Chakra and Beast Chakra Gauge

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Official Lodestone Job Guide (Always up-to-date)

Chakra Gauge

Chakra gauge pve1.png When you learn the action Meditation.png  Steeled Meditation (level 15), the Chakra Gauge will be displayed.

Accumulating the maximum amount of Chakra will allow you to execute several actions such as Steel Peak.png  Steel Peak, Howling Fist.png  Howling Fist (acquired at level 40), The Forbidden Chakra.png  The Forbidden Chakra (acquired at level 54), and Enlightenment.png  Enlightenment (acquired at level 74).

Chakra gauge DT2.png

The action Brotherhood.png  Brotherhood (level 70) grants the effect Meditative Brotherhood to you and nearby party members, increasing the frequency with which you open chakra. Moreover, you can open up to ten chakra so long as you are under this effect.

Beast Chakra Gauge

Chakra gauge DT4.png The actions Twin Snakes.png  Twin Snakes, Demolish.png  Demolish (acquired at level 30), and Dragon Kick.png  Dragon Kick (acquired at level 50) will grant stacks of Opo-opo Fury, Raptor Fury, or Coeurl Fury. The fury granted is commensurate with the form required for their execution. Other weaponskills that require these forms will consume stacks of fury to deal increased damage.
Chakra gauge DT3.png Upon learning Masterful Blitz.png  Masterful Blitz at level 60, executing certain weaponskills under the effect of Perfect Balance.png  Perfect Balance will open Beast Chakra─Opo-opo Chakra, Coeurl Chakra, or Raptor Chakra─in accordance with the form normally required to execute them. After opening three, you will be able to execute one of several powerful actions. Three distinct Beast Chakra allow the execution of Flint Strike.png  Flint Strike, three of the same allow the execution of Elixir Field.png  Elixir Field, and two distinct chakra with a third repeating one allow the execution of Celestial Revolution.png  Celestial Revolution.

It is also possible to open the Lunar Nadi and Solar Nadi by executing Elixir Field and Flint Strike respectively. Opening three Beast Chakra and both nadi allows the execution of Tornado Kick.png  Tornado Kick.

Simple Mode

Chakra gauge DT simple mode1.png Meditation

Chakra gauge DT simple mode2.png Meditative Brotherhood

Chakra gauge DT simple mode3.png Fury Stacks

Chakra gauge DT simple mode4.png Beast Chakras and Nadi