The Great Horn Heist Redux
The Great Horn Heist Redux
- Quest giver
- Ollier
- Location
- The Gold Saucer (X:6.0, Y:6.9)
- Quest line
- The Make It Rain Campaign 2021
- Level
- 15
- Required quest
The Gridanian Envoy
The Ul'dahn Envoy
The Lominsan Envoy
- Previous quest
The Great Horn Heist
- Patch
- 5.57
“Ollier can't help but get the sense that something is eating away at you.
※This quest is available for a limited time only.— In-game description
- Search the Gold Saucer for clues, and speak with Ollier to discuss them.
- Speak with Ollier.
- Ollier can't help but get the sense that something is eating away at you.
- ※This quest is available for a limited time only.
- You share with Ollier your lingering doubts that your prior investigation arrived at the whole truth behind the matter of the stolen horn. Convinced that the true culprit remains at large, Ollier agrees to persuade Master Roland to reopen the case, that justice might at last be served. Armed once more with your trusty inspector's journal, you head out once more into the halls of the Saucer, vowing that this time no clue will escape you.
- ※Please note that you will be unable to complete this quest after the seasonal event has ended. For details, please check the Lodestone.
- Having gleaned all that you can from your survey of the Saucer and questioning of its denizens, you share your deductions before a tribunal headed by Master Roland, and once again, a verdict is rendered. You then set out to speak once more with Ollier, that you might hear his thoughts on the outcome.
- You speak with Ollier, who expresses his thanks for your diligent efforts on Hugue's behalf. With the case at last brought to a conclusion, you bid the Saucer attendant farewell and take your leave.
Ollier: Oh, it's you again. Is everything quite all right? You look as if there's something on your mind...
What will you say?
> Let me investigate once more!
Ollier: You wish to conduct another investigation? I admire your diligence, but─for better or for worse─the case is already closed...
Ollier: That said, if there is a chance that true justice has not been served, we would be remiss not to rectify matters.
Ollier: I will explain the situation to Master Roland and Captain Daluce and arrange for another hearing to be held. In the meantime, pray survey the premises and collect whatever evidence you can. We're counting on you, friend!
> It's nothing, really...
Ollier: Forgive me...I did not mean to presume. Thank you again for your aid with our investigation, and do enjoy the festivities.
Daluce: Conducting another investigation, you say? Be my guest, though I'll be a chocobo's uncle if anything comes of it!
Hugue: How many times must I say it? I swear to you, I am innocent!
Pipimaya: We all know you did it. Why not confess and save us all some trouble?
When speaking to Ollier before discovering all the clues
Ollier: How fares the investigation, my friend? You look as if the whole matter still has you a bit puzzled. Have you gotten any closer to the truth?
> I'm not entirely sure...
Ollier: I see. Pray take the time you need to be certain, but please hurry...lest poor Hugue be forced to confess to a crime which he did not commit.
When speaking to Ollier after discovering all the clues
Ollier: Ah, there you are. Observing from afar, I couldn't help but notice just how thorough you've been in your investigation. Pray tell, do you believe you've arrived at the truth?
> It's all clear to me now!
Ollier: Truly? In that case, by all means let us share your deductions with the others!
Roland: Ollier has explained the situation to me. Though it is rather...unconventional to reopen a case in this manner, we have a responsibility to arrive at the truth in whatever way that may be done. As such, I will listen once more to all evidence─old and new─at hand, and see what conclusion it leads us to regarding this unfortunate incident. I trust you have no objections?
Daluce: Not as such, Master Roland. While I am skeptical that anything new will come to light, it would not be my place to refuse.
Roland: Master/Mistress [Surname], I hear that you have diligently prepared for these proceedings. Are you ready to present your new evidence?
Roland: Very well, then let us begin. Captain Daluce, pray summarize the details of the incident for those of us who may have forgotten.
Daluce: Gladly. A few bells ago, a Sabotender Emperador horn went missing from the Gold Saucer's prize vault, located behind the main counter. It was noticed by a sharp-eyed attendant whose shift followed that of Hugue.
Daluce: Thorough questioning of all witnesses in the area at the time revealed that no other persons─attendant or customer alike─were seen behind the counter at the time.
