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See also: Guides

Auto-Translate translates various phrases into the native language for the viewer. Auto-Translate has 4 languages: English, Japanese, French and German. the function can be accessed from the Auto Translator. Players can access the Auto Translator by pressing the TAB key while in chat window.


Once you hit "Tab" with the chat box active, you are presented with a list of options, numbered 1 to a maximum of 9. If more than 9 options are available, the remaining options will be listed on another "page". If this happens, the list will start from 1 again.

If there are more than 9 options in the current list of options, the options are grouped in "pages." Using the "left" and "right" arrow keys, you can navigate to the next and previous page. Using the "down" and "up" arrows keys, you can navigate to the next and previous item in the list. You may also use the "pageup" and "pagedown" keys.

Pressing the "enter" key will select the highlighted item. You can also use the number shown next to the item to select it directly, or use the mouse to select an item.

If the selected item is shown in square brackets, you will be presented with a sublist. Otherwise, the item will be placed into the chat bar.

If you are in a sublist, and you want to go back a level, press the "escape" key once per level.

List of Phrases


English Japanese French German
Please use the auto-translate function. 定型文辞書を使ってください。 (Teikei bun jisho o tsukatte kudasai.*) Utilisez la traduction automatique Bitte benutze die Auto-Translate-Funktion.
Japanese language 日本語 (Nihongo) Japonais Japanische Sprache
English language 英語 (Eigo) Anglais Englische Sprache
French language フランス語 (Francego) Français Französische Sprache
German language ドイツ語 (Deutschgo) Allemand Deutsche Sprache
Please listen. 聞いてください。(Kiite kudasai.) Veuillez m'écouter. Hör bitte zu.
Can you hear me? 聞こえていますか? (Kikoete imasu ka?) M'entendez-vous ? Kannst du mich verstehen?
I can speak a little. 少し話せます。(Sukoshi hanasemasu.) Je parle un peu. Ich kann ein bisschen sprechen.
I can understand a little. 少しなら理解できます。 (Sukoshinara rikai dekimasu.*) Je comprends un peu. Ich kann ein wenig verstehen.
Please use simple words. 簡単な単語で話してください。 (Kantan'na tango de hanashite kudasai.*) Utilisez des mots simples. Bitte verwende einfache Wörter.
Please do not abbreviate your words. 省略形ではなくフルスペルでお願いします。 (Shouryaku katachide wa naku full spell de onegaishimasu.*) Évitez les abbréviations. Bitte kürze deine Wörter nicht ab
I need some time to put together my answer. 返事するのでちょっと待ってください。 (Henji surunode chottomatte kudasai.*) J'ai besoin de temps pour répondre. Ich brauche etwas Zeit, um meine Antwort zusammenzustellen.
What is your native language? 母国語は何ですか? (Haha kokugo wa nanidesu ka?*) Quelle est votre langue maternelle? Was ist deine Muttersprache?
Can you speak Japanese? 日本語は話せますか? (Nihongo wa hanasemasu ka?) Parlez-vous japonais ? Kannst du japanisch sprechen?
Can you speak English? 英語は話せますか? (Eigo wa hanasemasu ka?) Parlez-vous anglais ? Kannst du englische sprechen?
Can you speak French? フランス語は話せますか? (Francego wa hanasemasu ka?) Parlez-vous français ? Kannst du Französisch sprechen?
Can you speak German? ドイツ語は話せますか? (Deutschgo wa hanasemasu ka?) Parlez-vous allemand ? Kannst du Deutsch sprechen?
I don't speak any Japanese. 私は日本語が話せません。 (Watashi wa nihongo ga hanasemasen.) Je ne parle pas japonais. Ich spreche kein Japanisch
I don't speak any English. 私は英語が話せません。 (Watashi wa eigo ga hanasemasen.) Je ne parle pas anglais. Ich spreche kein Englisch
I don't speak any French. 私はフランス語が話せません。 (Watashi wa Francego ga hanasemasen.) Je ne parle pas français. Ich spreche kein Französisch.
I don't speak any German. 私はドイツ語が話せません。 (Watashi wa Deutschgo ga hanasemasen.) Je ne parle pas allemand. Ich spreche kein deutsch


