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Alexandria Mourns

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Alexandria Mourns

Quest giver
Gulool Ja
The Backroom (X:6.0, Y:6.3)
Quest line
Post-Dawntrail Main Scenario Quests
Gil 491
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Main Scenario QuestA Royal Invitation
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Main Scenario QuestIn Search of the Past

Main Scenario Progress: 955 / 968 (98.7%)


Dawntrail Progress: 102 / 115 (88.7%)


Gulool Ja wishes to go and collect his flower for the funeral.

— In-game description



  • Gulool Ja wishes to go and collect his flower for the funeral.


Accepting the Quest

Gulool Ja: The flowers are being handed out at Praxis Park. I'm thinking of heading over there now.
Wuk Lamat: We'll join you. There's a man I would like to speak with─Gossan. He was apparently Sphene's aide, and the one who sent us the invitation.
Wuk Lamat: Come on, let's go.

Optional Dialogue

Wuk Lamat: All correspondence was being handled by the Wing of Reflection, so this is my first time speaking with Gossan.
Alisaie: Judging from all the activity, I presume the funeral will be held here.
Krile: While it appears souls are still being issued, supply must be limited now that they're no longer being harvested. The grim faces in the queue tell the tale.
G'raha Tia: It makes sense that Sphene had loyal aides such as Gossan, given how much time she dedicated to walking among her people.
Alphinaud: Wuk Lamat's attendance will surely help strengthen relations between the two nations. I get the strong impression that both Tuliyollal and Alexandria wish to put this tragic past behind them.
Gulool Ja: Here he is. Gossan.

Speak with Gossan at Praxis Park (cutscene)

Gossan: Why, you're...
Wuk Lamat: I'm Vow Wuk Lamat of Tuliyollal. Thank you for extending us an invitation to Queen Sphene's funeral.
Gossan: We are honored, truly. I had seen you before from a distance, but never had the pleasure.
Gossan: I am Gossan, former chief aide to the queen. Since her passing, I have been responsible for administering affairs of state.
Gulool Ja: Um, can we get our flowers here?
Gossan: Yes, Your Majesty. The flowers are being handed out at the counter yonder, alongside the regulators.
Wuk Lamat: What? We need to wear regulators for the funeral?
Gossan: Ah, rest assured they are not a requirement. We're aware your people do not use them.
Gossan: You see, people in the Alexandria of old wore tokens of mourning upon their persons when attending funerals.
Gossan: As such tokens were black, it was suggested that we might wear regulators painted the same color.
Gossan: We've yet to produce enough for everyone, but we're distributing them as we are able.
Wuk Lamat: I see...
Gossan: Yet regulator or no, the important thing is that we remember Queen Sphene. Remember her and her kindness as you make an offering of your flower.
Wuk Lamat: I will.
Gossan: The proceedings will soon begin in this plaza. Please take your place once you have your flower.

