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The Last Word

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This series of stories was published on the Legacy version of Lodestone in the lead up to the server shutdown at the end of Patch 1.23b on November 11, 2012. It takes the form of a column written by The Raven reporter Kipih Jakkya.

The Last Word – Storm over Gridania 04.27.2011

The heavens seem hell-bent on inundating Gridania of late. While the Twelveswood is no stranger to willful weather, something is afoot that sits ill with this reporter. Driven by an inner disquiet, I set out on a mission to give shape and form to intangible trepidation.

Ere long, I pick up the trail of irregularity, catching curious whispers on the wind that deaspected crystals have been circulating. Yes, you read true: these crystalline manifestations of aetheric energy are turning up utterly divested of aspect. Even a wee tot could tell you that such a thing is an affront to the very laws of nature.

Perchance this development does not suffice to chill spines, the frightful rumors being propagated by a camp-bound transient could well prompt folk to run for the hills. This shady figure is said to manifest with nary a warning, preach feverishly of impending doom, and then vanish like a phantom only to reappear elsewhere. Though the ramblings of this seemingly touched soul are largely lost to gibberish, such is the zeal with which they are delivered, more than a few citizens are like to be taken by fear.

Far be it from this reporter's intent to incite panic, but if history has taught man aught, it is that we dismiss portentous signs at our peril. Are these incidents merely isolated occurrences? Or are they a dire warning of disaster? This I leave to you, our informed readers, to ponder.

Kipih Jakkya

The Last Word – A Tempest of Testimonies 06.17.2011

I put quill to parchment today in hopes of making known to one and all the first-hand accounts of adventurers regarding the strange occurrences of late. What follows is the fruit of my "putting feet to moss," to borrow the words of a peer—solid, irrefutable evidence of the great peril bound for Eorzea.

Allow me to begin with deaspected crystals. How does one go about describing these affronts to the laws of nature? Some compare them to eggs bereft of yolk, while to others they are akin to Fen-Yll wares of slipshod craftsmanship. Others still find a metaphor on a grander scale more fitting, such as a Gridania lost to the elementals' guidance. If this reporter might be permitted an opinion, however, deaspected crystals are a metaphor unto themselves.

The crystals have been turning up in all manner of locales, with seemingly no rhyme nor reason to their distribution. Inquiring one adventurer of her recent discovery, I received a vivid recounting of the time she found one elbow-deep in the steaming entrails of a felled quarry. Speaking with another, it was simply a matter of chancing upon a specimen while undertaking a levequest at the behest of the Adventurers' Guild. The adventurers with whom I spoke came from various walks of life. Yet all were united in the misgiving that mayhap this phenomenon be connected to the unusual weather patterns assailing the Twelveswood in recent moons.

Now, I trust you will recall the shady figure who has taken to loitering about aetheryte camps—aye, the one inciting fear among the populace with unsettling prophecies. One R.G. mustered up the courage to venture a conversation, only to have him cast some unknown spell upon her with nary a warning. For a blessing, the brave lass took no harm—on the contrary, she reported feeling a tremendous sense of well-being permeating through her. Such inexplicable acts, however, serve to heighten my apprehension rather than allay it. And as if the interminable ramblings of one man sufficed not to bleed the ears, some individuals have taken it upon themselves to warn passersby of false prophets with such fervor as would wake the dead. Will our camps never know peace again?

In seeking to cast light upon the murky forest of the transient's gibberish, I came to know of one T.M., who posits a connection between the words septenary moon—that’s seventh moon, to use the common term—and the calamity prophesied by Mezaya Thousand Eyes, writ in the seventh verse of the Divine Chronicles. Sensing that this hypothesis bears further investigation, I resolved to delve into what historical records I could find on the subject matter.

My research lead me to another adventurer, one V.P., who lends further weight to the apocalypse theory by quoting The Five Ages—aye, that hefty tome seen hither and thither that describes Eorzea's cycle of prosperity and destruction. If I might be forgiven for paraphrasing from memory, the passage of interest states that the Sixth Astral Era must give way to the Seventh Umbral Era, the coming of which will end life as we know it. I believe I speak for the most of us when I say I hadn't imagined that the doomsaying words of a grandiloquent tome would come to pass in my lifetime.

