The Princess and the Fish

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Feature Quest icon.png

The Princess and the Fish

Way of the Fisher.png
Quest giver
Limsa Lominsa Lower Decks (X:7, Y:14)
Required items
1 Princess trout icon1.png  Princess Trout
Experience 5,899
Gil 289
Previous quest
Feature QuestBigger Fish to Fry
Next quest
Feature QuestEvery Fish Has a Silver Lining

Another labor awaits you at the Fisherman's Guild.

— In-game description


In addition to the above, choose one of the following options:


  • Deliver a princess trout to Sisipu.


  • Another labor awaits you at the Fisherman's Guild.
  • With crayfish balls in hand, you are to venture to the Nym River in middle La Noscea and bring one princess trout back to Sisipu.
  • Catching the princess trout has convinced Sisipu that you appreciate the value of proper equipment.
  • The next fisher quest will be available from Sisipu upon reaching level 15.


Accepting the Quest

Sisipu: What's that in your eye, [Forname]? I know that glimmer! It's the...Eye of the Fisher! It's the thrill of the bite! Rising up to the challenge of our rival!
Sisipu: Keep that spark alive, friend. You don't want to end up like Wawalago.
Sisipu: Not that I'm worried about you. Oh yes, I can see it. There is a fire inside you, burning for fish. More fish. Bigger fish. It is time to feed that fire.
Sisipu: Today is the day—the day you catch your first big one. No one ever forgets their first.
Sisipu: Journey forth to the banks of the Nym in middle La Noscea. There you will find her, the princess trout. Take the princess and return here a man/woman.
Sisipu: Her Royal Highness is drawn to crayfish balls.

Delivering a Princess Trout to Sisipu (Cutscene)

Sisipu: You'll find the princess trout in the Nym River, [Forename]. Don't forget to take your crayfish balls!
<Hand Over Princess Trout>

Cutscene start

Sisipu: Depending on your perspective, you've either rescued or abducted the princess...
Wawalago: A prim and proper princess she is! We'll ready her as a royal roast, a feast fit for a king!
Sisipu: The king can keep his fancy feast. Any fisherman worth her salt prefers her trout prepared simply!
Wawalago: Said like a surly, salty-mouthed sea hag! Hand her over here, and heed how the cultured classes cook.
Sisipu: A fine day it will be when I take culture lessons from you! Besides, I didn't send [Forename] out to that river to fetch a fish for you, I sent him/her out to fetch a fish for me!
Sisipu: Ahem. For my lesson, that is. Yes, of course, that was the purpose of the expedition.
Sisipu: Anyway, as you should have learned, catching a proper fish requires perseverance, plain and simple.
Sisipu: And this plump princess trout can testify to that.
Sisipu: Continue to apply the lessons I've taught you, and before you know it, you'll be swimming in fish! Doesn't that sound appetizing?
