Heavensward content

Duskwight Lancer

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Impossible! M-My courage is...absolute...

— In-game description

Duskwight Lancer is an Ashkin in Palace of the Dead (Floors 41-50).


Zone Coordinates Level range
Palace of the Dead (Floor 41) Unknown 60
Palace of the Dead (Floor 42) Unknown 60
Palace of the Dead (Floor 43) Unknown 60
Palace of the Dead (Floor 44) Unknown 60
Palace of the Dead (Floor 45) Unknown 60
Palace of the Dead (Floor 46) Unknown 60
Palace of the Dead (Floor 47) Unknown 60
Palace of the Dead (Floor 48) Unknown 60
Palace of the Dead (Floor 49) Unknown 60


This ashkin is the reanimated corpse of Foulques of the Mist, once a member of the Lancers' Guild and with a serious chip on his shoulder towards it, as he believed most or all of their number to be cowards. One day he attacked a handful of lancers in-training prompting Guildmaster Ywain to send his newest recruit, the soon-to-be Warrior of Light, after the man. At Alder Springs, Foulques challenges the adventurer to a duel, boastful of his courage. In the end however, his own cowardice proved to be his undoing: Backing off towards the cliff-side before slipping and falling to his death.

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