In sharp contrast to this grim outlook, I encountered adventurers also who were taking the imminent catastrophe in their stride. Case in point was one H.Y. who, upon hearing of impending doom, proceeded to well-nigh shout out challenges to the heavens in playful defiance. While a part of me cringed that such a show of bravado might tempt fate—or at least hasten the day of reckoning—I found myself comforted in the knowledge that come what may, we will always be able to rely upon the optimism and fortitude of adventurers to turn night into day.

And here my second missive comes to an end. While my investigation brought me across many and more noteworthy first-hand accounts, for now I shall stay my quill, that the implications of the above findings might be given due time to sink in.

In closing, it has come to my attention that, of late, certain other papers—The Mythril Eye, The Harbor Herald, and The Sultana Sun Times, to name but a few—have belatedly seen fit to report on the selfsame object of my pursuit. While I doubt not the integrity of their journalism, if it is the latest tidings you seek, know that naught read beyond the sheets of the The Raven will fulfill your needs.

Till next time, may the Twelve watch over you.

Kipih Jakkya
* My sincerest thanks to R.G., T.M., V.P., and H.Y.—the kindly adventurers who consented to my use of their diary entries as inspiration for this article.

The Last Word — The Goobbue Tamer 01.17.2012

The goobbue—that massive, lumbering seedkin possessed of a perpetual grin and arms as disproportionately long as its legs are short. Although ordinarily placid when observed in their natural habitat, little short of a stout stone wall will stop one when agitated. Mind you, this has not served to discourage our Ul’dahn neighbors from parading the creatures about in the many opulent celebrations they hold—an impious practice, as I am certain any forestborn would agree. On such occasions these luckless beasts are bound by powerful magicks, lest they get it inside their heads to turn upon their captors.

As if exhibiting goobbues for the dubious pleasure of folk were not in poor enough taste, word has reached my ears of a man who has made it his business to ride them. Aye, mounting the towering seedkins as if they were chocobos; one difference being that a thrown rider could well land within the creature’s razor-lined maw rather than upon the relative comfort of the ground. A thoroughly deserved fate, I am inclined to believe. But this reporter shall set aside personal opinion for the nonce in the name of objective journalism.

By all accounts, the individual in question is a wandering minstrel come to Vylbrand from as yet unknown shores. If rumors can be given credence, he is capable of influencing the humours of goobbues by way of an enchanted horn, one whose distinct sound beckons the creatures and tames them besides.

Much and more regarding the whole affair still eludes my knowing, the goobbue tamer’s true identity for one, the workings of the horn for another. I shall continue my investigations, and would be duly grateful for any morsels of information that adventurers may have come upon in the course of their travels.

And here I put down my quill. Till next time, may the Twelve keep you.

Kipih Jakkya

The Last Word — Wolves in Sheep’s Clothing 01.26.2012

Our ordinarily peaceful community has been racked by a series of abductions. Upon learning of these heinous crimes, most folk would be quick to suspect the hand of the evil Empire, and this reporter was no exception. In the course of my investigations, however, I have come to the conclusion that a doomsday cult calling itself the Lambs of Dalamud is the likeliest culprit.

Those familiar with celestial lore will know that the lesser moon Dalamud is held to be the loyal hound of the goddess Menphina. As might be inferred from their name, however, the Lambs of Dalamud have taken him as their lord and savior. Religious hardliners will doubtless cry heresy, but such trifles will keep—there are far more pressing matters at hand.

Cults have been on the rise of late. This comes as no surprise to scholars, who explain that the current climate of uncertainty renders folk vulnerable to the offer of salvation touted by entities they would otherwise spurn. Naught is new about cults—they have existed since antiquity, and are harmless for the most part. Every so often, however, one will emerge whose unsavory ambitions threaten to plunge society into disarray. And by my reckoning the Lambs of Dalamud is such a cult, capable of committing unspeakable evils in the name of their fanatical beliefs.

Now, I must confess that the case against them remains inconclusive. Nevertheless, I shall relay to you what I have learned, that you might form your own opinions on the matter. First of all, no sooner had the Lambs of Dalamud arrived to propagate their faith than the first case of abduction was reported. From refugees to war orphans, people from all walks of life began vanishing without a trace. To further implicate the cult, there is a man who claims his daughter was taken in front of his very eyes by a mob donning robes of crimson in a sick imitation of Dalamud’s bloody hue.

As if all the talk of the Seventh Umbral Era did not cast a dark enough shadow over our lives, folk now durst not leave their homes for fear of the cult; only the gods know what horrible fate awaits those taken. Are there no brave souls out there who would arise to put an end to this waking nightmare?

