The Fright Stuff
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The Fright Stuff
- Quest giver
- Adventurers' Guild Investigator
- Location
- Old Gridania (X:10.4, Y:8.5)
- Quest line
- All Saints' Wake (2023)
- Level
- 15
- Experience
- Gil
- Next quest
A Charmed Life
- Patch
- 6.5
“The Adventurers' Guild investigator is eyeing the festive displays with a healthy dose of suspicion.
※This quest is available for a limited time only.— In-game description
- Speak with the pumpkin-headed apparition.
- Speak with Papa Gruff.
- Speak with Papa Gruff and have him accompany you.
- Speak with the pumpkin-gazing citizens in east Old Gridania while Papa Gruff is accompanying you. 0/2
- Speak with the pumpkin-gazing citizen near Apkallu Falls while Papa Gruff is accompanying you.
- Speak with the pumpkin-gazing citizen near the Whistling Miller while Papa Gruff is accompanying you.
- Search the area for any traces of voidsent.
- Speak with the pumpkin-headed apparition.
- While the saints of Eorzea sleep off their night of revelry, the wicked come out to play. All Saints' Wake is once again come to Gridania, and the Adventurers' Guild has sent a long investigator to ensure that ghastly ghouls do not overrun the city as in ages past. While all appears civil for now, the investigator is certain that the pumpkin-headed apparition is brewing a devious plot and recruits you to approach her under the guise to cooperation. After winning her confidence, you are to put an end to any schemes you uncover.
- Your stint as an undercover mischief-maker is cut short when the pumpkin-headed apparition reveals that she knows the investigator is investigating her. She seems unperturbed, however, and assures you that she works to make this year's festivities thrilling, but not horrifying. To this end, she asks you to aid Papa Gruff, a voidsent-turned-clown who is apparently having trouble providing the townspeople with merry thrills. He can be found near the Leatherworkers' Guild—that is, if an angry mob has yet to chase him off.
- You come across Papa Gruff just as he is about to start his show. Joining the audience of one, you observe as he turns a common pumpkin into the supposed embodiment of terror:a small puppy that brings a hearty laugh to the Wood Wailer in attendance. Nonplussed by this reaction, Papa Gruff is eager to receive your help in understanding the subtleties of fright, and already seems to have an idea on how you can teach him.
- Papa Gruff asks you to accompany him on a tour of the All Saints' Wake festivities near both the Leatherworkers' Guild and Lancers' Guild, during which you will instruct him on what form the decorative pumpkins should take. Your guiding words are "Frighten enough to tickle, but not scar."
- With your guidance, Papa Gruff transforms pumpkins throughout Gridania into creatures that evoke dread and delight in equal measure, with not one person fleeing in terror or laughing in mockery. Papa Gruff wishes to test his understanding of these lessons, and so asks you to accompany him to another pumpkin display near Apkallu Falls
- Voluntarily exercising restraint for possibly the first time in his life, Papa Gruff performs an All Saints' Wake illusion that entertains without a single tear shed. Emboldened by this success, he decides to try again, and instructs you to accompany him to another display of pumpkins by the Whistling Miller.
- A frightened young woman is trembling by the pumpkin display when you arrive, insisting that she was accosted by what seems to be a horrible monster while she was tilling the fields at the Greatloam Growery. Knowing that Papa Gruff's creations can't move far on their own, you fear that actual voidsent may be lurking within Gridania. Your only course of action is to make haste to the Growery and hope that what the botanist saw in those fields has yet to leave for more populated areas.
- The voidsent in question is eager to show itself and seems to be intent upon reviving the ancient traditions of the Night of Devilry, when monsters once roamed free and people cowered in fear. Papa Gruff, however, flatly refuses to participate in this lesser voidsent's plot, citing the wisdom he has gained as a master of both mischief and mirth. Apparently drawn by the scent of half-baked schemes, the pumpkin-headed apparition appears and summarily turns the rogue voidsent into a sad little gourd. She chuckles fondly at Papa Gruff's newfound maturity, but acknowledges that it is yet too early to celebrate, as other fiends still prowl Gridania to foment chaos among its populace...
