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Eggstreme Eggstrapolation

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Eggstreme Eggstrapolation

Eggstreme Eggstrapolation.png
Quest giver
Jihli Aliapoh
Old Gridania (X:10.3, Y:9.5)
Quest line
Hatching-tide (2019)
Experience 1,440
Gil 220
Next quest
Side QuestA Shelltered Eggsistence

Jihli Aliapoh is scanning the crowds for an unsuspecting passerby she can cajole into helping with Hatching–tide.

※This quest is available for a limited time only.

— In-game description




  • Jihli Aliapoh is scanning the crowds for an unsuspecting passerby she can cajole into helping with Hatching–tide.
    • ※This quest is available for a limited time only.
  • Jihli Aliapoh, the originator of the Hatching–tide festival, has had another of her prophetic dreams, in which she witnessed Riggy the spriggan hiding a fantastically decorated egg. Though whether this alludes to any greater meaning is unclear, Jihli is convinced that, as in previous years, the success of the festival hinges on the reenactment of the events that unfolded in her vision, and to that end, she has requested that Riggy and Nonotta─both fervent supporters of Hatching–tide─make preparations for an egg hunt.
    • ※Please note that you will not be able to complete this quest after the seasonal event has ended. For details, check the Lodestone.
  • Rather than simply hiding eggs around Gridania, Nonotta and Riggy have devised some manner of obscure puzzle, with a map and a series of cryptic clues leading the way. You and Jihli are also given Hatching–tide costumes, which despite serving no discernible purpose are nonetheless treated by Nonotta as being an essential part of the festivities. Now it's up to you to embrace your inner spriggan and prepare for the hunt.