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Aiming High

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Aiming High

Aiming High.png
Quest giver
Ty'at Roh
Iq Br'aax (X:13.3, Y:13.4)
Required quest
Main Scenario QuestTaking a Stand
Required items
2 Ty'aitya Carcass icon.png  Ty'aitya Carcass
1 Vawtsaral Br'aax Carcass icon.png  Vawtsaral Br'aax Carcass
Gil 829
Next quest
Side QuestHunting for the Family

Ty'at Roh seems to be taking your measure from afar, and appears pleased with what he sees.

— In-game description




  • Speak with Ty'at Roh.
  • Survey the designated areas and slay any beasts that appear.
  • Speak with Ty'at Roh.


  • Ty'at Roh seems to be taking your measure from afar, and appears pleased with what he sees.
  • You are greeted by a jovial young hunter who introduces himself as Ty'at Roh and asks you to accompany him on his next hunt so he can gain vital experience. While your quarry is as of yet unclear, you agree to help the young Xbr'aal, and he bids you accompany him to the northern hunting grounds.
    • ※Please note that the difficulty of this quest has been synced to your current level.
  • Ty'at Roh informs you that your quarry is a ty'aitya, which can be found among the branches of sap-covered trees. He suggests drawing one out by waiting at the base of one such tree, and asks that you commence your hunt deeper within the woods.
  • You have successfully caught your prey, and are none the worse for wear. Return to the entrance of the hunting grounds to see if Ty'at Roh fared just as well.
  • Ty'at Roh is impressed at your catch, and reveals that he is honing his skills so he can join the Brethren of Br'aax. The brotherhood requires that prospective members undertake their trial in pairs, and the young Xbr'aal requests that you be his partner. You agree to this proposal, and Ty'at Roh's spirits soar as he draws one step closer to his dream.


Accepting the Quest

Ty'at Roh: Hello there, [Forename]! You don't know me, but I've seen you keeping company with the Third Promise. I've been wanting to speak with you, if you have a moment.
Ty'at Roh: The name's Ty'at Roh, and I'm a hunter here─well, almost a hunter. I have need of a strong arm to accompany me on my next foray, and I'd be honored if it belonged to one of Wuk Lamat's mighty companions.
Ty'at Roh: I know you must be a busy [man/woman], but everyone else has their own duties to attend to, and our village has a rule that none can hunt alone. I'd be forever grateful if you joined me!
< What will you say? >
< Just tell me what to kill. >
< Why does it have to be me? >
< Just tell me what to kill. >
Ty'at Roh: Thank you, thank you! I need to take every chance I have to gain experience if I want to be accepted by the more senior hunters. And working with you is sure to be enlightening.
< Why does it have to be me? >
Ty'at Roh: Well, I need to take every chance I have to gain experience if I want to be accepted by the more senior hunters. And working with you is sure to be enlightening.
Ty'at Roh: Great, then let's be off! The hunting grounds are to the north─see you there, [Forename]!

Hunting the Prey

Ty'at Roh: Our quarry is a ty'aitya. They're quick and clever─a challenge for any hunter, but their meat is tasty enough to make all the trouble worth it.
Ty'at Roh: They're partial to tree sap, so they're often up among the branches nibbling away. If we wait at the base of a tree covered in the stuff, they'll probably come down to defend their score.
Ty'at Roh: Of course, they aren't the only animals roaming the wilds. The stealthy vawtsaral br'aax have made meals of more than one innocent soul, so keep an eye out, eh?
Ty'at Roh: I'll try the nearby trees. You should go a bit deeper into the forest so we can cover more ground. Meet me back here once you're done─and good luck, [Forename]!

Completing the Quest


Ty'at Roh: You made it! I've only just returned myself, and I'm eager to compare our catches.
< Spawned 2 Ty'aitya Trickster >
< Spawned 3 Ty'aitya Trickster >
< Spawned a Raging Vawtsaral Br'aax >
< Spawned 2 Ty'aitya Trickster >
Ty'at Roh: What!? You caught as many as I did, and I know these hunting grounds like the back of my hand! I see Wuk Lamat chooses her companions well!
< Spawned 3 Ty'aitya Trickster >
Ty'at Roh: What!? You caught even more than I did, and I know these hunting grounds as well as my own home! I see Wuk Lamat chooses her companions well!
< Spawned a Raging Vawtsaral Br'aax >
Ty'at Roh: What!? This is a vawtsaral br'aax! You went against it alone, and won!?
Ty'at Roh: I know this isn't exactly what I was looking for, but like I said, these pose a danger to the whole village. Having one fewer hungry br'aax out there is something we can all be thankful for!
Ty'at Roh:  I had a feeling about you, and I'm glad to know I was right! I'm sure they'll let us attempt the trial after this...
Ty'at Roh: Heh, I suppose I ought to explain. You see, there's a reason I'm so keen to gain experience as a hunter.
Ty'at Roh: I want to join the Brethren of Br'aax. But they won't accept just anybody. No, only hunters with finely honed skills and intuition are even considered.
Ty'at Roh: I still remember the day I decided I would be one of them. I was young, foolish, and thought I could hunt on my own in defiance of the rules. Then a beast snuck up on me, its fangs bared... I thought I was done for, but then an arrow struck it down.
Ty'at Roh: It was one of the Brethren of Br'aax. He saved me, and ever since I've wanted to do the same. To watch over the forest and keep it a safe place for others...I can't think of a better way to spend my days.
Ty'at Roh: But their trial is conducted in pairs. I'd ask one of the brethren to assist me, but all of them have been so busy lately.
Ty'at Roh: They aren't forthcoming with the details, but I've gathered that the beasts of the forest have been behaving strangely lately. Either way, they have bigger things to worry about than the ambitions of a novice.
Ty'at Roh: But you're as good as any of them. If we do the trial together, we're sure to make it through! Please say you'll help me─this is my chance to finally be of use!
< What will you say? >
< That trial is as good as done! >
< If you think I'm good enough... >
Ty'at Roh: That's what I wanted to hear! There's no one else I'd rather have!
Ty'at Roh: This brings me one step closer to my dream...and I have to do everything in my power to go the rest of the way!