Accepting the Quest
Adventurers' Guild Investigator: You there. You're an adventurer, yes? Eager to stare into the very depths of wickedness, am I right? Good, good, because we're in dire need of just such a dauntless soul. Adventurers' Guild Investigator: All Saints' Wake is upon us, you see, and that means the fiends of the realm clamor to plunge Gridania into a sea of chaos. Adventurers' Guild Investigator: The host of this year's parade of horrors is a woman with a pumpkin for a head. I shudder to consider whether this is some elaborate costume, or—no, perhaps it is best not to know. Adventurers' Guild Investigator: Her strange appearance makes my skin crawl, to say nothing of her underlings... Why, one might think the Continental Circus was come again, hiding their monstrous intentions behind the guise of celebration! Adventurers' Guild Investigator: We can be grateful that none have yet fallen under their spell, but I fear it is only a matter of time. We must act quickly to unearth their schemes. Adventurers' Guild Investigator: I would begin a through investigation at once, but I'm afraid my surveillance duties here prevent me from moving freely. That, my friend, is why I need you. Adventurers' Guild Investigator: Approach this pumpkin-headed witch under the flag of friendship and offer your services to her ghastly celebration. If you catch even a whiff of foul deeds, I want you to put a stop to them before any innocents come to harm. Adventurers' Guild Investigator: I knew I could count on you! Now then, you can find our quarry just across the way at Mih Ketto's Amphitheater, where she is doubtless attempting to draw any and all passerby into her ungodly procession. Humor her for now, but take care not to fall victim to her honeyed words.
(Optional) Adventurers' Guild Investigator: The pumpkin-headed woman can be found at Mih Khetto's Amphitheater, where she is attempting to coax the commonfolk into her terrifying cadre. Put on a mask of friendliness, and put an end to any evil she may be brewing up.
Speaking with the Pumpkin-headed Apparition (Cutscene)
Pumpkin-headed Apparition : Heh heh... Have you come to join the glorious celebration that is All Saints' Wake? All are encouraged, and all are welcome. Pumpkin-headed Apparition : Oh, such eagerness. We are ever in need of willing hands to help with the festivities—preferably with bodies still attached. Pumpkin-headed Apparition : Of course, I understand a certain meddlesome investigator has tasked you with uncovering any iniquity on my part. Do I have demons and devils at my beck and call? I admit that I do. However, I mean no harm to you and yours, so I hope that our partnership can be mutually beneficial. Pumpkin-headed Apparition : Together, I believe we can make this All Saints' Wake into one that will be remembered for moons to come. Yet before we begin, allow me to illuminate the history of this event and our intentions here. Pumpkin-headed Apparition : On this most unhallowed of nights, the saints revel in their palatial heavens, and as their judgmental eyes become leaden from drink, the impure are free to feast and frolic without fear of punishment. Pumpkin-headed Apparition : In ages past, the commonfolk would rue the coming of this night and cower in their homes. That is, until the adventurers took it upon themselves to rid the streets of evil, thus turning the event into a celebration of your collective bravery. Pumpkin-headed Apparition : ...A joyous happening, to be sure. But what of the goblin, the ghost, and the gremlin? Unfortunately, there are many monstrous sorts who yet consider this a night to spread fear like a plague. Pumpkin-headed Apparition : And so it struck me: what if All Saints' Wake could be an occasion for celebration among mortal and monster alike? I believe there is room for light in even the darkest of hearts. Pumpkin-headed Apparition : Which brings me to the question of your involvement. I would have you aid a minion of mine named Papa Gruff in facilitating an All Saints' Wake that will allow yours and mine to join hands in mutual merriment. Pumpkin-headed Apparition : Perhaps you know Papa Gruff. He was once a voidsent so depraved that his kin spoke of him only in hushed whispers. but I have since shackled—or rather politely reasoned with him to commit devilry no more. Pumpkin-headed Apparition : Knowing of his formidable magical prowess, I have set him to work under these guiding words: "Frighten enough to tickle, but not scar." Pumpkin-headed Apparition : Fear need not be an unpleasant experience, and Papa Gruff is doing his utmost to strike that delicate balance between felicity and fright. Now with much success, as I understand. Pumpkin-headed Apparition : I would love to proffer him advice myself, but I believe one such as you would know better what appeals to the mortals of this city. Might you give our beleaguered Papa Gruff a few words of advice? Pumpkin-headed Apparition : Heh heh... Thank you, truly. Pumpkin-headed Apparition : He should be putting on a performance near the Leatherworkers' Guild at present, assuming he has yet to be chased from Gridania's borders. Please speak with him, and give him my...encouragement.
(Optional) Pumpkin-headed Apparition : Papa Gruff decided the best place to dazzle the people of Gridania would be the Leatherworkers' Guild. I understand he is having trouble keepin his audience engaged, which runs markedly counter to the stipulations of our, ah...agreement. Needless to say, he requires your help.