Daluce: Investigating our records, we further learned that Hugue was arrested once for petty theft before being employed here at the Saucer. We have named him a primary suspect, and an interrogation is being conducted as we speak. That is all.
Roland: Thank you, Captain Daluce.
Roland: Master/Mistress [Surname]. Ollier has informed me that you, too, have been investigating the matter on our behalf. Have you any objections to Captain Daluce's testimony?
What will you say?
> The true culprit is still out there!
> What proof do you have that Hugue did it?
Daluce: What!? How could you possibly know that!?
What will you say?
> There's always a true culprit!
> Call it a hunch, I guess...?
> One of the attendant's uniforms have gone missing!
Daluce: What's this you say...!?
Roland: ...Oho. Then let us proceed to the next topic at hand. Captain Daluce and his men are all but convinced that Hugue is the thief. Have you uncovered any evidence to lead you to believe otherwise?
What will you say?
> Just look at those innocent eyes!
> He says he didn't do it!
> If you're so sure he did it, then where is the horn?
Daluce: It's true that we haven't recovered it yet, but I assure you it's only a matter of time. That's hardly evidence of the man's innocence. What exactly are you implying?
What will you say?
> I'm not sure, but it was worth a shot.
> I propose...the horn just vanished into thin air!
> The horn was stolen while Hugue was still on duty!
Roland: ...I see. For you to say so with such confidence, I imagine you must have uncovered some convincing evidence, indeed.
Roland: Well, now. I do believe we've come to the heart of the matter. Master/Mistress [Surname], if you would...just who do you believe is truly responsible for the crime?
What will you say?
> It's you...Pipimaya!
> It's...not Hugue, that's for certain!
> I'm sorry, Hugue. I tried...!
> It's...Captain Daluce!
Pipimaya takes a step back in surprise.
Pipimaya: M-Me!? Is this some kind of a joke!? I'm no thief! I'm an officer of the law!
Pipimaya giggles smugly behind one hand.
Pipimaya: You'd best have some proof behind these accusations, or I'll have you hauled in gaol faster than you can say “Godbert Manderville!”
What will you say?
> My adventurer's sense is never wrong!
> Just look at that suspicious look on his face!
> The stolen uniform was Lalafell-sized!
Pipimaya raises his arms in lalaprotest.
Pipimaya: And so what if it is!? That is proof of nothing! You need only look around you to see that I am far from the only Lalafell in this place!
What will you say?
> But not all have a brother with eyes only for MGP.
> Come to think of it, he has a point...
> Hmmmmmmmmm...
Pipimaya takes a step back in surprise.
Pipimaya: do you know that!?
Pipimaya hops and waves his fists in lalaprotest.
Pipimaya: I mean...nonsense! I have an alibi! At the time the theft happened, I was at the chocobo races! And I'll have you know I won myself a fortune as well! Hah! The joke's on you!
Pipimaya points.
Pipimaya: Just ask any of the attendants there! They all remember me! Why, I'm one of their best customers!
What will you say?
> My most sincere apologies, Master Mayapipi.
> Lies! Be a man and confess to your crime!
Master Mayapipi shrugs. (/huh)
Pipimaya: Master Mayapipi? Is this your idea of a joke? The least you could do is have the dignity to call a man by his proper name!
The Burly Brass Blade tilts his head at Master Mayapipi in confusion.
Burly Brass Blade: What? Just the other day you told us that was your favorite nickname!
"Master Mayapipi" throws his arms up in the air in shock.
???: Enough, Sasapano. It would seem our game is up.
The camera moves to your face. You furrow your eyebrows.
Roland furrows his eyebrows.
The burly Brass Blade's mouth drops open in shock.
Pipimaya Look-alike: Remarkable sleuthing, if I do say so myself. Of course, you are correct─Hugue is not the culprit.
Pipimaya Look-alike: I am. Or should I say, we are... "Master Mayapipi" is standing next to the Pipimaya look-alike, looking slumped.
The burly Brass Blade looks at "Mayapipi".
The burly Brass Blade looks at the Pipimaya look-alike.
The burly Brass Blade looks back at "Mayapipi".
The burly Brass Blade looks back at the Pipimaya look-alike.
