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Male ♂
Hyur (Midlander)
Local Guide, Wood Wailers
South Shroud (17,30)

You are come to Camp Tranquil. Is there aught you wish to know?

— In-game description

Farrimond is a Hyur in South Shroud.


What do you do here?

Farrimond: As a Wood Wailer, I have charge over the security of the camp and the surrounding area.
Farrimond: Ever since the Calamity, we have taken on the added responsibility of maintaining the hanging bridges that span the breadth of Rootslake.
Farrimond: It may seem like drudgery, but I would sooner replace a few planks than haul out every single overladen carriage that becomes stuck in one of the muddy pools below.

What kind of place is this?

Farrimond: This camp is an important waypoint along the lifeline of trade between Gridania and Ul'dah. Follow the southern bridge, and you will find yourself in the barrens of Thanalan.
Farrimond: Rootslake below used to be an honest-to-gods lake, but the Calamity drained away most of the water. We were left with a sultry mire teeming with wildlife never before seen in the Twelveswood.
Farrimond: Oh, and do have a care when crossing the hanging bridges. Incidents are on the rise wherein travelers are taken by an inexplicable jumping fit and suffer a bad fall. And they oft regret stumbling into what they find upon landing...