Speaking with Papa Gruff (Cutscene)
Papa Gruff: My, what have we here? Another curious soul drawn to my wondrous show? You're in luck, for there happens to be a front row seat with your name on it. Papa Gruff: Without further ado, I shall summon a foul, fell beast before your very eyes! I only hope you've brought a change of smallclothes.
Undaunted Lancer: A monster? It'll take more than a magician's cantrip to scare me...
Papa Gruff: Look here, my dear thrill seekers. Here lies an ordinary pumpkin—or is it? Take care not to blink, for any moment of distraction may well be your last...
Pumpkin Pup: Grrr....
Papa Gruff: Oh, the terror! those bloodthirsty eyes, those razor-sharp fangs... F-Flee is you dare, but this hellhound will chase you to the ends of the earth to have its onze of flesh—and I would know, considering the scars of wrath upon my backside! Papa Gruff: Imagine each and every pumpkin adorning this fair city transformed into such a thing! ...Why, dread would prey upon Gridania to the last ilm, if I made it so. A veritable banquet of chaos!
Undaunted Lancer: Hah hah hah! Undaunted Lancer: ...Bloody brilliant! You drew us in all that talk of monsters, only to dash our expectations with an adorable pup. I admit some confusion at first, but now I see you are a clown among clowns!
Papa Gruff: Not a single bloodcurdling scream. But a smile is...not a complete failure, I suppose? Papa Gruff: Ah, my pumpkin-headed master asked you to help me? Well, allow me to peel back the curtain, as they say. Papa Gruff: If my master sent you, I suppose there's no harm in revealing my true identity. I am no clown, you see, but a voidsent.
Papa Gruff: My, not even a grimace. Well, I suppose it would be inconvenient if you ran away screaming after every sideways glance in my direction. Papa Gruff: Now, for the matter of this furry abomination... Papa Gruff: "Frighten enough to tickle, but not scar," is the agreement that binds me to my master. I don't need to be told twice that summoning any of my kind would be in gross violation of that covenant. Papa Gruff: So remembering the deceptively winsome countenance of this vicious hellhound, I thought it would strike the perfect balance between horrifying and heartwarming. That is, until a child at an earlier show burst into tears at the pup's appearance.
Papa Gruff: Now I've seen a man react with a hearty laugh to the exact same dog, with nary a trace of fear in his voice. the difference is vexing! Tell me, is a puppy something to be feared or cuddled?
<What will you say?> <Feared by children and cuddled by adults. But sometimes the opposite.> <Depends. What frightens one may make another smile.>
<Feared by children and cuddled by adults. But sometimes the opposite.> Papa Gruff: Do you jest? You mean to say your kind's definition of terror...differs from person to person!? Papa Gruff: I admit, that does explain the sheer contrast in reactions I've observed so far. And it does place me between a rock and a hellish, soul-rending place. Papa Gruff: If my task was simply a matter of bringing people to fearful tears, the ground beneath you would already be soaked through. How in the hells' good name does one frighten to tickle...? Papa Gruff: Ah, but you! You, with your delicate sensibilities can teach me to mix dread and delight into a charmingly chilling concoction. Let us begin at once!
Speaking with Papa Gruff and having him accompany you
Papa Gruff: Let's get right to it, eh? First, we need to find people to scare—but not scar! Papa Gruff: Your kind seems to gravitate towards the pumpkins we've place throughout the city, which creates the perfect opportunity for mild mischief. Papa Gruff: One of our displays should be just over this hill and another is near the Lancers' Guild. You job is to tell me what to transform the pumpkins into once we find suitable test subjects—let's see how well you tickle!
(Optional) Papa Gruff: You may have heard terrifying stories of my past, but I regret to say the magicks I wield don't quite live up to my reputation. I only have a talent for minor transmogrification, really. Papa Gruff: My master, on the other hand... Oh, I shudder to think what mayhem she would be capable of if she wished it.
Speaking with the pumpkin-gazing citizens in Old Gridania with Papa Gruff
Citizen 1
Off-duty Sergeant: An All Saints' Wake performance? Very well, but I face slavering monsters almost daily, so it will take something quite fantastic to make me flinch.
Papa Gruff: Oh I could make him flinch so hard his heart would burst in his chest...! <sigh> But that's neither here nor there. what type of ghoul would be suitable?
<What will you say?> <Give him the ghastliest ghoul you can muster.> <Something middle-of-the-road scary.> <A small, uncanny thing.>
<Give him the ghastliest ghoul you can muster.> Papa Gruff: Well, if you say so. allow me to oblige!
