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Cloning Node

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Cloning Node is a boss in Eureka Orthos (Floors 11-20).


Quests Involved In

Quest Type Level Quest Giver
Delve into Myth Feature quest 81 Koh Rabntah


Zone Coordinates Level range
Eureka Orthos (Floor 20) Unknown 90


Cloning Node's arena is a large circle, with cloning tanks on the outside.

Offensive Command: Cloning node tethers some adds outside the arena edge. These adds will then use Flame Breath, a large cone AoE with a late telegraph that inflicts Vulnerability Up.

Order Relay: Same as above, but commands 2 sets of adds which will resolve one set after another. Both sets will have a solo add, stand next to the second solo add for the first set, then the first solo add for the second set.

Piercing Laser: Line AoE, inflicts Vulnerability Up.


  • Beginning of fight
    • Offensive Command: 3 adds tethered, stand beside any of them
    • Offensive Command: 5 adds tethered, stand beside add with no tether directly opposite
    • Piercing Laser
    • Order Relay
  • Repeating
    • Piercing Laser
    • Piercing Laser
    • Offensive Command: 5 adds tethered, stand beside add with no tether directly opposite
    • Order Relay


After protracted battle and innumerable losses on the southern continent, the empire sought a means by which to use the strength of dragons to aid their conquest.

The cloning system you encountered was created to make this dream into reality.

Its genius lies in the unification of two technologies: dragon cloning and control mechanisms for biological organisms. It enabled the creation of winged soldiers whose obedience was absolute.

The woman in charge of researching and developing the system lost her husband in the southern campaign. It was said that a dragon bit his head clean off, and only his body was returned home for burial.

She threw herself into her work, so that no others would suffer as she did. “A claw for a claw, a fang for a fang...” Such was her mantra as she spent countless long nights perfecting the system.

Koh Rabntah