!?
Ys Iala: Wait, I recognize their souls! These two have been here before!
Oul Sigun: Look, look─twins! How adorable!
Thancred: We have neither the time nor inclination to play. We have come to see Urianger.
Sul Uin: Ohhh yes, Urianger! The peculiar one! In return for a place in Il Mheg, he agreed to a riddle contest with us! For seven days and seven nights! Without any sleep! Ahahahahahaha!
Oul Sigun: Ah, that was so much fun! We must do it again!
Thancred: I'm sure he'd be delighted. Now, if you'd be so kind as to lift your spell...
Alisaie: What now?
Thancred: I don't know. But this is their home, so we must indulge them.
Sul Uin: Right, we've made up our minds! We will lift our spell on one condition: that you first lend us a helping hand! Or two. Or three! Once you've helped solve all of our troubles, we'll let you see Urianger. Pixie's honor!
Thancred: Well, there you have it. Pixie chores. I suggest we split up.