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Lord Vauthry

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Lord Vauthry

Lord Vauthry concept.jpg

Male ♂
Sin Eater
Mayor of Eulmore (former)
The Crown of the Immaculate
Voiced by (JP)
Yasuhiro Mamiya
Voiced by (EN)
Edward Dogliani
Voiced by (FR)
Philippe Pasquini
Voiced by (DE)
Tino Kießling

Lord Vauthry is a Sin Eater in Eulmore.

Lord Vauthry.jpg

Quests Started

Quest Type Level Quest Giver

Quests Involved In

Quest Type Level Quest Giver
Extinguishing the Last Light Main Scenario quest 79 Chai-Nuzz


Zone Coordinates Level range
Eulmore Unknown
The Crown of the Immaculate Unknown 79


"I am the zenith of mankind and sin eater both, chosen to rule over creation by right of transcendence!"

Occupying Eulmore's seat of power until the age of twenty-nine, the city's former mayor was raised from birth as the king to rule over all. Never disciplined, his every desire answered, Vauthry would meet the slightest divergence from his will with explosive rage. He spent his days in idle luxury, and sought to assuage his boredom by indulging in ever more cruel amusements. A particular favorite was subjecting unknowing souls to "ascension," wherein he would savor his victims' excruciating transformation into sin eaters. It mattered not that they learned Eulmore's rotten truth in that moment, for in becoming an eater they were inextricably bound under Vauthry's control. Thus did many a citizen vanish from the city, and his despotic reign continue unchallenged for nigh on two full decades.

— Encyclopaedia Eorzea Volume III, p. 107

Additional Information

See also: Innocence