Good for the Soul
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Good for the Soul
- Quest giver
- Beq Lugg
- Location
- Amh Araeng (X:28.8, Y:27.5)
- Quest line
- Post-Shadowbringers Main Scenario Quests
- Level
- 80
- Required items
- 3 Pristine Clay
- Experience
- Gil
- Previous quest
A Welcome Guest
- Next quest
Nowhere to Turn
- Patch
- 5.1
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Main Scenario Progress: 651 / 960 (67.8%)
Shadowbringers Progress: 110 / 157 (70.1%)
“Beq Lugg is ready to speak of the metaphysical.
— In-game description
- Speak with Beq Lugg.
- Speak with Magnus.
- Search Mount Biran Mines for lumps of pristine clay. 0/3
- Deliver the lumps of pristine clay to Beq Lugg.
- Speak with Alisaie.
- Beq Lugg is ready to speak of the metaphysical.
Optional dialogue
Alphinaud: Corporeal and incorporeal aether... I confess I have never had cause to make the distinction.
Alisaie: Did they just say what I think they said? Might there really be a way to help Halric and the others? And help ourselves in the process?
Halric: ...<mumble>
Quest Acceptance (Cutscene)
Beq Lugg: I suspect the Crystal Exarch has told you of my past. That I was once a mage of the royal court of Voeburt, and that soulcraft was my field of study. Beq Lugg: The tonic you administered to the patients here is one of the fruits of my labors. I hoped to do great things for the kingdom... Beq Lugg: <sigh> But in the end, my knowledge brought only suffering. A plague the like of which none had ever seen. Beq Lugg: In the hands of unscrupulous men, what should have been my greatest triumph instead became my greatest shame...
<What will you say?> <You mustn't dwell in the past.> <And now you have a chance to redeem yourself.> <At least the Warriors of Light brought those responsible to justice.>
<You mustn't dwell in the past.> Beq Lugg: I know that only too well. Alas, the knowledge we require is steeped in such bitter memories.
<And now you have a chance to redeem yourself.> Beq Lugg: That I do. A comforting thought indeed.
<At least the Warriors of Light brought those responsible to justice.> Beq Lugg: Aye, that they did. I shudder to think what might have happened had they not.
Beq Lugg: But let us return to the task at hand─finding a means by which we might revitalize these people's incorporeal aether.
Alphinaud: Do you think it can be done?
Beq Lugg: Were the skies still ablaze with primordial Light, I would call it an exercise in futility. But now─now we may have a chance. Beq Lugg: The method I have in mind will entail the conjuring of a familiar. They are able to amplify the energies poured into them, making them the perfect conduit for the aether-revitalizing magicks we will ultimately employ.
Alisaie: If you're about to launch into a lengthy explanation of the metaphysics of your plan─don't bother. I'd rather get on with doing whatever it is that needs to be done, if it's all the same to you. Alisaie: Whatever reagents must be procured, or spells invoked─I'll do it.
Beq Lugg: ...I admire your spirit. Beq Lugg: Very well. Your first task will be to gather the necessary materials. Beq Lugg: The purest of waters and finest of clays, as well as a fae lantern brimming with pixie magick.
Alisaie: If you're convinced the resulting familiar could help the patients─fine. Alisaie: Alphinaud─the water and clay will be simple enough, but I think you know what we'll have to do to get the lantern.
Alphinaud: You don't mean─
Alisaie: The pixies took quite a liking to us before. If we humor them with our company, I'm sure they'll be willing to help us.
Alphinaud: ... Alphinaud: ...Fine. We'll pay a visit to Il Mheg. Though I never thought you would be the one to suggest going back there.
Beq Lugg: I'm impressed you've been there at all, let alone befriended the fae folk. Beq Lugg: Oh, while you're about it, seek out the Nu Mou of Pla Enni. They will be able to supply you with water suitable for our needs.
Alisaie: Right. Let's get this over with, shall we.
Beq Lugg: There still remains the matter of the clay. Might I prevail upon you to find it?
Speak with Beq Lugg
Beq Lugg: Clay from Amh Araeng would likely be best. Know you of anyone who might be able to assist us?
<What will you say?> <I could ask the miners at Twine.> <Well, there are the scavengers at Mord Souq.>
<I could ask the miners at Twine.> Beq Lugg: Ah, yes! They will be able to point you in the right direction, I am sure.
<Well, there are the scavengers at Mord Souq.> Beq Lugg: Scavengers, you say? Well...they may know the lie of the land, but I daresay they are more interested in the trinkets and baubles hiding in the earth than the earth itself. Now, miners on the other hand... Beq Lugg: What's that? You know the miners of Twine? Perfect! Speak with them and you should have no trouble procuring what we need.
Beq Lugg: While you and the twins are occupied, I will see if there is aught else I can learn of the stagnation which afflicts the people here.
