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Memories of a Knight

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Memories of a Knight

Memories of a Knight.png
Quest giver
Heritage Found (X:12.1, Y:27.8)
Quest line
Dawntrail Main Scenario Quests
Required items
5 Processed Electrope.png  Processed Electrope
Experience 1,102,080
Gil 1,229
Previous quest
Main Scenario QuestDrowned Vestiges
Next quest
Main Scenario QuestAt a Crossroads
Feature QuestPhyt for Survival
Feature QuestHe Who Remembers
Side QuestHistory Reforged
Side QuestA Well-oiled Machine
Side QuestStorm's Traces

Main Scenario Progress: 934 / 968 (96.5%)


Dawntrail Progress: 81 / 115 (70.4%)


Otis is pleased with the meat you have brought him.

— In-game description



Processed Electrope locations:

  • 10.6, 27.5
  • 10.3, 28.0
  • 11.1, 25.3
  • 9.5, 26.0
  • 9.3, 25.2


  • Gather pieces of processed electrope. 0/5
  • Deliver the pieces of processed electrope to Gulool Ja.
  • Speak with Otis.
  • Speak with Wuk Lamat.


  • Otis is pleased with the meat you have brought him.
  • Having taken receipt of your meat, Otis next asks you to procure kindling electrope. To that end, you head over to the houses nearby to gather pieces of electrope, some of which should be the variety you require.
  • After a rummage through the ruins, you manage to gather a decent amount of electrope pieces. As per Otis's instructions, you bear them to Gulool Ja for identification.
  • As you watch on, Gulool Ja examines the electrope pieces and soon identifies the one you require. Having duly finished your task, you go to report to Otis.
  • With the preparations complete, Otis cooks up the promised repast and serves it up for all to enjoy. As you relax afterwards, your bellies full of delicious stew, Wuk Lamat has a candid conversation with Gulool Ja and tells him what it means to be family. At Alisaie's urging, Otis then shares with you his tale. Centuries ago, before lightning had changed the world, he was an ordinary man who served as a knight of Alexandria. When the great calamity struck, the king and queen passed away, and their only daughter the princess was taken by illness not long after ascending the throne. Through the power of electrope, however, her soul and memories were preserved, and she was spared eternal death. This procedure was made possible by none other than Otis, who volunteered as a test subject, resulting in his transformation into the machine he is now. Those that are thus recreated from the memories of the departed are known as the Endless, and to everyone's shock, it is revealed that Sphene was the first of them─the queen who was brought back to life.
  • As you and your companions struggle to process the revelation of Sphene's true nature, questions arise over whether Cahciua and her people had been aware of this fact. For all that you have learned, it seems there is still much and more that you do not know...