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Diabolos Hollow

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Diabolos Hollow

By absorbing the power of Scathach, Diabolos’s own might was enhanced by an order of magnitude. Encased in armor of hardened shadow, and commanding ruinous new magicks, the master of nightmare boasted a strength to rival the greatest entities of the voidsent hierarchy.

Diabolos Hollow Card description

Diabolos Hollow is a boss in Dun Scaith.


Name Type Item Level Rarity Quantity
Diabolic helm of fending icon1.png  Diabolic Helm of Fending Head 260 CBlue 1
Diabolic circlet of maiming icon1.png  Diabolic Circlet of Maiming Head 260 CBlue 1
Diabolic turban of striking icon1.png  Diabolic Turban of Striking Head 260 CBlue 1
Diabolic turban of scouting icon1.png  Diabolic Turban of Scouting Head 260 CBlue 1
Diabolic hat of aiming icon1.png  Diabolic Hat of Aiming Head 260 CBlue 1
Diabolic hat of casting icon1.png  Diabolic Hat of Casting Head 260 CBlue 1
Diabolic hat of healing icon1.png  Diabolic Hat of Healing Head 260 CBlue 1
Diabolic mail of fending icon1.png  Diabolic Mail of Fending Body 260 CBlue 1
Diabolic mail of maiming icon1.png  Diabolic Mail of Maiming Body 260 CBlue 1
Diabolic dolman of striking icon1.png  Diabolic Dolman of Striking Body 260 CBlue 1
Diabolic dolman of scouting icon1.png  Diabolic Dolman of Scouting Body 260 CBlue 1
Diabolic coat of aiming icon1.png  Diabolic Coat of Aiming Body 260 CBlue 1
Diabolic coat of casting icon1.png  Diabolic Coat of Casting Body 260 CBlue 1
Diabolic coat of healing icon1.png  Diabolic Coat of Healing Body 260 CBlue 1
Diabolic gauntlets of fending icon1.png  Diabolic Gauntlets of Fending Hands 260 CBlue 1
Diabolic gauntlets of maiming icon1.png  Diabolic Gauntlets of Maiming Hands 260 CBlue 1
Diabolic gloves of striking icon1.png  Diabolic Gloves of Striking Hands 260 CBlue 1
Diabolic gloves of scouting icon1.png  Diabolic Gloves of Scouting Hands 260 CBlue 1
Diabolic halfgloves of aiming icon1.png  Diabolic Halfgloves of Aiming Hands 260 CBlue 1
Diabolic halfgloves of casting icon1.png  Diabolic Halfgloves of Casting Hands 260 CBlue 1
Diabolic dress gloves of healing icon1.png  Diabolic Dress Gloves of Healing Hands 260 CBlue 1
Diabolic bottoms of fending icon1.png  Diabolic Bottoms of Fending Legs 260 CBlue 1
Diabolic bottoms of maiming icon1.png  Diabolic Bottoms of Maiming Legs 260 CBlue 1
Diabolic bottoms of striking icon1.png  Diabolic Bottoms of Striking Legs 260 CBlue 1
Diabolic bottoms of scouting icon1.png  Diabolic Bottoms of Scouting Legs 260 CBlue 1
Diabolic bottoms of aiming icon1.png  Diabolic Bottoms of Aiming Legs 260 CBlue 1
Diabolic bottoms of casting icon1.png  Diabolic Bottoms of Casting Legs 260 CBlue 1
Diabolic trousers of healing icon1.png  Diabolic Trousers of Healing Legs 260 CBlue 1


Zone Coordinates Level range
Dun Scaith Unknown 60


Quest Type Level Quest Giver
Where Shadows Reign Feature quest 60 Stacia


Having absorbed Scathach's essence—the culmination of a scheme spanning eras—Diabolos arose as an even mightier being. His flesh underwent a dramatic transformation, and he inherited the ability to manipulate shadows.

— Encyclopaedia Eorzea Volume III, p. 197