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Far from Home

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Far from Home

Spineless Wadjets.png
Quest giver
The Churning Mists (X:10.0, Y:29.2)
Quest line
Moogle Unlock Quests
Required quest
Main Scenario QuestHeart of Ice
Experience 12,480
Gil 605
Previous quest
Side QuestSpineless Wadjets
Next quest
Side QuestA Nutty Initiation

Mogleo has found the next lucky recipient of his kindness.

— In-game description


Choose one of the following options:



  • Mogleo has found the next lucky recipient of his kindness.
  • The thoroughness of Mogleo's search for those in need surprises you once again, for he has somehow found another distressed moogle quite far from any established settlement. Mogleo looks eager to help, and it falls once again upon you to strike up conversation and find out what troubles this particular moogle.
  • The poor moogle at Zenith has perhaps the most heartbreaking story yet. It seems that dragons have overrun the flower bed he had been so dutifully caring over, and drove him away when he attempted to impart onto them the flowers' importance. Now, the moogle is trapped at Zenith with no way to return to Asah because the road is blocked by the selfsame dragons that invaded his flower bed. Mogleo, seeing an opportunity to help yet another desperate moogle, volunteers his protection while the heartbroken moogle makes his way home. Speak with Mogleo again, who wants to discuss the battle strategy of this next adventure with you.
  • Mogleo seems determined to take on this task alone, but also states that in the case of an actual dragon attack, your assistance would be more than welcome. Follow Mogleo and the troubled moogle as they make their way to Asah so that you may see Mogleo's courageous display of moogle strength.
  • Much to the surprise of no one at all, you find Mogleo and his charge cowering in fear before an enraged dragon. Save the moogles before they become the dragon's next meal.
  • Mogleo and the worried moogle are grateful for your rescue, and promptly continue down the road to Asah. Follow them to make sure they do not fall prey to any more of the Churning Mists' hungry dragons.
  • Once again, you arrive to find the two moogles in a difficult situation involving dragons. Intervene before their journey to Asah is cut prematurely short.
  • After you rescue the two frightened moogles, Mogleo claims that he was close to felling the dragon himself before continuing on the path towards Asah. Whether or not his boasting is true, follow the moogles to guarantee their safe arrival.
  • The two moogles have arrived safely at Asah, but Mogleo is ashamed that he was not able to dispatch the dragons himself. However, with the encouragement of the moogle he guided to Asah, he resolves to continue helping moogles until he finds the courage to overcome his fear himself.


Accepting the Quest

Mogleo: Look, adventurer, it's another moogle that needs our help. I wonder where his troubles will lead us, kupo.
Mogleo: This moogle looks absolutely agitated, kupo But...we won't be able to offer our aid until we find out what's wrong with him. Go ahead, adventurer, ask away!

Speaking with the unmoogled moogle

Unmoogled Moogle: This won't do...this won't do at all, kupo... Oh, whatever shall I do...
Mogleo: What's wrong, kupo? What won't do?
Unmoogled Moogle: Well... I came here from Asah because the flowers here bloom so lovely, and every day I've watered them without fail. But then those discourteous dragons came in and started stamping all over them, kupo!
Unmoogled Moogle: I could only stand their lack of manners for so long, until one day I gave them a stern lecture in hopes they would change their ways. But, dragons being dragons, they roared and gnashed their teeth and chased me from my beloved flower bed!
Unmoogled Moogle: I've no choice now but to go back to Asah, but the dragons are stalking the road home... All I wanted to do was take care of the flowers, and now I'm trapped here, kupo!
Mogleo: Hmmm, that's quite the quandary... Ah hah! All I have to do is protect you on the way home, kupo! Those dragons won't dare come near my mighty blade. 
Mogleo: Adventurer, come close. We must form our battle strategy, kupo!
Unmoogled Moogle: I just wanted to water flowers, kupo...

Speaking with Mogleo

Mogleo: Adventurer, I know you've helped me in the past, but I must ask you to let me take care of this task myself.
Mogleo: To be a member of the Pomguard not only requires a generous heart, but a strong arm as well. I shall guide this moogle safely home by virtue of my own blade, kupo!
Mogleo: But...there are lots of dragons on the road to Asah, and if one were to happen to attack, you have my permission to come to our rescue! A moogle's no good to anyone if they become dragon fodder!
Mogleo: Now that our strategy has been carefully thought through, it's time to set out. Follow close behind, adventurer, so that you may bask in the courage of mooglekind!
Unmoogled Moogle: A d-dragon! Shoo, kupo!

Rescuing Mogleo

Mogleo: The dragon almost cornered us, kupo... But thanks to you, we've not suffered a scratch! Let's continue on our way to Asah!
Unmoogled Moogle: Another dragon! Go away, kupo!

Rescuing Mogleo (2)

Mogleo: I almost had him that time! Just a couple more swings of my sword and the dragon would've fallen before me. Only a little bit further to Asah. Come, adventurer!
Unmoogled Moogle: Finally I've returned to Asah. Thank you, kupo!

Speaking with Mogleo

Mogleo: Despite some hardships, we've finally completed our journey. But...adventurer, I am ashamed I wasn't strong enough to protect this moogle on my own. When the dragons let out their terrifying roar, I couldn't do anything but cower in fear, kupo...
Unmoogled Moogle: Fret not, Mogleo! If not for you by my side, I would've never been able to return to Asah. Your courage was truly inspiring, kupo!
Mogleo: I...thank you for the encouragement, but the Pomguard would never take a moogle like me. The only course of action is to...help more moogles, kupo! 
Mogleo: My courage shall not falter again! Now, I'm off to find another pom-pom in need of aid!
Unmoogled Moogle: It's great to be back in Asah, but I miss my flowers, kupo...