Optional dialogue at the Inn at Journey's Head
Beq Lugg: I have no doubt that the miners of Twine can help you find what we need. While you are away, I will do what I can to learn more about the nature of the patients' affliction.
Optional dialogue in Twine
Jeryk: I can't stop thinking about that giant Talos we built. Can you imagine what it could do with a matching trolley? It feels like a waste not to build one.
Magnus: <sigh> Sometimes I wish we'd never got that trolley running again. Now Jeryk wants more of the bloody things, and refuses to shut up about it.
Speak with Magnus (Cutscene)
Thaffe: [Forename]! Well, what a coincidence!
Magnus: You've come at a good time. We've just this moment finished repairing the Talos and trolley you lot took to Nabaath Areng.
Thaffe: The trolley was no trouble, but the Talos would have been another matter, had we not had a visit from Master Chai. Thaffe: He offered us a share of the leftover building materials from Daedalus Stoneworks, as well as a few trade secrets to help us along.
Jeryk: Clever man, that Chai-Nuzz. He seemed pretty keen on the ideas I had for putting the giant Talos to work. Jeryk: Like a giant trolley! But Magnus still refuses to see all the good we could do with it...
Magnus: You're entitled to your dreams, Jeryk, but that doesn't mean you can go harassing our guests with them. Master Chai was just being polite.
Thaffe: And something tells me [Forename] here didn't come all this way to talk about trolleys. What is it you need, friend? Thaffe: I see. And this...familiar requires clay from Amh Araeng.
Jeryk: Well, look no further. If anyone can find you some quality clay, it's us.
Magnus: Saying that, it isn't exactly a commodity nowadays... But there must be some lurking somewhere or other, waiting to be dug up.
Thaffe: If I'm not mistaken, there was a time when they used to take clay from Mount Biran Mines to make adobe bricks. Thaffe: Place is swarming with coyotes now, but if you're after the good stuff, you could do worse than to look there.
Optional dialogue in Twine
Jeryk: I still say a trolley for that Talos is a good idea. You agree, don't you?
Magnus: You'll want to be on your guard at the mines. Spend too long peering at the ground, and a coyote is sure to come and bite you on the arse.
Thaffe: Stay safe out there. And remember: you don't need an excuse to come and visit us.
Optional dialogue at the Inn at Journey's Head
Alphinaud: The pixies were constantly confusing me with Alisaie. In jest, I assume. I mean, it's not as if we look that much alike! We, uh...don't look that much alike, do we?
Alisaie: That had better be the only thing we need from the pixies. If I have to endure one more prank, so help me gods...
Deliver the lumps of pristine clay to Beq Lugg
Beq Lugg: The twins have returned, and in one piece at that. I was convinced the pixies would turn at least one of them into a garden ornament...but no.
Beq Lugg: ...You have the clay, I take it? <Hand over the Pristine Clay> Beq Lugg: Wonderful. We need but combine the clay and the water, then heat the mixture with the fae lantern. After that, it will be a simple matter of settling upon a suitable form, and performing the necessary incantation.
Alisaie: Beq Lugg. I have a question. In the event that we had need of this spell and you weren't around, would it be possible for another to perform the incantation?
Beq Lugg: Assuming they possessed the requisite skill, yes.
Alisaie: Halric and the others have suffered so much, and I swore to do everything in my power to save them. If there is a chance this spell could do that, I would be the one to invoke it.
Beq Lugg: ...Hmmm. Mayhap you should be the one to do so. Beq Lugg: A deep understanding of the subjects' physical state, combined with a strong desire to help them, can drastically increase the magick's effect. And you are plainly more familiar with these people than I.
Alphinaud: I daresay there are few in all of Norvrandt more dedicated to finding a cure. Is that not so, [Forename]?
<What will you say?> <Absolutely. She's the best woman for the job.> <Very few. But if aught should go awry...I'll see what I can do.>
<Absolutely. She's the best woman for the job.> Alisaie: I'll give it my all. For Halric. For Tesleen...
<Very few. But if aught should go awry...I'll see what I can do.> Alisaie: Is that a challenge? Well, I'll be damned if I let it come to that.
Beq Lugg: Then we are all of a mind on the matter. Alisaie shall be the one to conjure the familiar.
Beq Lugg: Let us begin. Beq Lugg: I trust you've prepared the clay?
Beq Lugg: Very good. Now, I would have you sculpt for me...a porxie. Beq Lugg: Plump, with floppy ears, and a short, curly tail.
Alisaie: A porxie. I...think I know what you mean...
Alisaie: There we are. H-How's that?
Alphinaud: Well... It is certainly creative. There's no denying that.
Alisaie: Yes, yes, I'm no artist. Very funny!
Beq Lugg: Pay him no mind, child. Though it may look like a grotesque parody of reality, it is what the invoker believes that matters.
Alisaie: You're not helping.
