A Dragon's Resolve
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A Dragon's Resolve
- Quest giver
- Varshahn
- Location
- Lapis Manalis
- Quest line
- Post-Endwalker Main Scenario Quests
- Level
- 90
- Required items
- 1 Leakproof Container
1 Ceruleum-filled Tank - Experience
- Gil
- Previous quest
King of the Mountain
- Next quest
Paths Barred
- Patch
- 6.3
- Links
- GT
Main Scenario Progress: 831 / 968 (85.8%)
Endwalker Progress: 133 / 155 (85.8%)
“Varshahn stares at the floor despondently.
— In-game description
- Choose one of the following options:
- 1 Lunar Envoy's Gear of Aiming Coffer (IL 630)
- 1 Lunar Envoy's Gear of Scouting Coffer (IL 630)
- 1 Lunar Envoy's Gear of Healing Coffer (IL 630)
- 1 Lunar Envoy's Gear of Casting Coffer (IL 630)
- Unlocks
- Speak with Alphinaud.
- Search for a leakproof container.
- Fill the leakproof container with ceruleum at the ceruleum spring.
- Deliver the ceruleum-filled tank to the designated location.
- Wait at the designated location.
- Speak with Alphinaud.
- Varshahn stares at the floor despondently.
The Leakproof Container needed is the Sturdy Barrel located at: (X:12.0, Y:10.9).
(Optional, if Lapis Manalis (Zone) left during the quest) Spirited Engineer: Looking to head back to Lapis Manalis? Just say the word.
Accepting the Quest
Varshahn: Oh, Azdaja... What has become of you, that even your eye should be so spent of aether... Varshahn: I cannot bear the thought of her being held captive a moment longer, but how will I find her? What must I do?
Estinien: Calm yourself, Vrtra. Estinien: I appreciate that you are upset, but such passion clouds your judgment. You must endeavor to remain composed. Estinien: When your mind is clear, we may consider how to proceed with our search.
Varshahn: <sigh> You are right...
Estinien: In the meantime, I will help Alphinaud and Alisaie back at the village.
Y'shtola: That sounds like a fine idea. We should go as well.
(Optional) Alisaie: Oh, you've come too.
(Optional) Estinien: Leave Vrtra be. He needs time alone with his thoughts.
(Optional) Y'shtola: Let us take comfort in the knowledge that the voidgate is closed, and that the people of Garlemald need fear the voidsent hordes no longer.
(Optional) Zero: We're to help Alphinaud and Alisaie, are we? There's little else of interest here, so I wouldn't be opposed to the diversion.
(Optional) Varshahn: Pray give me a moment longer.
Alphinaud: I don't see Vrtra with you. Is everything all right?
Estinien: He needs a moment to himself. While he is indisposed, we thought we'd lend you a hand.
Alisaie: I've just finished patrolling the area, so we're fine on that front. Alisaie: There are no signs of voidsent, and I doubt we'll see any more now that the gate has been closed. Alisaie: As for Alphinaud, he's set his sights on the ceruleum spring. We're hoping to take as much of the stuff as the snowcraft can bear. Alisaie: That much fuel would keep the people warm for a good while.
Alphinaud: We've managed to procure a few suitable containers for transporting the ceruleum, and were about to return to the spring.
Estinien: If you've a mind to scrounge up more containers, I can take what you have now and get them filled.
Alphinaud: Thank you, Estinien. The more we can load into the snowcraft, the better.
Alisaie: Would you and Y'shtola mind helping us with our search, then? Alisaie: You'll need to take any suitable containers to the spring, and then back to the snowcraft once you've filled them with ceruleum.
Searching for a Suitable Container
(Optional) Alphinaud: Any luck finding a container?
(Optional) Alisaie: Hmmm, will this be solid enough?
(Optional) Y'shtola: It is a welcome change to have Zero helping of her own volition. Perhaps she is finally beginning to trust us.
System: This is less a container and more a sieve, given its poor condition and visible holes...
System: The container appears to be well suited for repurposing. It would be a fine choice for ceruleum storage.
Filling the Container with Ceruleum
(Optional) Zero: We just need to carry this liquid fire to the snowcraft? Sounds simple enough.
System: The container is now filled to the brim with ceruleum.
Zero: If that one has been filled, you should hurry and take it to the snowcraft. Zero: Estinien has already seen to the rest. Zero: Go on ahead. The others asked that I remain here in the event they find more.
(Optional) Estinien: Good work, my friend. I expect we'll have a sizable load to deliver.
System: The snowcraft is all but overflowing with ceruleum containers. However, several of your comrades have yet to arrive. Perhaps a nearby vantage point will afford you a more favorable view of their return.
Reconvening with the Group
Alisaie: Is Vrtra not back yet?
Varshahn: My apologies for the delay.
Estinien: Are you all right?
Varshahn: I am. As distressing as this turn of events was, the eye itself gives me cause to hope. Varshahn: While it is no longer possessed of Azdaja's will, it may yet lead us to her. Varshahn: Were it not for your encouragement, I would never have dared to embark on my search, much less come this far. Varshahn: I will not lose faith. I will find my sister, wheresoever she may be.
Estinien: We'll return the eye to her together.
Y'shtola: Though tainted, the eye has not fully succumbed to Darkness. Azdaja herself may have been able to resist its influence.
Alisaie: Well, as much as we'd love to take part in your next foray, we can't abandon our efforts here.
Alphinaud: Indeed. We'll need to keep a close watch in case the voidgate opens again as well. Alphinaud: Though should it prove safe to do so, I have some ideas for how we might put this village to use.
Estinien: Do what you must. We will manage.
Y'shtola: To free Azdaja, I expect we will have to deal with Golbez once and for all─after which you may undertake your work without worry.
Alphinaud: We look forward to the glad tidings.
Alisaie: You'll take good care of everyone, won't you?
Zero: What? Why do you ask me this?
Alisaie: Because comrades look out for one another, and I can't think of anyone more qualified to keep them safe.
Zero: True. I will do no less than I've promised.
Alphinaud: If our respective plans are settled, then let us head back.
(Optional) Alisaie: It was good seeing you again. I hope you'll remember to call on us sooner the next time you need help.
(Optional) Estinien: Vrtra has quelled the tempest within his heart. He should be fine.
(Optional) Y'shtola: That Azdaja's eye hasn't succumbed to Darkness bespeaks her incredible resilience. Y'shtola: So let us trust in this sign that she yet lives, and be not deterred in our efforts.
(Optional) Zero: I'm not your keeper, nor do I know what you expect of me. But I will keep my word.
(Optional) Varshahn: I must apologize for my bout of melancholy. To be so easily shaken ill becomes a great wyrm. Varshahn: You have remained at my side and ever offered me support and encouragement. I haven't the words to thank you.
Completing the Quest
Alphinaud: I suppose this is where we part ways for now. Alphinaud: Though we have every faith in you, we will pray for your safety all the same.
Alisaie: I'm glad we had the chance to talk, Zero. Take care, and till next time!
Zero: Till next time.