English Japanese French German
Nice to meet you. はじめまして。 (Hajimemashite.) Enchanté(e). Freut mich, dich kennenzulernen.
Good morning! おはよう。 (Ohayou.) Bonjour ! Guten Morgen!
Hello! こんにちは。 (Konnichi wa.) Salut ! Hallo!
Good evening! こんばんは。 (Konban wa.) Bonsoir ! Guten Abend!
Good night! おやすみなさい。 (Oyasuminasai.) Bonne nuit ! Gute Nacht!
Good-bye. さようなら。 (Sayounara.) Au revoir ! Auf Wiedersehen.
I had fun today! 今日は楽しかったです。 (Kyou wa tanoshikatta desu.) Je me suis bien amusé(e). Ich hatte heute Spaß!
See you again! また会いましょう! (Mata aimashou!) À la prochaine ! Wir sehen uns wieder!
Let's play together again sometime! また遊びましょう。 (Mata asobimashou.) Rejouons ensemble une prochaine fois. Lass uns irgendwann wieder zusammen spielen!
I'm back! ただいま。 (Tadaima.) Je suis de retour. Ich bin zurück!
Welcome back. おかえり。 (Okaeri.) Ça fait plaisir de vous revoir. Willkommen zurück!
Congratulations! おめでとう! (Omedetou!) Félicitations ! Herzliche Glückwünsche!
Good job! よくやった! (Yoku yatta!) Bien joué ! Gute Arbeit!
Good luck! がんばって! (Ganbatte!) Bon courage ! Viel Glück!
All right! やったー! (Yattaa!) Super ! Gut!/In Ordnung!
Thank you. ありがとう。 (Arigatou.) Merci. Dankeschön!/Danke!
You're welcome. どういたしまして。 (Douitashimashite.) De rien. Bitte.
Take care. 気を付けてください。 (Ki o tsukete kudasai.*) Prenez soin de vous. Pass auf.
I'm sorry. ごめんなさい。 (Gomennasai.) Je suis désolé. Es tut mir leid!
Please forgive me. 許してください。(Yurushitekudasai.*) Pardonnez-moi. Bitte vergib mir!
That's too bad. 残念です。 (Zan'nendesu.*) C'est dommage. Das ist sehr schade.
Excuse me... ちょっといいですか? (Chotto ii desu ka?) Excusez-moi, vous avez un instant ? Entschuldigen Sie...
Have a safe journey. それではよい旅を。 (Sore dewa yoi tabi wo.) Bonne continuation ! Gute Reise.
This is my first time here. ここに来るのは初めてです。 (Koko ni kuru no wa hajimete desu.) C'est la première fois que je viens ici. Dies ist mein erstes Mal hier.
I'm looking forward to it! 楽しみです! (Tanoshimidesu!*) J'ai hâte ! Ich freue mich darauf!
Good game! お疲れ様でした。 (Otsukaresamadeshita.) C'était génial ! Gute Partie!
Let's do it! よろしくお願いします! (Yoroshiku onegaishimasu!) Faisons de notre mieux ! Machen wir das!
Thank you. I must now take my leave. ありがとうございました。これで失礼します。 (Arigatou gozaimashita. Kore de shitsureishimasu.*) Merci pour tout, et à bientôt peut-être. Ich muss mich jetzt verabschieden.
Let's have some fun! 気楽にやりましょう! (Kiraku ni yarimashou!*) Allons nous amuser ! Lass uns etwas Spaß haben!
Let's give it our best shot! 一緒にがんばりましょう! (Issho ni ganbarimashou!*) On réussira ensemble ! Geben wir unser Bestes!
I'll do my best! がんばります! (Ganbarimasu!) Je ferai de mon mieux ! Ich werde mein Bestes geben!
This should be fun! 楽しみましょう! (Tanoshimimashou!) On va bien s'amuser ! Das sollte Spaß machen!
If we stay cool, everything will be fine! 落ち着いていきましょう! (Ochitsuite ikimashou!*) Allons-y tranquillement, ça va aller ! Wenn wir cool bleiben, wird alles gut!