(Cutscene Start) Off-duty Sergeant: Egads! Off-duty Sergeant: That...that gave me quite a fright. I only hope I never face such a monstrosity on one of my patrols, else my final act might be to soil my breeches. Well played, well played.
(Optional) Off-duty Sergeant: This looks almost real... I believe I might see this terrifying visage in my nightmares for some time yet.
Citizen 2
Cowering Boy: These decorations are so scary... You're not here to trick me, are you?
Papa Gruff: This one is ripe for the picking, hehe... Ahem! F-Forget I said anything. So? What type of ghoul do you suggest?
<What will you say?> <The most appalling abomination you can conceive of—and don't skimp on the ooze> <The-hellhound-ate-my-homework levels of dread> <Something spoopy—<cough> Pardon me, spooky.>
<Something spoopy—<cough> Pardon me, spooky.> Papa Gruff: Hehe, if you really think so...
(Cutscene Start) Cowering Boy: Eeeeeek! ...Huh? Cowering Boy: ...You know, when you look at it, it's actually kind of cute. The puff of smoke was a little scary, though!
Papa Gruff: I think I'm beginning to understand. If a fright doesn't kill your kind, it can actually be somewhat...pleasant! Papa Gruff: I believe I'm ready to take the proverbial stab at it! Come, come: there should be more pumpkins around Apkallu Falls.
(Optional) Cowering Boy: It gets cuter every time I look at it. I wonder if any of the other pumpkins will transform.
Speaking with the pumpkin-gazing citizen near Apkallu Falls with Papa Gruff
Uncowed Girl: Don't tell me you're supposed to send a chill down my spine. Clowns are for babies!
Papa Gruff: For babies, are they? Hehehe, I'll make this lass wish she was back in her mother's womb! Papa Gruff: You there, little girl. Look well upon this pumpkin.
(Cutscene Start) Uncowed Girl: >> Aaah! A m-m-monster! << Uncowed Girl: Ah...hah hah... Wh-What impressive magic! My heart won't stop pounding. Uncowed Girl: Da and Ma will have the fight of their life when I tell them I saw a real, honest-to-gods monster. I can't wait to tell them! Uncowed Girl: Haha, I'll think twice before I insult a clown again. Thank you for the thrills!
Papa Gruff: Did she say, "Thank you"? Papa Gruff: I scared her near out of her shoes, and she thanks me? Can't say I've experienced that before. Papa Gruff: I daresay I even enjoyed it! yes, now is the time to capitalize upon this newfound "tickling" skill of mine. Let us visit the display near the Whistling Miller next.
Speaking with the pumpkin-gazing citizen near the Whsitling Miller with Paper Gruff (Cutscene)
Papa Gruff: Good day to you, young lady. might you join me in celebrating the joyous occasion that is All Saints' Wake?
Startled Botanist: Celebrate? That's the last thing on my mind! Please, go and bother someone else with that ghoulish makeup.
Papa Gruff: Oh my, aren't you in a fright—and not the good kind, either. What happened, lass. Papa Gruff is here to help.
Startled Botanist: You...you'll really help? Well, I could certainly do worse than a clown. I've come from the Greatloam Growery, although "fled from" is probably more appropriate. Startled Botanist: I was tilling the fields like always, when I heard a frightful voice from behind me. I turned around to meet it, and came face-to-face with the foulest monster I've ever seen! Startled Botanist: When I regained my senses, I was here, my throat hoarse from screaming. No power in the realm can persuade me to return, not while that horror wanders unchecked.
Papa Gruff: A monster...? But we haven't visited the Growery yet. What could it have been, do you think?
<What will you say?> <Maybe one of the transformed pumpkins from earlier?> <We might have a real demon on our hands.>
<We might have a real demon on our hands.> Papa Gruff: You may very well be right. Those illusions I summoned are no more capable of free movement than the pumpkins they sprang from. Papa Gruff: Yes, no doubt thee are voidsent running amok. Papa Gruff: Here I am, tying myself into knots trying to learn the subtleties of spookery, while some uncouth brute goes rampaging through the Twelveswood with nary a though towards artistry. Papa Gruff: If we forgive such behavior, our efforts to find glee in terror will have been for naught. Papa Gruff: Tremble in fear no longer, lass! We shall investigate the matter.
Startled Botanist: Truly? You're the first people to believe my claims are more than seasonal mischief. Oh, I knew Father was wrong when he said all clowns were villains. Thank you!
