That Velveteen Dress
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That Velveteen Dress
- Quest giver
- Redolent Rose
- Location
- Ul'dah - Steps of Thal (X:14, Y:13)
- Class
- Weaver
- Level
- 25
- Required items
- 1 Undyed Velveteen
- Experience
- Gil
- Previous quest
Materia Concerns
- Next quest
Miner on a Mission
- Patch
- 2.0
“Redolent Rose has need of your assistance yet again.
— In-game description
- In addition to the above, choose one of the following options:
High Quality items are made by increasing the "Quality" bar to its maximum by using Touch actions. Their effectiveness is governed by the Control attribute.
- Speak with Kokomo.
- Speak with Babawai.
- Speak with Redolent Rose.
- Deliver a bolt of undyed velveteen
to Redolent Rose.
- Redolent Rose has need of your assistance yet again.
- A sudden deluge of orders has the Weavers' Guild working at full stretch, and Redolent Rose can not spare the time to attend a consultation with one of his clients. Go in the guildmaster's stead to the Gold Court and speak with Babawai and his daughter Kokomo.
- Your meeting does not prove as enlightening as you had hoped due to the complete disinterest of your young client. Return to the Weavers' Guild and tell Redolent Rose what you have learned.
- After a moment's consideration, Redolent Rose decides to craft a velveteen dress. Conscious of Babawai's reputation for exacting standards, he concludes that only the finest fabric will suffice. Weave a bolt of high-quality velveteen and deliver it to the guildmaster.
- The guildmaster praises your velveteen, and assures you that it will make a most magnificent dress─albeit one which he suspects Kokomo has no intention of wearing.
Accepting the quest
Redolent Rose: This is indeed an unfortunate development... Redolent Rose: Oh, [Player]! Thank Nymeia you're here. I need your help. Redolent Rose: The entire guild is presently engaged in dealing with a sudden deluge of orders. Amongst them was a commission for a bespoke dress, all aspects of which I had intended to handle personally. Alas, I have just this moment received yet another request——this time from Her Grace——which must, naturally, take precedence. Redolent Rose: Since you have some experience engaging with customers, I would send you to speak with the client, Babawai, in my stead. We had arranged to meet at the Gold Court later this—— Ah, where has the time gone? Ahem. We had arranged to meet now. Redolent Rose: Babawai will be bringing his daughter Kokomo, for whom the dress is intended. Be sure to speak to her as well.
Speaking to the customers
Speaking to Babawai
Babawai: And who might you be? I was under the impression I would be meeting with the guildmaster. Well, it is of little matter, I suppose——provided the famous Redolent Rose still intends to design my daughter's dress. Babawai: As for what manner of dress... Simply put, I'll not have my Kokomo garbed in common cotton. A jeweler's daughter must be refined——resplendent. A ruby amongst the riffraff. Babawai: Her mere presence should reassure my customers as to the quality of my—— Ahem. I believe I have made myself clear. Pray relay my requirements to your guildmaster.
Speaking to Kokomo
Kokomo: You're from the Weavers' guild? I'm terribly sorry you had to come all this way. Kokomo: Truth to tell, I don't really want another dress. But Father insisted, and when Father insists... <sigh> I just want this over and done with, so please, ask my father what he prefers, and I shall defer to his wishes.
Reporting back to Redolent Rose
Redolent Rose: Ah, you're back. So then, what manner of dress does our client desire? ...Something "resplendent," which isn't made of cotton, you say? <sigh> I might have known. His commissions rarely stipulate anything beyond "ostentatiously expensive." Redolent Rose: And all for a poor girl who would rather the eyes of the world look the other way. Redolent Rose: Well, vanya silk would achieve the desired effect, though I doubt she would feel comfortable wearing such an extravagant dress. Velveteen, though...yes, velveteen might work. Redolent Rose: A fine weave of cotton yarn and diremite silk with a short, soft pile——beautiful yet subdued, like our modest maiden. Redolent Rose: It will be painstaking to prepare, but so be it. Redolent Rose: I shall see to the patterns. The velveteen, I leave in your capable hands. Redolent Rose: Know, though, that Babawai will not be satisfied with any ordinary fabric. Redolent Rose: Only the very best will suffice. In short, I require a bolt of the finest velveteen you can weave.
Delivering item to Redolent Rose
Redolent Rose: Oh, have you woven the velveteen already?
Redolent Rose: ...It's been far too long since I last worked with quality velveteen. Redolent Rose: You've truly outdone yourself, [Player]. Redolent Rose: Babawai's daughter shall have a most magnificent dress. Redolent Rose: A pity she is no more like to wear it than her father... Redolent Rose: Though nothing would please me more than to be proven wrong. Redolent Rose: But I rather suspect another dress is the last thing that girl needs.