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Of Graveyards and Gremlins

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Of Graveyards and Gremlins

Quest giver
Lakeland (X:35.5, Y:19.8)
Experience 54,000-57,240
Gil 606
Previous quest
Main Scenario QuestA Party Soon Divided

Joanric is at wit's end.

— In-game description


  • Survey the designated locations and defeat any gremlins that appear.


  • Joanric is at wit's end.


Accepting the Quest

Joanric: Oh, good traveler, thank the gods you're here! You simply must help deliver us from our unending nightmare. I speak, of course, of those godsdamned gremlins who keep sneaking in to defile the graves behind our fort.
Joanric: Time and again have I and my fellow guards chased them away, only to see them come back in hordes, cackling and sniggering all the way.
Joanric: As if that weren't bad enough, they continuously berate us with an array of vulgar aspersions that─rather surprisingly given their limited intellect─more often than not hit painfully close to home.
Joanric: Why, it's gotten so bad that I─er, one of our men that was definitely not me spent the night crying into his pillow after the last such attack!
Joanric: But I can tell you're not one to let their words wound you, am I right? Of course I am! So I beg of you: go forth to the graveyard and be the gremlin-smiting hero we need!
Joanric: I can just hear those godsdamned gremlins out there, sniggering at me and telling me what I should do to my amaro! Make it stop...oh, good gods make it stop! 

Speaking with Joanric

Joanric: Do my ears deceive me? The tittering and snickering is no more... Could it be? Dare I dream? Have you put an end to the gremlin menace once and for all!? O, glorious─ Ahem. That is to say, thank you, traveler. All of Fort Jobb is in your debt!
Joanric: ...Forgive me, I get carried away when the topic turns to those nasty buggers. Speaking of which, do you ever wonder where they came from? I could swear I never saw one of them before the Flood.
Joanric: I heard someone saying that they first started popping up after the Crystarium was built. That they came out of the tower. As for the truth, who can say, but all I know is that they're not bothering us anymore, and that's good enough for me!