Our world grows ever more perilous, gone are the days when a citizen could walk through a lonely lane unmolested. Till next time, do take all care, and may the Twelve keep you.

Kipih Jakkya

The Last Word – Imperial Concerns 08.10.2012

Kipih Jakkya here, bright-eyed and sharp-eared, bringing you a report on the latest movements of the Garlean Empire.

Unease among the populace continues to rise as imperial raids that began at the frontier camps slowly edge closer to the cities proper. I thank the Twelve for the local militia and adventurers, whose heroic efforts have blunted the worst of the attacks thus far.

As I pen this article, there appears to be a lull in the Empire’s constant assaults. It would be reckless, of course, to hope that the imperial army has withdrawn—I am more inclined to believe that the enemy plots some new, sinister strategy with which to test our defenses.

And now on to another unsettling topic. Rumors abound of the massive Garlean fortress that appeared in the west of Mor Dhona almost overnight. Although the Empire is unsurpassed in its mastery of magitek, none could have suspected it was capable of such a feat of rapid construction. The Order of the Twin Adder has dispatched scouting parties to gather intelligence on the imperial base, and I, for one, am breathlessly anxious to hear what they discover.

Lastly, we come to the issue of the Empire’s airships. An ever-increasing number of folk are coming forth with claims that they have espied vessels of imperial design in the skies of Mor Dhona and Coerthas. Disturbingly, these sightings are of multiple warships flying low and in formation. The frontier raids had just begun to ease off—must we now contend with an increased imperial air presence? One can only hope that this sudden burst of aerial activity is not a precursor to a large-scale assault.

And with our eyes involuntarily drawn to the heavens, we cannot help but take note of Dalamud’s continuing growth. There are those who swear the swelling of the red moon is part of the Garlean’s grand scheme, though I do wonder if there is truly a connection.

Gossip and rumors aside, of one thing we can be certain: the Garlean Empire is on the move once more. Stay alert, and inform the authorities should you encounter any imperial activity.

Till next time, may the Twelve watch over you!

Kipih Jakkya

The Last Word – Dalamud Approaches 08.15.2012

Kipih Jakkya here, bright-eyed and sharp-eared, bringing you a report on the ever-expanding Dalamud.

But is the red moon truly swelling in size?
One theory states that Dalamud may actually be moving towards us, thus the illusion of gradual growth. I had the good fortune to speak with Domitien, an Ishgardian scholar and proponent of the “moving moon” theory, and he was kind enough to elaborate further on the subject.

According to Domitien, the red moon's growing proximity is wreaking havoc on the natural balance of the elements. As evidence to support this claim, he points to the recent and wide-ranging discovery of crystals that either exhibit an extreme concentration of a particular elemental property, or appear to have lost any such properties altogether.

And what might the consequences of such a disruption to elemental balance entail?
Domitien hypothesizes that the disturbance could give rise to peculiarities among monstrous wildlife, as well as alter the flow of aetheric energy. This last point is especially worrisome, as the “rivers” of aether that run through the land are what make instantaneous travel between aetheryte locations possible. Should the aetheric flow become sufficiently warped, it may well prevent us from using aetherytes altogether.

There have been no reports of “broken” aetherytes to date, and I, for one, certainly hope to hear of none. Domitien, while your ideas are fascinating, you must forgive me for praying that your theory is somehow flawed!

I shall continue to investigate the disturbing influence Dalamud exerts on Eorzea, and pass on any new knowledge that I manage to acquire.

Till next time, may the Twelve watch over us all.

Kipih Jakkya

The Last Word – Aetheryte Camps Under Siege 08.23.2012

Kipih Jakkya here, bright-eyed and sharp-eared, bringing you a report on the hitherto unknown entity spotted in the vicinity of various aetheryte camps.

Though eyewitness testimony has been conflicting, all sources agree that the mysterious beast possesses a frighteningly large mouth. Traumatized survivors spoke of an abysmal, hypnotic nothingness that stilled their very souls.

One recent account from Camp Brittlebark in Mor Dhona further states that, whilst hovering high above, the great jawed horror seemed to summon strange creatures from the aether. Panicked travelers fled for safety as the camp erupted into chaos, yet moments later the monster and its minions vanished as abruptly as they had first appeared.

Similar stories have led to speculation that these otherworldly beings are in fact voidsent.

According to Marcette, a naturalist at Eorzean Geographic, voidsent are creatures so radically different from the other inhabitants of Eorzea that, logically, they must have originated in another world (the “Void”, as it is commonly referred to by experts).

