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Life after Doma

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Life after Doma

Quest giver
Yanxia (X:32.0, Y:18.3)
Quest line
Stormblood Main Scenario Quests
Experience 104,000
Gil 847
Previous quest
Main Scenario QuestA Silence in Three Parts
Next quest
Main Scenario QuestA Glimpse of Madness

Main Scenario Progress: 435 / 968 (44.9%)


Stormblood Progress: 56 / 162 (34.6%)


Gosetsu is demonstrating uncharacteristic restraint.

— In-game description


Choose one of the following options:



  • Gosetsu is demonstrating uncharacteristic restraint.


Accepting the Quest

Gosetsu: Let no man claim that I am reckless. Prudence has ever been my watchword! 
[Forename]─venture closer, if you would, and confirm that there are no soldiers lurking about.
Gosetsu: Forgive me, my friend, but unlike Yugiri, I am not made for the shadows.

Surveying Namai from a safe distance (Cutscene)

Alisaie: We may be in luck. I don't see a single imperial soldier. 
Gosetsu: Then there is no need to remain hidden. Let us go and greet them as friends. 
Lyse: I'm going too! 
Gosetsu: Good people of Namai, hearken to me! We come in peace and desire only information—to learn of recent events! 
Namai Farmwife: Isn't that the general? 
Namai Farmhand: Lord Gosetsu!? Kami preserve, you're right! He lives! 
Gosetsu: I say, brothers and sisters, is aught amiss? Why do you regard me as one would a wild beast? Why is there fear in your eyes? Why do you tremble so? 
Gosetsu: Ahh, but of course! You fear me a vengeful spirit of the dead. Rest assured, naught could be further from the truth. For am I not corporeal? Are my feet not firmly set upon the ground? Hah hah! 
Namai Farmwife: What should we do? If they catch him here, you know what will happen... 
Namai Farmhand: Of all the times for him to turn up—Has the old fool lost his mind? 
Flustered Youth: You! But...Why have you come here? What do you want from us? 
Gosetsu: I know not who you are to speak thus to your elders, boy, but mine only desire is to be received with the hospitality owed a humble traveler—not the fear and trepidation one might afford a wrathful shade! 
Flustered Youth: What? What are you going on about? Actually, never mind.  
Just come with me—now!


Gosetsu: I do not understand it! Was it not clear that we wished to remain awhile?
Alisaie: Judging from the reactions of the villagers, it's probably for the best that we left.
Lyse: Who is this boy, and where is he taking us?

Speaking with the Namai Youth (Cutscene)

Namai Youth: I don't know who you people think you are, but do you have any idea what would happen to us if you were found in our village!? 
Gosetsu: Again you address us with unwarranted spite! I have let your impropriety pass again until now, but no longer! 
Gosetsu: Who are you, boy, to speak to me thus? Know you not who I am?
Isse: I am Isse of Namai—a farmer, like my father before me, and his father before him. I wouldn't expect a man like you to know who I am—but I know you. We all do! 
Isse: Lord Kaien's retainer and leader of the rebellion—Gosetsu! Notorious fugitive, wanted dead or alive by the Empire! 
Gosetsu: Hah hah hah hah hah! Is that what this is all about? 
Gosetsu: I am hardly the first man to earn the ire of the empire. Nor will I be the last. 
Gosetsu: Was not Namai home to brave and true warriors, who fought beneath our banners for king and country? 
Isse: They fought, and they died. Every last one. And then the imperials came looking for more. Because of them. 
Isse: They were this close to killing us all—to burning our village to the ground. We've only just begun to enjoy some semblance of peace... 
Isse: Never again—never again, do you understand?! We've had enough of you and yours! Whatever it is you're plotting, leave us out of it! 
Gosetsu: ...Hmm. Impassioned as his pleas may be, surely he must know that I cannot leave things as they are. 
Gosetsu: But for now, I shall respect his wishes. We must continue on towards our final destination—the House of the Fierce. Proud headquarters of the Doman Liberation Front. 
Gosetsu: There is a secret entrance to the north of Namai, by way of a small spring. Come—I will show you!


Lyse: This must be the spring!
Alisaie: And there I was thinking our swimming days were behind us.
Fukata: Abandoning my post? I'll have you know I'm more than capable of keeping watch and fishing at the same time!

Following Gosetsu

Gosetsu: This way, this way! We must dive into the water! 
Gosetsu: Have no fear, [Forename]! It is but a short distance. You need not hold your breath for long! 


Alisaie: And there I was thinking our swimming days were behind us.
Liberation Front Guard: Kami be praised! I know you!

Following Gosetsu

Gosetsu: <pant> <pant> Hah hah hah! How invigorating! 
Gosetsu: Congratulations, my friends! You are come to the House of the Fierce!