Butcher Basilisk

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Butcher Basilisk is a Scalekin in Northern Thanalan.


  • Body Slam - Leap into the air and slam down, dealing blunt damage to targets within area of effect.
  • Cold Gaze - Paralyze a foe with a dark gaze.
  • Stone Gaze - Deliver a glare that turns foes in a frontal cone to stone.


Name Type Item Level Rarity Quantity
Basilisk egg icon1.png  Basilisk Egg Material N/A ABasic 1


Zone Coordinates Level range
Northern Thanalan Unknown 38–42


Quest Type Level Quest Giver
Necrologos: Pale Oblation Levequest quest 40 Rurubana
Someone's in the Doghouse Levequest quest 40 Rurubana