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Why We Hunt

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Why We Hunt

Quest giver
Bol Ogaw
Tuliyollal (X:13.9, Y:13.7)
Required quest
Main Scenario QuestThe Leap to Yak T'el
Feature QuestA New Dawn, a New Hunt
Experience 393,120
Gil 613
Previous quest
Feature QuestA New Dawn, a New Hunt
Next quest
Feature QuestHunting the Hunter

Bol Ogaw, master of the Dawn Hunt, wants to introduce you to a certain someone.

— In-game description




Intermediate Dawn Hunt Bills can be done daily, and reward Gil 1,000 Gil, Sack of Nuts 4 Sack of Nuts, and between Experience 447,552 and Experience 495,936 Experience Points.



Bol Ogaw, master of the Dawn Hunt, wants to introduce you to a certain someone.


Accepting the Quest

Bol Ogaw: Ah, [Forename]. The Wing of Protection has been keeping a beady eye on you. Say you've been making yourself useful. That your adventures have taken you to nigh on every corner of Tural.
Bol Ogaw: Including Yak T'el, I hear. The land of my people. I know how dangerous those woods can be─not only from the tales of my ancestors, but from the bills on the board, too. Think you're ready to take on a bigger challenge?
Bol Ogaw: That's the spirit! Alright, then, let me tell you what these intermediate marks are all about.
Bol Ogaw: Beginner-level marks can be taken down by any hunter or mercenary, but these ones call for a mite more preparation. I'm not just talking physically, but mentally, too.
Bol Ogaw: If you're going to risk your life going after these beasts, it's important to know what you're risking it for.
Bol Ogaw: Which is why I tell everyone who thinks they're ready to move on from beginner bills to talk to Ty'at Qat first. She's a master huntress and mentor to would-be vipers.
Bol Ogaw: You'll find her down in the Gornitruq Gleamsands. Look for the Xbr'aal with the cobalt fur and ask her to tell you our history.
Bol Ogaw: There's hardly a viper in Tural today who didn't learn the secrets of the hunt from Ty'at Qat─and you should too. Go down to the Gleamsands and look for the Xbr'aal with cobalt fur. She'll show you the ropes.

Speaking to Ty'at Qat

Ty'at Qat: You have business with me, outlander?
Ty'at Qat: ...Bol Ogaw sent you, eh? More meat for the marks.
Ty'at Qat: Though you look to have a little more about you than most.
Ty'at Qat: Well, if you're dead set on devoting yourself to the Dawn Hunt, I should let you know a little bit more about it. Where to begin...?
Ty'at Qat: You might say “at the beginning,” but it's hard to put a pin in exactly when that was. Even before Koana brought the system of marks and bills over from Eorzea, our people were hunters.
Ty'at Qat: Not just for food, but for safety─hunting down those ill-made monstrosities whose very existence was inimical to our own.
Ty'at Qat: It was for that very purpose that the vipers came to be. The finest hunters in Tural banded together to hone their skills and their blades, and devoted their lives to stalking and slaying the fiends.
Ty'at Qat: At first, we were no more than a fellowship of like-minded folk─folk who'd take it upon themselves to deal with any danger they caught wind of. It was only after Gulool Ja Ja united Tural under the Dawnservant's crown that our role as protectors of the realm was made official.
Ty'at Qat: Commissions started pouring in from Yyasulani to Yak T'el, but we didn't have the numbers to answer them all. That's when Koana proposed we bring in the system he'd seen in Eorzea─calling on adventurers and mercenaries to handle those threats we couldn't.
Ty'at Qat: If there's a point to this little history lesson, it's this: many folk join the hunt seeking adventure, or glory, or fortune. But from the very beginning, whenever that was, it's been about one thing and one thing only─protecting those who can't protect themselves. Don't forget that.
Ty'at Qat: And one more request that I make of every viper to train under me:
Ty'at Qat: Don't get yourself killed. We hunt to save lives, not to throw them away for no good reason.
Ty'at Qat: I reckon that's enough moralizing from me for one day. It's about time I headed back to Yak T'el. Come and drop by if you're ever in the area.

Completing the Quest

Bol Ogaw: Back already, are you? Did Ty'at Qat tell you everything you needed to know?
Bol Ogaw: Good to hear. We don't hunt to kill, we hunt to live. Remember that, and you'll be fine.
Bol Ogaw: Speaking of, I took the opportunity to update the ledger. You're approved to take on intermediate marks now. Good hunting, and good luck.
System: Intermediate Dawn Hunt mark bills are now available.
System: You are now able to undertake intermediate Dawn Hunt mark bills from the Dawn Hunt board in Tuliyollal.
System: New quests and advanced Dawn Hunt mark bills will become available from Bol Ogaw upon reaching level 99.