Burly Brass Blade: M-Master Mayapipi! There's...two of you!?
Captain Daluce takes a step back in surprise.
Daluce: What is the meaning of this!?
Roland: You'd better have a good explanation for all of us.
Pipimaya nods.
Pipimaya: I am Pipimaya...the real one, that is. The man who was posing as me until our ruse was revealed is my twin brother, Sasapano.
Pipimaya looks at Sasapano. Sasapano looks up, an aggrieved expression on his face. Sasapano looks down in sorrow.
Pipimaya: We also have another brother, some years younger than the two of us. He's our pride and joy, sharp of mind and fleet of foot.
Pipimaya lowers his head in grief.
Pipimaya: Sadly, one day our dear brother was stricken with a rare, nigh-untreatable malady. He was told he had but moons to live, if that.
Pipimaya wrings his fists.
Pipimaya: Needless to say, Sasapano and I were devastated. When the initial shock had passed, we were left with one thought─if we could not save the boy's life, at the very least we could make his biggest dream come true in the precious days he remained with us.
Pipimaya: Specifically, his dream to one day sail across the heavens on his very own Sabotender Emperador. I knew of his wish quite well, having often observed him eyeing its glorious succulent form longingly from my post on security duty.
Pipimaya looks at Sasapano, who is looking down with grief in his eyes.
Pipimaya: And so, in hopes of granting our dear sibling's dying wish, Sasapano and I embarked on a single-minded quest to accumulate as much MGP as we could muster. Sasapano, in particular, displayed quite the aptitude for games, and soon became known as one of the Saucer's most successful regulars.
Pipimaya shook his head.
Pipimaya: The points accumulated rapidly, and in great quantities, but our brother's condition was declining even more starkly. We were racing against time, and seemed destined to lose.
Pipimaya raises his head with grief written on his face.
Pipimaya: So it was that the idea came to us out of sheer desperation. We would use the hustle and bustle of the festival as a cover, sneak behind the counter, and pilfer that which would make one ill-fated man's wildest dreams come true.
Pipimaya looks at you and gestures to you.
Pipimaya: ...The rest played out exactly as this insightful adventurer deduced. Little did I expect that I'd be found out before I could even sneak the horn past the guards...
Roland: Indeed. It all makes sense now...
Captain Daluce turns to Hugue.
Daluce: My sincerest apologies, good sir. To think that not only did we wrongly accuse you, but that the true culprit─one of them, at least─was one of our own...
Captain Daluce bows apologetically to Hugue.
Captain Daluce turns to Pipimaya and jabs/points his gloved fist at Pipimaya twice.
Daluce: Using your position and knowledge as a security officer to mastermind such a heinous act...can you two even begin to comprehend the gravity of your crimes? I'll see you rot in the darkest gaol─
Sasapano grabs his head, falls to his knees, and grovels on the floor in anguish.
Hugue looks lost in thought for a moment. He gestures to Roland.
Hugue: Wait...I beg of you!
You, the Brass Blades, and the twins turn to look at Hugue.
Hugue lifts his forearms slightly.
Hugue: Might I be allowed to speak for a moment?
Captain Daluce nods. Hugue bows appreciatively.
Hugue: I come from a poor family of refugees. Before they graciously hired me as a Saucer attendant, I lived alone with my mother.
Hugue: For years, it was a constant struggle to put food on our plates. We feared that each coming day might be our last. Often, I would hear my mother sobbing at night, unable to hold back the grief and pain she hid inside for her son's sake.
Hugue lowers his head, an aggrieved expression on his face.
Hugue: One day, her nameday was approaching, and I had a thought. Once─for one day in her life─I would do something that would bring a smile to her face. And so, I got her a ring─or, more accurately, I stole it.
Huge places his right hand on his hip and shakes his head sadly.
Hugue: I regretted the act almost immediately, but it was too late. I was soon apprehended. I was dismissed from my job as a laborer, and was told I would never find work in this town again.
Hugue looks to Captain Daluce.
Hugue: With not even the coin to buy a scrap of bread for tomorrow's breakfast, I fell into utter despair. My life─our lives─were surely over, I was certain. It was then that a kind soul reached out to me.
