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Wistful Whitebeard

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Wistful Whitebeard

Wistful Whitebeard.png

Male ♂
Hyur (Midlander)
Western Thanalan (12.0,14.0)
Quest NPC
Part of
New Game Plus

Ah! Nothin' like starin' out at the sea to bring an old man back to his glory days. Aye, the good ol' times when his whole life still lay ahead of him, and the greatest adventures were yet to be...

— In-game description

Wistful Whitebeard is a Hyur in Western Thanalan.

Quests Started

Quest Type Level Quest Giver

Quests Involved In

Quest Type Level Quest Giver

Additional Information

Speak to this NPC after completing Main Scenario QuestThe Ultimate Weapon to unlock New Game Plus


Wistful Whitebeard: Ah! Nothin' like starin' out at the sea to bring an old man back to his glory days. Aye, the good ol' times when his whole life still lay ahead of him, and the greatest adventures were yet to be...
Wistful Whitebeard: ...Gah! Don't ye know better than to sneak up on your elders like that, young'un? Are ye tryin' to send me to an early grave? Well, not early, as such...
Wistful Whitebeard: But don't tell me...aye, I can see it just from the look o' you. You're an adventurer, an' an accomplished one at that, yes? Aye, ye may not be the greybeard I am, but I reckon you've a memory or two you'd be keen on rememberin'.
Wistful Whitebeard: So what say ye join me for a while before ye return to the road? After all, sometimes reflectin' on the past can be just what you need to discover the path ye'd forge into the future.