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White Knight

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Soon after learning of the Goldsmiths' Guild's advancements in automaton creation, the Holy See discreetly obtained several of the machina and bid the city-state's finest minds unlock the secrets of the metal men. While engineers employed by Skysteel Manufacturers had limited success in replicating the automaton's frame and inner workings, they were unable to power the creations, at which point church theomancers were called upon to apply the magicks of vivification.

Encyclopædia Eorzea vol 1, page 295

White Knight is a Soulkin in The Vault.


Name Type Item Level Rarity Quantity
White Knight's Tour.png  White Knight's Tour N/A 1


Zone Coordinates Level range
The Vault Unknown 57


Quest Type Level Quest Giver
A Knight's Calling Main Scenario quest 57 Hilda