Night spawn icon1.png An early testing version of dark mode has been enabled as a desktop skin option for logged-in users. To enable it, go to Special:Preferences, and under the "Gadgets" tab, check both "darkMode" options. An icon to toggle dark mode will then appear in the top bar once you save the preferences. Please report any issues in our Discord server!

Main Menu text commands

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See also: Text commands
Command Aliases Usage Description
/actionlist /actionlist, /alist /actionlist Opens and closes the Actions & Traits interface.
/character /character, /gear /character Opens and closes the Character interface.
/armourychest /armourychest, /armoury /armourychest Opens and closes your Armoury Chest.
/inventory /inventory, /bag /inventory Opens and closes your inventory.
/saddlebag /saddlebag Opens and closes your chocobo saddlebag.
/companion /companion, /comp /companion Opens and closes the Companion interface.
/mountguide /mountguide Opens and closes the Mount Guide interface.
/minionguide /minionguide Opens and closes the Minion Guide interface. If the PC is playing Lord of Verminion, the command will open the Battle List.
/fashionguide /fashionguide Opens and closes the Fashion Accessories interface.
/pvpprofile /pvpprofile, /pvpp /pvpprofile Opens and closes the PvP Profile interface.
/goldsaucer /goldsaucer, /saucer /goldsaucer Opens and closes the Gold Saucer interface.
/achievements /achievements Opens the list of in-game FINAL FANTASY XIV achievements.
/currency /currency Opens and closes the Currency interface.
/recommended /recommended Opens and closes the Recommendations list.
/collection /collection, /coll /collection Opens and closes the Collection interface.
/keyitem /keyitem, /kitem /keyitem Opens and closes the Key Item interface.
/journal /journal Opens and closes the quest journal.
/dutyfinder /dutyfinder, /finder /dutyfinder Opens and closes the Duty Finder.
/timers /timers Opens and closes the Timers interface.
/raidfinder /raidfinder, /rfinder /raidfinder Opens and closes the Raid Finder interface.
/record /record Opens and closes the Duty Recorder interface.
/newgame+ /newgame+, /ng+ /newgame+ Opens the New Game+ interface.
/generaldutykey /generaldutykey, /gdutykey /generaldutykey Activates the General Duty key. When near a FATE, this will level sync the player.
/huntinglog /huntinglog, /hlog /huntinglog Opens and closes the hunting log.
/sightseeinglog /sightseeinglog Opens and closes the Sightseeing Log interface.
/craftinglog /craftinglog, /clog /craftinglog Opens and closes the crafting log.
/gatheringlog /gatheringlog, /glog /gatheringlog Opens and closes the gathering log.
/fishinglog /fishinglog, /flog /fishinglog Opens and closes the fishing log.
/fishguide /fishguide, /fg /fishguide Opens and closes the Fish Guide interface.
/orchestrion /orchestrion Opens and closes the orchestrion list.
/challengelog /challengelog Opens and closes the Challenge Log interface.
/map /map Opens and closes the current area map.
/teleport /teleport Opens the Teleport interface.
/return /return Return to your current home point.
/aethercurrent /aethercurrent, /acurrent /aethercurrent Opens and closes the Aether Currents interface.
/mountspeed /mountspeed Opens and closes the ground mount speed interface.
/partyfinder /partyfinder, /pfinder /partyfinder Opens and closes the Party Finder interface.
/fellowshipfinder /fellowshipfinder, /fsfinder /fellowshipfinder Opens and closes the Fellowship Finder interface.
/emotelist /emotelist, /elist /emotelist Opens and closes the list of available emotes.
/freecompanycmd /freecompanycmd, /fccmd /freecompanycmd Opens and closes the free company interface.
/housing /housing, /hou /housing Opens and closes the Housing interface.
/pvpteamcmd /pvpteamcmd Opens and closes the PvP team menu.
/linkshellcmd /linkshellcmd, /lcmd /linkshellcmd Opens and closes the linkshell menu.
/cwlinkshellcmd /cwlinkshellcmd, /cwlcmd /cwlinkshellcmd Opens and closes the Cross-world Linkshell window.
/fellowship /fellowship, /fs /fellowship Opens and closes the Fellowship interface.
/contactlist /contactlist Opens and closes the contact list.
/supportdesk /supportdesk, /support /supportdesk Opens and closes the Support Desk interface.
/officialsite /officialsite, /site /officialsite Opens and closes the Official Sites interface.
/playguide /playguide, /pguide /playguide Opens and closes the Playguide interface.
/activehelp /activehelp Opens and closes the Active Help interface.
/characterconfig /characterconfig, /cconfig /characterconfig Opens and closes the Character Configuration interface.
/systemconfig /systemconfig, /sconfig /systemconfig Opens and closes the System Configuration interface.
/hudlayout /hudlayout [subcommand] Opens and closes the HUD layout editor.

 "layout number"
 Switches to specified layout.

Opens the HUD layout editor if no subcommand is specified.

  /hudlayout 3
  (Switches to layout 3.)
/macros /macros Opens and closes the user macro editor.
/keybind /keybind, /keyconfig /keybind Opens and closes the Keybind interface.
/logcolor /logcolor, /lcolor /logcolor Opens and closes the Log Text Color interface.