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A Dirty Job

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A Dirty Job

Quest giver
Amh Araeng (X:9.5, Y:22.2)
Quest line
Shadowbringers Main Scenario Quests
Required items
3 Burlap Sack Large.png  Smoke Bomb
7 Glittering Rock.png  Glittering Rock
Experience 226,080
Gil 992
Previous quest
Main Scenario QuestA Convenient Distraction
Next quest
Main Scenario QuestHave a Heart
Feature QuestA Vein Pursuit

Main Scenario Progress: 617 / 953 (64.7%)


Shadowbringers Progress: 76 / 157 (48.4%)


Luckily for you, Guthjon is a man of his word.

— In-game description


Choose one of the following options:



  • Luckily for you, Guthjon is a man of his word.


Quest Acceptance

Guthjon: To be honest, I wasn't sure you could pull it off. But you did, and I'm a man of my word. Come with me.
Thancred: I hope you waited for the sundrops to wear off. They work wonders in the dark, but in the light of day they'll only bring you pain.

Speak with Guthjon

Guthjon: <sigh> Every time I step out of those mines the sky seems to get brighter. I'd never leave them if the air weren't so stale...
Guthjon: But you're not come to hear my grievances. You're after leonine. First, I have to ask─you ever heard of rockworms?
Thancred: Rockworms? I know them by another name, though I'm fairly certain the locals call them knockers.
Guthjon: Aye, that they do. Whatever you want to call them, those little bastards may be the answer to your troubles. They can fit through cracks and crevices down where we could never hope to reach. And, on occasion, they come back with something valuable.
Thancred: They dig up leonine in the mines?
Guthjon: It's a rare occurrence, but yes. That said, it usually amounts to no more than a few flakes.
Thancred: Well our only other option sounds tantamount to suicide. So how can we draw out these rockworms?
Guthjon: Over by that shack you'll find a bag full of smoke bombs. Set off a few in the mines and you'll flush them out in no time. Once they're out in the open, knock 'em senseless and check their backs. I should warn you this method of mining, if you can even call it that, is used as a last resort on account of what little they're like to bring back. You'll want to cover as much ground as you can if you hope to find anything of value. Assuming you do find something, bring it here and I'll have a look.
Thancred: We should split up if we're to cover more ground as he suggests. If you can cover these three areas on your map, I'll see to the parts between them.
Guthjon: The smoke bombs are on top of the crates next to the shack just over yonder. You can't miss them.

Place the smoke bombs at the designated locations inside the mine

The air in the mines grows thick with smoke. Nearby you hear the soft rumbling of stones.
Thancred: I found my fair share of rocks. Hopefully there's leonine among them.
Guthjon: There you are. Find anything promising?

Deliver the glittering rocks to Guthjon

Guthjon: Between the two of you I'd say you've got quite the haul. Best get comfortable, friends. It's going to take time for me to sift through all this. (Guthjon is examining all of the rocks)
Thancred: (To the Warrior of Light) You may not remember this about our Minfilia...
Thancred: But prior to founding the Path of the Twelve, long before the Scions, she was something of a miner. After her father died, F'lhaminn took her in and taught her the trade. I think they were both seeking to fill the void left by a loved one. Maybe that's why she took to it so readily. (Thancred smiles and looks away)  I think they were both seeking to fill the void left by a loved one. Maybe that's why she took to it so readily.
Thancred: Back in those days, I spent most of my time in the Quicksand or some other tavern, loosening tongues and gathering secrets. Occasionally, I'd catch a glimpse of her in the street, on her way home after another hard day's work.
Thancred: I always felt a wave of relief when I saw she'd come back safe...along with a pang of guilt at the fact I wasn't there to support her as I should've been.
Thancred: Simply speaking with her more than once in a blue moon would've been a good start, but I could never bring myself to do it. Instead, I threw myself into my “work” and became every drunkard's best friend.
What will you say? I can't imagine she thought too highly of you back then. / Not your finest hour, to say the least. 

-> Not your finest hour, to say the least.
Thancred: Far from it─and F'lhaminn has never let me live it down. But that was a lifetime ago. Here and now I have another chance to do things right, and I will not squander it again.

-> I can't imagine she thought too highly of you back then.
Thancred: Not too highly, no. She once called me a “wine-sodden wharf rat”─which wouldn't have been half as galling had it not been so accurate.
Guthjon: Hey! Come and see what I've found! You're not going to believe this!
Thancred: Tell me it's leonine.
Guthjon: It is, at that! You lot were born lucky. It's mostly broken pieces─but look at this! (Guthjon hands something over)
Thancred: This is a rather fine specimen.
Guthjon: It's been decades since we've found anything approaching this big! But that's not all─there's an engraving on it.
Thancred: Ah, these scratches here? They're a little hard to make out. "To my beloved Magnus and Skuli.“ (Thancred looks shocked)
Guthjon: Yes! Do you see!? It was a gift to Magnus from his wife! She found it. She really found it. She must've spent her final hours carving this message into the stone, in the hope that he might see it one day. Those rock-backed bastards must've made off with it before we could clear a path to her. (Guthjon looks down, briefly) It's fate that brought you here to find this stone. No other explanation. Makes me wonder what else might still be buried in these parts.