Template:Action fact

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{{action fact|<fact type>|<standard fact value>|<additional fact value>}}


unnamed parameter 1
Fact name. Accepts: duration, additional effect, potency, cure potency, refresh, efficiency, success rate, combo, cast time, aetherflow gauge cost, dreadwyrm aether cost, balance gauge cost. (types under construction).
unnamed parameter 2
Fact value. If param 1 is specified, displays fact value. If param 1 is combo, this can be either action, bonus, potency or another type of combo.
unnamed parameter 3
Additional fact value. If param 1 is combo, displays this as fact value.
Optional. Set anything to prevent the template from using predefined style to the fact value.


{{Action fact|duration|20}}

Duration: 20s

{{Action fact|duration|Infinite|other=y}}

Duration: Infinite

{{Action fact|Deals unaspected damage with each ```attack```.}}

Deals unaspected damage with each attack.

{{Action fact|aetherflow gauge cost|1}}

Aetherflow Gauge Cost: 1

{{Action fact|combo|action|Heavy Swing}}

Combo Action: Heavy Swing

{{Action fact|combo|bonus|Inflicts ``Blind``}}

Combo Bonus: Inflicts Blind

{{Action fact|combo|Deliverance|Causes AoE damage.}}

Deliverance Combo Bonus: Causes AoE damage.

{{Action fact|mudra|Ten-Chi-Jin|Jin-Chi-Ten}}

Mudra Combination: Ten-Chi-Jin, or Jin-Chi-Ten