Huge looks up to the golden statue of Lord Godbert Manderville.
Hugue: That kind soul was none other than the very man whose gold ring I tried to steal. I speak of the owner of this Gold Saucer, the one and only Lord Godbert Manderville.
Hugue: He made me swear a promise that I would never turn to thievery again, and offered me a position as an attendant here if I would obey. I am far from a wealthy man, but the remuneration has been more than enough to provide my mother and I with a better life than we could have ever imagined.
Hugue looks at Pipimaya.
Hugue: I was deeply wounded, of course, when I was judged by my less-than-upstanding history, and wrongly branded a thief. And I understand all too well that unfortunate circumstances do not justify turning to crime. And yet, hearing Master Pipimaya speak just now, I cannot help but feel for him...
Huge lifts his forearms slightly in a pleading gesture.
Hugue: And so, I beg of you─for what little that might count for─do not go overly hard on the man.
???: Your plea has been heard, my good man.
Everyone turns towards the voice.
Godbert: Captain Daluce. If I might have the floor for a moment, I would make a few propositions.
Captain Daluce nods. Godbert nods in return.
Godbert gestures with his left pointer finger.
Godbert: Proposition number one: in my capacity as owner of the Manderville Gold Saucer, I hereby gift to Pipimaya and Sasapano's dear brother one Sabotender Emperador, on the house.
Pipimaya and Sasapano throws their arms up in the air in shock.
Godbert: The horn was a gift, meaning that no theft has taken place here today. Thusly, there is no crime for which you need answer to the authorities.
What will you say?
> Such boundless generosity!
You smile at Godbert and /clap for him.
Godbert places his hands on his hips and laughs haertily.
> Can I have one, too?
Godbert: Ohoho! Needless to say, there is one with your name on it as well, my friend. Simply partake in our games and start saving those points, and it'll be yours before you know it.
Godbert looks to Pipimaya and Sasapano.
Godbert: As for you, Pipimaya and Sasapano. As I said, you need not answer to the authorities for what you did today. You will, however, answer to me.
Godbert looks at Hugue.
Godbert: The words of Hugue here speak to me. In that light, I would make my second proposition.
Godbert: To answer for your actions, and repay me for my gift, I propose that you serve a period of community service, to be performed under my direct oversight.
You, Hugue, Pipimaya, and Sasapano step back in surprise, while Captain Deluce raises his hand to his chin in thought.
Godbert: Pipimaya, you are to don a Senor Sabotender suit and serve as a caretaker's assistant in the children's ward at Frondale's Phrontistery. There, you will do your best to provide succor and good cheer to the poor children who suffer as your own young brother does.
Godbert: This will, however, require you to undergo strict training until such time as you are able to perform a perfect Senor Sabotender shimmy. Do you accept these conditions?
Pipimaya: O-Of course, I do! With pleasure, Lord Manderville!
Godbert turns to Sasapano and gestures with his left pointer finger.
Godbert: Now for you, Sasapano. I daresay your knowledge and expertise regarding all things Gold Saucer rivals almost any in the realm. It would be a shame to let that go to waste...
Godbert: And so, I propose that you serve as a chaperone for those children suffering from symptoms less grave. You will show them about the Gold Saucer, that their hearts may lighten and they might forget their pain for a time.
Sasapano nods. Godbert nods in return.
Godbert: I trust you have no objections, Captain Daluce?
Daluce: I am but a humble sellsword in the Syndicate's employ, Lord Manderville. Any judgment you render, it is my honor and duty to see carried out.
Godbert: Ohoho! Very well, then. I do believe we can now consider this matter closed.
Everyone turns to each other and celebrates. The cutscene ends.
[Unvoiced cutscene END]
Ollier: Simply incredible! Thanks to your peerless detective work, my dear friend's innocence has been proven, and fair justice has been served to one and all.
Ollier: Lord Manderville granted Pipimaya and Sasapano a brief reprieve before beginning their sentence, that they might deliver the Sabotender Emperador to their brother in person. I can only imagine how his eyes will alight at the sight!
Ollier: Truly, you have saved the day in more ways than one, and all of us here at the Gold Saucer are in your debt. Thank you, my friend!