Beq Lugg: But I speak the truth. If successful, this incantation will turn imagination into reality. Beq Lugg: Which is why the only thing of import is what you believe this figure embodies. You must focus. Hold the porxie's image steady in your mind's eye. Beq Lugg: Now then, as I taught you. Relax, and allow your energies to flow.
Alisaie: With flesh of clay I bid thee rise, On wings of dreams to touch the skies. What once was idle fantasy, I call forth to reality!
Beq Lugg: Hmmm. Not bad for a first attempt. Beq Lugg: Now, let us see what can be done for young Halric.
Beq Lugg: Through the operation of the magicks you invoked to animate this familiar, it is now replete with the energies required to stir the boy's soul. Beq Lugg: You need but give it a name, and it will do as your heart desires.
Alisaie: A name... Alisaie: All right, I've decided. Now... Alisaie: Go, Angelo!
Halric: M... Mother... I...
Optional dialogue
Alphinaud: By the Twelve! Though it was only for a moment, he spoke! There may yet be hope for these people!
Beq Lugg: The girl's resolve is quite impressive. One might almost think she drew strength from another...
Halric: M... Mothe... Al...
Speak with Alisaie (Cutscene)
Alisaie: How is he, Beq Lugg? Did it work?
Beq Lugg: I believe it did. You and your fledgling familiar have done well. Beq Lugg: If my eyes do not deceive, a hint of color has returned to his soul.
Alisaie: Gods... I would jump for joy if I weren't so exhausted. Alisaie: We're so close now, Halric...
Beq Lugg: As you are even now in the process of discovering, this magick asks much of the invoker. What you may not have realized is that the same is also true of the subject. As such, we must proceed with caution. However, with further treatment, I have the utmost confidence the boy will make a full recovery. Beq Lugg: Observing the reanimation of his stagnant soul has been most enlightening. I will need time to put my theories to the proof, but I believe I can fashion a spell to produce the opposite effect. That is, to induce stagnation.
Alphinaud: Thus enabling our safe transport back to the Source via auracite!
Alisaie: A thought occurred to me─about this treatment. Alisaie: Beq Lugg said when the soul is rendered dormant, the mind is separated from the body. That a person becomes incapable of interacting with the world around them. Alisaie: Does that not sound a lot like some of the tempered back in the Source?
Alphinaud: Not really. It is the fate of most tempered to become slaves to primals─save in a handful of cases. Or am I missing something?
Alisaie: If I can master this technique─the art of revitalizing the soul─I know of at least one in the Source who could desperately use such treatment.
<What will you say?> <I'm not sure I follow...> <Ga Bu.> <Do you really think it could work?>
<I'm not sure I follow...> Alisaie: Ga Bu. His condition is eerily similar to Halric and the others', the only difference being that his soul was suffused with earth-aspected aether from summoning Titan, rather than Light. It follows that if his soul is subject to a similar kind of stagnation, there may be a chance we can save him...right?
<Ga Bu.> Alisaie: Exactly! His condition is uncannily similar to Halric's, is it not? The only difference being that his soul was suffused with earth-aspected aether instead of Light. It follows that if his soul is subject to a similar kind of stagnation, there may be a chance we can save him...right?
<Do you really think it could work?> Alisaie: Why shouldn't it? Ga Bu's condition is virtually identical to Halric's, is it not? The only difference being that his soul was suffused with earth-aspected aether instead of Light. It follows that if his soul is subject to a similar kind of stagnation, there may be a chance we can save him.
Beq Lugg: Forgive me, but who is this Ga Bu fellow of whom you speak? Beq Lugg: ...I see. His condition does sound similar...yet there is much and more about the soul that remains unknown even to me. I say this not to discourage you, you understand, but to remind you that this is delicate work we do here. Work requiring patience.
Alisaie: Of course. And as long as there is hope for the patients here, I will devote whatever time is needed to see this through. Alisaie: But I refuse to spend that time in idleness. If it's all the same to you, I'd like to stay here with Angelo and continue with their treatment. Alisaie: The two of you should return to the Crystarium with Beq Lugg and see if you can't make some headway with their newly posited theories.
Beq Lugg: I would tell you to rest first, but I see you're not to be convinced. Ah, the fire of youth.
Alphinaud: Let us return to the Crystarium, then.
???: >> Finally! I've found you! <<
Alphinaud: Kai-Shirr!? What are you doing all the way out here?
Kai-Shirr: There's trouble back in Eulmore. Lady Chai's beside herself. Sighing, pacing, the whole lot. Near enough begged me to go and find you.
Alphinaud: ...Sighing and pacing, you say? It must be urgent.
Beq Lugg: I take it I will be returning to the Crystarium alone. Go on, then. It's not as if I have anything for you to do.
Alphinaud: Thank you, Beq Lugg.
Kai-Shirr: Sorry for bothering you and all that, but she says the future of Eulmore's at stake.