What Does Not Break Us, Devours Us (L)
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What Does Not Break Us, Devours Us (L)
“My colleagues and I have heard that a fish of unsurpassed ferocity can be found in Azys Lla. The bullwhip, it is called, and but one of the creature is said to be as deadly as a whole school of pipira pira. We believe that this fish will be of great help to us as we do the Fury's work, and blessings be upon he who furnishes us with them.
— In-game description
Possible Rewards
- 40% chance of 1 Venture
- 15% chance of 6 Goblin Jig
- 15% chance of 6 Fiend Worm
Additional Information
What Does Not Break Us, Devours Us (L) is a level 58 Fieldcraft Leve Guildleve in Foundation. Players can start the levequest by talking to Eloin in Foundation (x10,y10).
Tips and Tricks
- (L) Leves repeat twice as often as regular ones, for a grand total of six turn-ins.