A Present from the Present
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A Present from the Present
- Quest giver
- Affable Researcher
- Location
- Old Sharlayan (X:11.0, Y:10.6)
- Quest line
- Pandaemonium Quests
- Level
- 90
- Gil
- Previous quest
Guided by the Past
- Patch
- 7.1
“The affable researcher is trying to get your attention.
— In-game description
- Unlocks
- Speak with Claudien at Aporia.
- Speak with Hegemone at the Gates of Pandæmonium.
- Hide at the designated location.
- Speak with Hegemone.
- Speak with Claudien at Aporia.
- The affable researcher is trying to get your attention.
- An affable researcher introduces himself as Professor Claudien's new assistant, and requests your presence at Aporia on behalf of his superior. It seems Pandæmonium has intrigue to offer yet, and Claudien would make you a part of it.
- Professor Claudien and his colleagues greet you warmly before explaining that, inspired by a memory Claudien glimpsed of Erichthonios's past, they have commissioned a commemorative mammet of Themis for the young warder. As you are the only one who can return to the past, it falls upon you to travel to Pandæmonium and deliver it to your erstwhile companion.
- Upon arriving in Pandæmonium, you encounter Hegemone. While she understands the allure of witnessing his reaction to your gift, she cautions that as Erichthonios is currently training hard to become a more masterful warder, he may prefer to delay any reunions until he has made greater progress. As an alternative to a face-to-face encounter, she proposes that you conceal yourself in the shadows as she speaks with him, and send out the mammet when the time is right.
- From your hidden vantage, you learn that despite some hardship, the young warder is doing well under his father's tutelage. At Hegemone's cue, you send the mammet out from hiding, which prompts a pleasantly surprised Erichthonios to remark that he but recently met the emissary at the Words of Lahabrea─where they spoke fondly of their dear friend Forename. Before he can look too closely at the smile in the shadows nearby, Hegemone sends him away on his next task, happily accompanied by the Themis-shaped keepsake of your time together.
- Pleased to have been able to assist in your delivery via the art of subterfuge, Hegemone wishes you well as you depart Pandæmonium for what may be the last time. Now all that remains is to return to Claudien and report your success.
- As a reward for your efforts, Claudien presents you with a Themis mammet of your very own. Now you, too, carry a reminder of friendships forged across the endless expanse of time.
Accepting the Quest
Affable Researcher: Oh, you must be Forename! Why, you look exactly as Professor Claudien described. It's a pleasure to finally meet you. Affable Researcher: I'm the professor's new assistant, you see. His stories of your foray into Pandæmonium have been an endless well of knowledge and entertainment. Affable Researcher: In fact, there is a small matter that has arisen with regard to the facility that he wishes to discuss with you, thus my seeking you out. He asks that you stop by Aporia at your earliest convenience.
Optional Dialogue
Affable Researcher: Professor Claudien can fill you in on the details better than I, so please visit him at Aporia when you're able.
Speak with Claudien at Aporia (cutscene)
Claudien: Forename, you are ever a sight for sore eyes! I trust you've been well since last we spoke? Claudien: Good, good. Now, as much as I'd like to reminisce, it will serve us both better if I cut to the quick. Claudien: I asked you here to discuss a matter concerning Erichthonios, whom I'm sure you remember. Claudien: I certainly do, for his memories reside within me still. Claudien: Every so often, my mind's eye glimpses the grim spectacle of the Final Days. Though there are also visions of a simpler time... Claudien: In one, I saw a warder under siege by colleagues. They demanded to know why a tiny Erichthonios was running amok in the halls of Pandæmonium. Claudien: Upon hearing that the mammet was created out of profound admiration, my past self gave only a rueful smile. Claudien: "Then Themis would have been a far superior choice of subject. Alas, I suppose you've never seen the man...“
Nemjiji: An inadvertently revealing deflection, we believe. As Themis's duties as emissary kept him away from Pandæmonium, Erichthonios doubtless grew to miss his dear friend. Nemjiji: And we know what Themis looked like. So we thought: why not make a mammet here and send it as a gift? Nemjiji: We employed a local artisan to take care of the first step. The resulting work is masterful indeed!
Claudien: Since you're the only one among us who can return to Pandæmonium, might I ask you to deliver this to Erichthonios?
What will you say? > You can count on it! > You don't think it will distract him from his work? > You don't think he'd want a doll that looks like me, too?
< You can count on it! > Claudien: Thank you, Forename. I suspect that he will be overjoyed. Claudien: As I've recalled more of his memories, I've noticed that Erichthonios seldom expressed his own desires.
< You don't think it will distract him from his work? > Claudien: I understand the threat of distraction more than most, but there is more to life than work, is there not? And as I've recalled more of Erichthonios's memories, I've noticed that he seldom expressed his own desires.
< You don't think he'd want a doll that looks like me, too? > Claudien: The discretionary portion of our funding only extends so far, alas, though he very well might. As I've recalled more of his memories, I've noticed that he seldom expressed his own desires.
Claudien: Perhaps it was an unspoken rule in the society of the ancients. Nonetheless, I would very much like to do something for him. A small kindness is the least we owe him. Claudien: I imagine you can still reach Pandæmonium from the neus in Elpis. Once there, the keywards will surely assist you in tracking him down.