Voiced Cutscene

Gossan: Although we are gathered here for the same reason, we hail from different lands. 
Gossan: Some were born and raised in the Alexandria of old, while others came to us from Tuliyollal.
Gossan: It was from this union of diverse peoples that a new Alexandria was born─the only home that our younger generation knows.
Gossan: How did we overcome the barriers between us? What moved us to join hands in common purpose beneath crackling skies?
Gossan: You know the answer. We survived─we thrived─because Queen Sphene brought us together.
Gossan: Inspired and encouraged by her boundless kindness, we strove to be better, for ourselves as well as those around us.
Gossan: And in Her Majesty's absence...there is a sadness beyond words. Yet we must─we will remember her. Remember all the good that she has done for us.
Gossan: So let us pray, as the people of the old kingdom once did, for the peaceful repose of the departed.
Gossan: And let us keep our beloved queen forever in our hearts, that her memory might guide us unto the morrow.
Gossan: Would that I could find solace in my own words...
Pensive Boy: Was Queen Sphene taken to the cloud?
Boy's Mother: She must have been. To still remember her...is strange, isn't it, darling?
Pensive Boy: I miss her. She would always cheer me up when I was down.
Pensive Boy: But even though I remember her, I'll never see her again? That doesn't make sense!
Boy's Mother: It seems that's what it means to die, I'm afraid.
Pensive Boy: But...but what will happen to us? Are we just going to be sad forever?
Mourning Man: What will happen indeed...
Mourning Man: Everything that we have, we owe to Queen Sphene. How are we to go on without her?
Mourning Woman: I still remember Her Majesty so clearly... If only I didn't, I might feel better about the future of our realm.
Mourning Man: Perhaps we should also consider moving to Tuliyollal. The journey won't be easy, but it'd be better than staying here in uncertainty.
Wuk Lamat: In times like these, I take comfort in the beliefs of a Turali people called the Yok Huy.
Wuk Lamat: To them, death isn't the end. So long as we're remembered, we never truly die.
Wuk Lamat: It could be the same for Queen Sphene, you know? If you keep her alive in your hearts, she'll always be with you.
Pensive Boy: But...we still won't be able to see her, right? I don't want to think about that...
Pensive Boy: I wish I could just forget instead of having to feel like this...
Wuk Lamat: I'm sorry, I didn't mean to impose... Please, mourn your queen however you see fit.
Wuk Lamat: As expected, they struggle to come to terms with their loss. I hope they can find a way to move forward.
Krile: It's not only grief that weighs on them, but worry for the future. Bereft of their queen, how will they proceed...
Wuk Lamat: True... But with that, at least, we're not powerless to help.
Wuk Lamat: What is it, Gulool Ja?
Gulool Ja: I was wondering... Is it better to remember or forget someone when they're dead?
Gulool Ja: I remember my father. And every time I think of him, it hurts.
Gulool Ja: It's the same with Queen Sphene. Knowing that she's gone makes me feel sad.
Gulool Ja: But it's different with my mother. I never knew her, so I don't feel as bad.
Gulool Ja: I want to remember my father. But maybe I'd be better off forgetting him...
Wuk Lamat: Gulool Ja...
Krile: Why don't we continue this somewhere else?

Optional Dialogue

Gulool Ja: I'm sorry. I shouldn't have brought that up...
G'raha Tia: Simply leaving Alexandria won't solve all their problems, I fear. The problem runs deeper than that.
Krile: This seems a good place to continue our conversation.
Alisaie: Seeing that child reminded me of myself. Of how hard it was for me to accept that Grandfather was gone.
Alisaie: But that sadness is what gave me the strength to come this far, and I would never choose to forget it. Never.
Alphinaud: I hope the altar can provide comfort to those who need it.

Speak with Wuk Lamat (cutscene)

Wuk Lamat: Hey, Gulool Ja? Do you really know nothing at all about your mother?
Gulool Ja: Shale searched the system for information on residents, but the only Mamool Ja she found listed were my father and me.
Gulool Ja: Even if she died and was erased from people's memories, she should've been there. But she wasn't...
Wuk Lamat: Well, that you're here means she was here too, inside the dome. There can't be any other way about it.
What will you say?
> Perhaps we should try looking again.
> Do you want to know your mother?
< Perhaps we should try looking again. > 
Gulool Ja: Maybe... It's hard to explain. I'm not sad, but I feel like...like I'm missing something.
Gulool Ja: So even if it makes me feel sad, I want to know my mother.
< Do you want to know your mother? >
Gulool Ja: I think so. Even if it makes me feel sad, I want to know her.
Gulool Ja: So I want to try looking again. And if I don't find anything this time, I'll give up.
Wuk Lamat: I see... Well, if that's what you want...
Wuk Lamat: ...Then I'll help you!
Krile: I'd like to help as well, and I believe I speak for the others too.
Gulool Ja: But...I can't bother you with this. You already came for the funeral...
G'raha Tia: We came here not only for the funeral, but to see whether all was well in Alexandria. We're not about to leave just yet.
Krile: Besides, in seeking to learn about your mother, we're bound to learn about your father as well.
Krile: By retracing the steps of this man who kept his own counsel, we may gain knowledge that can serve the people of Alexandria.
Gulool Ja: ...Alright. Thank you, everyone!

Optional Dialogue

Gulool Ja: We might learn more about my father, too? I hadn't thought of that.
Krile: I can very much relate to his feelings. I pray Gulool Ja finds what he seeks.
Alisaie: If no records remain of Gulool Ja's mother, then where do we begin our search?
Alphinaud: I understand all too well Gulool Ja's desire. For the longest time I found my own father's actions inexplicable...
Wuk Lamat: If this is what Gulool Ja wants, then I'll help him however I can. After all, we're family!