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See also: Text commands
Placeholder Description
<t>, <target> Displays current target name.
<tt>, <t2t> Displays target of current target's name.
<me>, <0> Displays your character's name.
<r>, <reply> Displays the name of the last player to send you a /tell.
<1> - <8> Displays Party Member 1-8's name.
<f>, <focus> Displays your Focus Target's name.
<lt>, <lasttarget> Displays your last target's name.
<le>, <lastenemy> Displays the name of the last enemy you targeted.
<la>, <lastattacker> Displays the name of the last enemy to attack or perform an action on you.
<c>, <comp>, <b>, <buddy> Displays your chocobo companion's name.
<pet> Displays your pet's name.
<attack1> - <attack5> Displays Target to Attack 1–5's name.
<bind1> - <bind3> Displays Target to Bind 1–3's name.
<ignore1> - <ignore2> Displays Target to Ignore 1–2's name.
<square> Displays target marked with a square's name.
<circle> Displays target marked with a circle's name.
<cross> Displays target marked with a cross's name.
<triangle> Displays target marked with a triangle's name.
<mo>, <mouse> Displays mouseover target's name
<hp> Displays current HP and maximum HP.
<hpp> Displays current HP as a percentage.
<mp> Displays current MP and maximum MP.
<mpp> Displays current MP as a percentage.
<tp> Displays current TP.
<class>, <job> Displays current class and level.
<pos>, <where> Displays coordinates of current location.
<se.1> - <se.16> Plays a sound effect when used in party or alliance chat. Use the /echo command to play a sound effect only you can hear.
<comphp>, <chp> Displays your chocobo companion's current HP and maximum HP.
<comphpp>, <chpp> Displays your chocobo companion's current HP as a percentage.
<pethp>, <php> Displays your pet's current HP and maximum HP.
<pethpp>, <phpp> Displays your pet's current HP as a percentage.
<wait.(wait time)> Adjust the pause between macro commands. Only integers can be used with this command. The maximum wait time allowed is 60. If the wait time amount is over 60, it will be counted as 60.
<recast.action name> Displays time remaining until the specified action can be used again.
*The auto-translate function cannot be used to input action names.
<targethpp>, <thpp> Displays current target's HP as a percentage.
<focushpp>, <fhpp> Displays focus target's HP as a percentage.
<targetclass>, <tclass>, <targetjob>, <tjob> Display the class or job name of the selected target.
<focusclass>, <fclass>, <focusjob>, <fjob> Display the class or job name of your focus target.
<e1>, <e2>, <e3>, <e4> Display the names of the first four players on the enemy party list when participating in the Feast.