Optional Dialogue
Claudien: Given the peaceful state of Pandæmonium at present─er, past?─I see no reason that the keyward wouldn't allow you a moment of Erichthonios's time.
Speak with Hegemone at the Gates of Pandæmonium (cutscene)
Hegemone: Are you returned to us so soon, Forename? Naught is amiss, I hope... Hegemone: And this gift is for Erichthonios, you say? A man much in demand of late... Hegemone: People expect great things of him now─greater than he's prepared for, by his estimation. Thus is he at this very moment studying at the Words of Lahabrea. Hegemone: Under his father's tutelage, he hopes to gain further mastery over the creations here, that he might one day become keyward himself. Hegemone: Although Master Lahabrea's harsh methods have more than once driven him to the verge of surrender, his determination to prove himself always drags him back from the brink.
What will you say? > That sounds like Erichthonios, alright. > He'll keep at it, I'm sure of it. > But they have so little time...
< That sounds like Erichthonios, alright. > Hegemone: Indeed. And while I'm certain he would enjoy seeing you, I wonder if he would rather the reunion occur after he has come into his own.
< He'll keep at it, I'm sure of it. > Hegemone: Hegemone: You speak as if you've already seen it come to pass. Though he would doubtless find that encouraging, I wonder if he would rather your reunion occur after he has come into his own.
< But they have so little time... > Hegemone: You should have more faith, Forename. I assure you, the pace of Erichthonios's growth leaves naught to be desired...though I do wonder if he'd rather your reunion occur after he's come into his own.
Hegemone: That said, I understand why you wish to be there when he sees your little Themis simulacrum. Would that I could witness his reaction myself...
Diligent Warder: Keyward Hegemone, we've received word from Erichthonios. He says he'll soon be returning.
Hegemone: His message is well received. Yes... I see in this a tidy solution. Hegemone: When he arrives, can you tell him to attend me here? Say that there is something I would show him. Hegemone: I want you to choose a suitably dark place from which to eavesdrop on our conversation. When the moment is right, send the poppet this way. Hegemone: Thus shall we both be privy to his reaction, even as you remain undetected. While such subterfuge would usually fall outside my duties as keyward, rest assured I am happy to help.
Optional Dialogue
Hegemone: He shouldn't notice you if you hide beyond the threshold yonder. Keep the tiny Themis close at hand─I trust you will choose the right moment to send it out.
Hide at the designated location (cutscene)
Hegemone: ...I see that Master Lahabrea has not softened. You've done well to endure his methods.
Erichthonios: Sometimes I feel he's become even more difficult... Were I not recently made privy to his true nature, I would have abandoned hope within moments.
Hegemone: Such is his way of nurturing your talents, I suppose.
Erichthonios: I know. He still aggravates me, but I have come to see that even our quarrels are a means to know him better─as a father and one of the Fourteen both.
Hegemone: ...Ah, yes. I called you here because I had something to show you.
Erichthonios: Themis!? Why are you so small? ...Ah. Erichthonios: Another poppet, I see. But who managed to render such a striking likeness?
Hegemone: They asked me not to divulge their identity. I can say only that they have your best interests at heart.
Erichthonios: How curious. And to think such a gift would arrive so soon after I met with the man himself! Erichthonios: I happened to run into him at the Words of Lahabrea. It was my first time speaking with him in his capacity as Elidibus, but he was friendly as ever. Erichthonios: He told me of yet more belegged plants from the Words of Halmarut, which had escaped and taken root in a region designated for Loghrif creations, making proper assessment quite impossible. Erichthonios: Themis was called upon to judge whether to switch testing grounds for convenience or uproot the unwelcome creations. So soon after returning from Pandæmonium, he said he finds such minor squabbles a welcome change. Erichthonios: And of course, we spoke of Forename.
Hegemone: Naturally. Perhaps we can ask your admirer to make a likeness of him as well?
Erichthonios: As much as I would like that, I don't believe it would suit him/her. Unlike Themis and I, Forename isn't bound to his/her own small domain. Erichthonios: I think (s)he rather belongs to the entire star. To keep him/her─or even an imitation─confined here would feel wrong. Erichthonios: Forename and Themis are both dear friends, and I need no tangible proof to be certain of our bond. Though I admit that it will be nice to have a reminder of at least one of them around.
Hegemone: I'm glad to hear it. Hegemone: Now, I believe you have duties to return to. If you wouldn't mind fetching those reports from Peripeteia on the new creations sent from Elpis...
Erichthonios: Gladly, Keyward Hegemone. And little Themis here will come with me.
Speak with Hegemone
Hegemone: That turned out well, wouldn't you say? Erichthonios has a new companion, and you were able to witness his joy at meeting him. Hegemone: Each and every warder here owes you a great debt. I hope that charming charade helped repay mine in some small way. Hegemone: I must attend to my own work, but I wish you all the best. Whether or not we meet again, fare thee well, Forename.
Speak with Claudien at Aporia
Claudien: There you are, Forename! Judging by the grin on your face, I trust the mammet is safely in Erichthonios's hands? Claudien: I knew we could count on you! May that doll provide him some small reprieve from the stresses of his station. Claudien: Speaking of which, I know you had to pull yourself from your own adventures to take care of this little errand, so I don't intend to let you go unrewarded. Claudien: That's why we commissioned two mammets from the start. I daresay Themis will be delighted to travel a whole new era by your side.