Could these unexplained occurrences be connected to the increasingly observed disruptions of elemental balance, as hypothesized by the Ishgardian scholar Domitien? Has the flow of aetheric energies grown so twisted that travel to other worlds is now possible, and is this massively mawed monstrosity the product of such a connection?

If so, to consider what might emerge next is truly terrifying. All adventurers are advised to be wary when visiting aetheryte camps.

In other news, Eorzeans everywhere have been discussing the hauntingly beautiful curtains of light observed throughout the land. While I have never before seen such an awe-inspiring sight, I cannot shake this troubling suspicion that it is yet another grave portent for our future.

I know not what lies ahead, but I shall continue to investigate these unnatural incidents and deliver the truth to our dear readers.

Till next time, may the Twelve watch over you and keep you safe.

Kipih Jakkya

The Last Word – Atomos Identified 09.05.2012

Kipih Jakkya here, bright-eyed and sharp-eared, bringing you a report on the continued assaults on aetheryte camps by the mysterious floating monster now known as Atomos.

The name, which roughly translates to “The Indivisible” in the Eorzean tongue, comes from an ancient Hyur myth of an entity with the power to breach the borders between worlds.

As attacks continue to occur, it has become clear that this Atomos is the source of the voidsent and is summoning swarms of the monsters from another world. Once scholars compared the creature to the Atomos of legend, the name spread like wildfire.

Inexplicably, the Grand Companies of Eorzea have yet to respond to this grave situation. Rumors tell of troops massing in secret to confront another threat, but this reporter wonders what enemy could be so great as to warrant ignoring this crisis.

For the time being, it seems we must rely on courageous souls to protect us from Atomos and its voidsent minions. Already there are tales of adventurers battling the beasts as they seek ways to banish them for good. Whoever you are, know that all of Eorzea is praying for your success!

Until Atomos is driven from our lands, I urge one and all to continue practicing caution when visiting aetheryte camps. As for myself, I shall continue my investigations and bring our dear readers new information as it becomes available.

Till next time, may the Twelve keep you safe during your travels.

Kipih Jakkya

The Last Word – Unquiet Atomos 09.25.2012

Kipih Jakkya here, bright-eyed and sharp-eared, bringing you another report on the entity known as Atomos.

Allow me to refresh your memory, dear reader, of the menace in question.
Atomos is the nightmarish creature that suddenly began appearing in the vicinity of the aetheryte camps. This horror, easily recognized by its massive maw, has the frightening tendency to manifest itself in midair without warning...and then just as mysteriously disappear. While present, the entity is often witnessed siphoning some manner of energy from the aetheryte, as well as summoning strange monsters to run rampant in the area.
The creatures called forth by Atomos have sown chaos and panic, their intrusions leaving many and more feeling harried and hunted. But they are not the focus of this article.

For Atomos itself has begun inflicting harm upon any who draw near. It seems this unpredictable and terrifying visitor is growing ever more dangerous.
But fear not, gentle reader, for all is not doom and calamity.
Though Atomos has proven impervious—oblivious, in fact—to anything thrown at it until now, it appears that the creature is beginning to sustain damage from ordinary blows. Scholars theorize that its presence on the material plane has solidified, thus allowing it to feel the effects of physical actions. There is much, however, that we still do not know about its true nature.

Yet despite the mysteries that remain unsolved, could this not mean that a determined force of adventurers could conceivably slay the floating invader? Such an endeavor would, naturally, be rife with danger, but if the attempt were to succeed...
If my words have inspired any heroes to confront Atomos, I beg that you do so with the greatest of caution. I will, as always, strive to bring the latest developments on this situation to light.

Till next time, may the Twelve watch over you and keep you safe.

Kipih Jakkya

The Last Word – Garlean Movements 10.11.2012

Kipih Jakkya here, bright-eyed and sharp-eared, bringing you the latest reconnaissance on the movements of the imperial army.

Garlean forces have resumed their attacks on Eorzean soil, presumably seeking to take advantage of the widespread chaos caused by Atomos and its minions. This time, however, the Empire has adopted a new approach for its incursions.

Before I launch into an explanation of this development, dear reader, allow me to provide some background on Garlean military structure. The imperial army is composed of large-scale units known as legions. Of the fourteen such units believed to exist, it is the VIIth Imperial Legion, commanded by Legatus Nael van Darnus, that currently threatens our hearths and homes.

