OIC Officer of Arms (Maelstrom)

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OIC Officer of Arms

I am an OIC officer of arms affiliated with the Maelstrom.

— In-game description

OIC Officer of Arms is a Hyur in Limsa Lominsa Upper Decks.


If affiliated with a different Grand Company

OIC Officer of Arms: Your free company does not appear to be on our register. If you wish to change your company's crest, I am afraid I cannot be of service.

Learn of company crests

OIC Officer of Arms: A crest is the mark of your company. It defines you and your companions. It sets you apart from all the other orders, confederations, brotherhoods, and syndicates.
OIC Officer of Arms: Not only can you design your very own crest, but you can have it painted across all your equipment, so your foes will know who it is who smote them.
System: To design and apply a company crest, your company will first have to have earned the right to do so.
System: You will also have to be the master of your free company, or be given the proper authority to edit company crests.