Mail It In
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Mail It In
“The haori is the way of the Sekiseigumi, but it is not the only way. Render us a sturdy suit of Eorzean mail for sparring, so that we might know the enemy from without.
— In-game description
Possible Rewards
- 23% chance of 60 Ice Crystal
- 23% chance of 60 Earth Crystal
- 23% chance of 2 High Steel Nugget
- 10% chance of 75 Ice Crystal
- 10% chance of 75 Earth Crystal
- 10% chance of 2 High Steel Ingot
- Deliver a suit of high steel scale mail of fending to Chantine. 0/1
Additional Information
Mail It In is a level 60 Tradecraft Leve Guildleve in Kugane. Players can start the levequest by talking to Keltraeng in Kugane (x11.6,y9.6).
Tips and Tricks
- Turning in an High Quality
High Steel Scale Mail of Fending will increase the rewards by 100% giving double amount of
EXP and