Friend Codes:
Pokémon Go: 3627 2423 1412; Pokémon Unite: L68MLR9; FF XIV: Monria Titans; PSN: titansmonria21; Steam: 119370789
Basic Info:
Sexuality: Bisexual; Gender: Cis Female; Nationality: African American; Lefty or Righty: Ambidextrous; Username Pronunciation: Mon-Rye-Uh
Ever After
Anything but rap.
I could no sooner choose a favorite star in the heavens.
Beyond: Two Souls, Dragon Age Series, Hades
Cream Soda, DrPepper;;
Full Sail University - April 2020: Bachelor of Science in Game Design
Virginia Wesleyan College - December 2013: Major: Creative Writing: Fiction, Double-Minor: Studio Art and Classical Studies
On Twitch I host The Weekend Game Show with the purpose of promoting artists while educating viewers, in a fun way, on different aspects of game design to answer the question, "Why do video games take so long to make?"