According to our sources, each legion is comprised of ten infantry battalions known as cohors. These cohors are further broken down into three companies, or manipuli. Finally, a manipulus consists of two platoons, or centuriae.

Our troubles lie with this last unit. Previously, the Empire pushed into our territory with entire manipuli. Recent days, however, have seen the attacks scaled back to the smaller centuriae.

“But surely,” you must be thinking, “Would that not make them easier to defeat?” Unfortunately, the answer is a resounding “nay.” Respected adventurers have described these centuria units functioning as elite shock troops—platoons that are provisioned with the latest in magitek weaponry.

Twin Adder strategists theorize that the Empire seeks to prevent the Eorzean Alliance from amassing by deploying these smaller detachments to threaten the realm on multiple fronts.

With rumors of a climactic battle on the wind, it seems the Garleans are seizing every opportunity to interfere with the alliance’s preparations. It is imperative, now more than ever, that we stand together to confront the invaders. Valiant adventurers everywhere, I pray you answer the call to arms!

Till next time, may the Twelve watch over you and keep you safe.

Kipih Jakkya

The Last Word – Rising Panic 10.18.2012

Kipih Jakkya here, bright-eyed and sharp-eared, bringing you a report on the recent rampages of beasts and beastmen alike.

As mutterings about the imminent arrival of the Seventh Umbral Era swell into a deafening chorus of unease in and around the city-states, it appears the beastmen, too, are falling prey to the infectious rumblings of fear.

According to recent reports, roving gangs of Qiqirn and goblins have begun attacking travelers on the roads of Thanalan. While such incidents are certainly not unheard of in the lightly patrolled borderlands, these attacks have taken place in plain sight of the gates of Ul’dah. Never before have these beastmen been so bold, or shown such disregard for potential reprisals.

Mayhap, as some scholars have put forth, the looming threat of Dalamud has driven them into a self-destructive frenzy. Or perhaps they simply care not for consequences in their frantic rush to hoard supplies in preparation for the “end of the world.”

And while we are speaking of Thanalan, dear reader, let us not forget the rumors concerning the unusual numbers of cactuars careening around the countryside. Marcette, a naturalist and writer for Eorzean Geographic, postulates that exposure to the eerie and ever-present light of the red moon is responsible for the seedkin’s heightened state of agitation.

With both beast and beastman acting in such unpredictable fashion, a journey into the wilds is more dangerous than ever. Be you adventurer, merchant, or intrepid reporter, I urge you to remain wary—only the gods know what new dangers await us beyond the sanctuary of the city walls.

Till next time, may the Twelve watch over you and keep you safe.

Kipih Jakkya

The Last Word – Goodbye, and Good Luck 11.01.2012

Kipih Jakkya here, bright-eyed and sharp-eared, filing her latest report on the numerous threats to Eorzea and how we may find deliverance from destruction.

Before I begin, I must announce, with great regret, that this will be my final report—the last of last words. As the specter of war and chaos spreads throughout the land, I find it harder to guarantee my safety and—more importantly—that of my little brother. I intend to take him far away, to wherever we may yet find refuge.

The great cities themselves may soon be in danger. The monstrously mawed Atomos continues to wreak havoc upon Aetheryte Camps, most recently in Coerthas and Mor Dhona. To further compound matters, the voidsent summoned by the floating beast have been spotted wandering far from any Aetheryte, fueling fears that nowhere in Eorzea is safe.

Our conflict with the Empire is approaching a terrible climax as well. Widespread rumors tell of a great allied force, bolstered by many brave adventurers, marching to confront the Garlean menace at the Carteneau Flats. However, it is also whispered that the VIIth Legion has fortified its encampments and now lies ready to repel any attack. How events shall ultimately unfold is anything but clear. For now, we can only offer prayers for our fighting men and women.

In truth, our prayers may possess more power than we realize. The sudden appearance of the Twelve’s divine symbols has caused a tremendous stir in recent days. Sharlayan scholars are now asserting that if enough Eorzeans were to entreat the gods at these sites, our combined religious devotion may well move them to act. If these claims are true, then perhaps there is still hope.

As a reporter, I have been blessed with the opportunity to meet countless amazing adventurers, and every moment spent afield and writing these missives has been a joy. Though I know not when it will come, I look forward to the day when I return to serve my dear readers once more. Until then, I shall keep my quill safe and sharp.

Farewell, and may the Twelve watch over you and keep you safe.

Kipih Jakkya