Shadowbringers content

Recruitment Notice

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Recruitment Notice

“Workers Sought for the Firmament Reconstruction Project.”
“Let it be known that large-scale reconstruction works aimed at revitalizing the Holy See of Ishgard have been approved by the Houses of Lords and Commons.
“Selected as the principal site for the project is the Firmament district, which sustained extensive damage during the war.
“Willing and able hands are now sought to contribute to the reconstruction effort, regardless of birth and origin.
“From those skilled in gathering from the land to those adept at creating with their hands, the project's needs are great and diverse.
“Contributions will not go unrewarded. Interested parties are invited to present themselves in the Firmament.”

— In-game description

Recruitment Notice is a Non-Humanoid in Foundation.

Recruitment notice location.png

Quests Started

Quest Type Level Quest Giver
Towards the Firmament Feature quest 60 Recruitment Notice

Quests Involved In

Quest Type Level Quest Giver

Additional Information

System: According to the note at the bottom of the notice, a man named Thomelin in the Brume will show you to the district.