Papa Gruff: Again those words ring strangely in my ears...however, 'tis not an entirely unpleasant sensation. Papa Gruff: I know this wasn't why you were sent to assist me, but there's no telling how many of my kind we may find. a single void—er, clown can only achieve so much, so would you lend me your aid in case the situation gets undesirably blood? Papa Gruff: Thank you... Papa Gruff: ...Look at me, expressing gratitude, and to one of your kind no less. Well, no matter. Let us depart to the Greatloam Growery and settle this.
(Optional) Startled Botanist: That frightful thing snuck up on me at the Greatloam Growery... I fear it will be some time yet until I can work up the courage to return.
Searching the area for any traces of voidsent (Cutscene)
(Optional) Papa Gruff: I see nothing out of the ordinary here...but I know they are close.
(Cutscene Start) Papa Gruff: Our roguish quarry is close, doubtless lying in wait somewhere to catch us unawares. Once they show themselves, don't indulge them with anything but a face of stony indifference
Potted Voidsent: Boooooooo! Potted Voidsent: ...Tch. Oh, come on.
Papa Gruff: As I thought—a fellow voidsent. And what, pray tell, are you doing here?
Potted Voidsent: A brother of the void!? Then you know why I'm here—for the Night of Devilry! Potted Voidsent: Once, we were free to carouse, creep, and caper, guided by the great pumpkin-headed archfiend. Potted Voidsent: For too long we have been denied our demonic rights—and it is I who shall reinstate our grandest event! Potted Voidsent: Yes, the age of the Great Gourd shall give way to the era of the Great Pot! Even now, my allies lie in wait throughout the city, ready to usher in the Night of Devilry. You must join us, brother! Join us as we rise again!
Papa Gruff: No.
Potted Voidsent: What? Why!?
Papa Gruff: Even if I wanted to, my covenant prevents me from engaging in the wanton vileness you propose. Papa Gruff: regardless, I have no desire to join you for some cheap haunt through the city with only a few startled mortals to show for it. Such indelicate devilry would only result in our swift and total annihilation.
Potted Voidsent: Ha! Spoken like a true coward! don't tell me you're frightened of some sharpened sticks and clumsy clubs?
Papa Gruff: Oh, but I am frightened—as you too would be, had you tasted the full brunt of my master's fury. Perhaps you may yet, if you continue to insist upon this foolish course. Papa Gruff: I have learned how to blend in with the people here and extract terror in such a way that does not tempt retaliation. Papa Gruff: Your plan would bring but a single night of debauchery. Learn how to cohabit, however, and our collective revelry can last forevermore!
Potted Voidsent: Traitor! then my minions and I will devour you and your scaly snack of a friend!
???: Heh heh heh...
Potted Voidsent: Th-That head! The G-G-Great....G-G-G-G-G-G-Gourd!?
Pumpkin-headed Apparition: Naughty children ill deserve to join in the festivities. They should be happy as decorations, to serve as an example for any who would follow in their footsteps.
Papa Gruff: M-My lady! How dread—er, I mean, pleasant it is to see you! Dare I ask why you grace us with your presence?
Pumpkin-headed Apparition: I caught wind of a voidsent disturbance and came here to investigate. when I heard your voices, I knew something was afoot. Pumpkin-headed Apparition: Heh heh... I must say, I am quite pleased that you see the merit in my approach to All Saints' Wake. Pumpkin-headed Apparition: Yet something must be done about the other beasts that have crept into the city. Let us give them the same treatment and continue enjoying this unhallowed season on our own terms.
(Optional) Papa Gruff: That wretch reminded me of myself, long ago. For but a twist of fate, I might even now be adorning the streets of Gridania by its side...
Speaking with the pumpkin-headed apparition
Pumpkin-headed Apparition: With your help, rounding up our reckless kin should prove to be a simple matter. Let us make this All Saints' Wake an occasion to remember for those who dwell in the light and shadow alike. Pumpkin-headed Apparition: If you sight any errant ghouls, perform the spell I demonstrated earlier. Pumpkin-headed Apparition: In so doing, we shall convince the residents of Gridania that the source of their supposed nightmares was naught but a cluster of mundane pumpkins. Pumpkin-headed Apparition: This wand possess the transformative power you require. Simply swing it about in a grandiose manner and point it at your target. Pumpkin-headed Apparition: Once the charms have been case, I shall collect the pumpking. I understand they are quite delicious when baked in pie... Heh, heh...
System: You have learned the emote All Saints' Charm!