English Japanese French German
Who? 誰ですか? (Dare desu ka?) Qui ? Wer?
Which? どちらですか? (Dochira desu ka?) Lequel ? Welche?
How? どうすればいいですか? (Dou sureba ii desu ka?) Comment faire ? Wie?
What? 何ですか? (Nani desu ka?) Qu'est-ce que c'est ? Was?
When? いつですか?(Itsu desu ka?) Quand ? Wann?
How many? いくつですか? (Ikutsu desu ka?) Combien ? Wie viele?
Where? どこですか? (Doko desu ka?) Où ? Wo?
Why? なぜですか? (Naze desu ka?) Pourquoi ? Warum?
How come? どうしてですか? (Doushite desu ka?) Pour quelle raison ? Woher?
Where shall we go? どこに行きますか? (Doko ni ikimasu ka?) Où allez-vous ? Wohin sollen wir gehen?
Can you do it? できますか? (Dekimasu ka?) Pouvez-vous le faire ? Kannst du es machen?
Do you need any help? 助けはいりますか? (Tasuke hairimasu ka?) Avez-vous besoin d'aide ? Brauchst du Hilfe?
Which levequest shall we do? どのコンテンツをやりますか? (Dono contents o yarimasu ka?*) Quelle mission voulez-vous faire ? Welche Level-Quest sollen wir tun?
Which duties can you do? どのコンテンツならできますか? (Dono contents nara dekimasu ka?*) Quelles missions pouvez-vous faire ? Welche Aufgaben kannst du erledigen?
Do you have it? 持っていますか? (Motte imasu ka?*) L'avez-vous ? Hast du es?
What weapons can you use? 今どんな武器を持っていますか? (Ima donna buki o motte imasu ka?*) Quelles armes possédez-vous ? Welche Waffen kannst du benutzen?
What other classes can you use? 他にどのクラスができますか? (Hoka ni dono class ga dekimasu ka?*) Quelles autres classes pouvez-vous jouer ? Welche anderen Klassen kannst du verwenden?
What other roles can you cover? 他にどのロールができますか? (Hoka ni dono role ga dekimasu ka?*) Quels autres rôles pouvez-vous jouer ? Welche anderen Rollen kannst du übernehmen?
Do you have it set? セットしていますか? (Set shite imasu ka?) Avez-vous enregistré toutes vos actions ? Hast du es eingestellt?
What's the battle plan? どんな戦術でいきますか? (Donna senjutsu de ikimasu ka?*) Quel est le plan de bataille ? Was ist der Schlachtplan?
Can I add you to my friend list? フレンドになってくれませんか? (Friend ni natte kuremasen ka?*) Puis-je t'ajouter à ma liste d'amis ? Kann ich dich zu meiner Freundesliste hinzufügen?
Shall we take a break? 休憩しませんか? (Kyuukei shimasen ka?*) Pouvons-nous faire une pause ? Sollen wir eine Pause machen?
Do you want me to repair it? 修理しましょうか? (Shuuri shimashou ka?*) Voulez-vous que je le répare ? Soll ich es reparieren?
Can you repair it for me? 修理してくれませんか? (Shuuri shite kuremasen ka?*) Pouvez-vous réparer quelquechose pour moi ? Kannst du es für mich reparieren?
Do you want me to meld materia to it? マテリア装着しましょうか? (Materia souchaku shimashou ka?*) Voulez-vous que je sertisse une materia ? Soll ich Materia damit einsetzten?
Can you meld materia for me? マテリア装着してくれませんか? (Materia souchaku shite kuremasen ka?*) Pouvez-vous sertir une materia pour moi ? Kannst du Materia für mich einsetzten?
Would you join my party? パーティに入りませんか? (Party ni hairimasen ka?*) Voulez-vous rejoindre mon équipe ? Würdest du meiner Gruppe beitreten?
Can I join your party? パーティに入れてくれませんか? (Party ni irete kuremasen ka?*) Pourriez-vous m'ajouter dans votre équipe ? Kann ich mich deiner Gruppe anschließen?
Should we disband? パーティを解散しますか? (Party o kaisan shimasu ka?*) Est-ce qu'on dissout l'équipe ? Sollen wir uns auflösen?
Do you want to join my linkshell? リンクシェルに入りませんか? (Linkshell ni hairimasen ka?*) Voulez-vous rejoindre ma linkshell ? Möchtest du meiner Kontaktkreis beitreten?
Can I join your linkshell? リンクシェルに入れてくれませんか? (Linkshell ni irete kuremasen ka?*) Puis-je rejoindre votre linkshell ? Kann ich deinem Kontaktkreis beitreten?
Do you want to join my free company? フリーカンパニーに入りませんか? (Free company ni hairimasen ka?*) Voulez-vous rejoindre ma compagnie libre ? Möchtest du meiner freien Gesellschaft beitreten?
Can I join your free company? フリーカンパニーに入れてくれませんか? (Free company ni irete kuremasen ka?*) Puis-je rejoindre votre compagnie libre ? Kann ich deiner freien Gesellschaft beitreten?
What are you doing? 何をしていますか? (Nani o shite imasu ka?) Que faites-vous ? Was machst du?
How about a game of Triple Triad? カード対戦しませんか? (Card taisen shimasen ka?*) Voulez-vous jouer à Triple Triade ? Wie wäre es mit einer Partie Triple Triad?
Can we change the rules? ルールを変えませんか? (Rule o kaemasen ka?) Peut-on changer les règles ? Können wir die Regeln ändern?
How about joining a Triple Triad tournament? 大会の対戦をしませんか? (Taikai no taisen o shimasen ka?*) Voulez-vous faire un match de tournoi ? Wie wäre es mit einem Triple Triad-Turnier?
Do you have enough MP? MPは大丈夫ですか? (MP wa daijoubudesuka?) Avez-vous assez de MP ? Hast du genug MP?
Is there anything you don't understand? わからないことはありますか? (Wakaranai koto wa arimasu ka?) Y a t-il quelquechose que vous voulez savoir ? Gibt es etwas, das du nicht verstehst?
Did you see it? 見ましたか? (Mimashita ka?) Vous l'avez vu(e) ? Hast du es verstanden?
How should we handle this? 攻略方法はわかりますか? (Kouryaku houhou wa wakarimasu ka?*) ???? Wie sollen wir damit umgehen?
What's our strategy? 作戦を立てませんか? (Sakusen o tatemasen ka?*) Quelle est la stratégie ? Was ist unsere Strategie?
Do you want to ride together? 相乗りしませんか? (Ainori shimasen ka?*) Vous pourriez monter avec moi, qu'en dites-vous ? Möchtest du zusammen fahren/reiten?
Can I ride with you? 相乗りさせてくれませんか? (Ainori sa sete kuremasen ka?*) Pourrais-je monter avec vous ? Kann ich es mit dir zusammen fahren/reiten?


English Japanese French German
I don't understand. わかりません。 (Wakarimasen.) Je ne comprends pas. ????
No thanks. いりません。 (Irimasen.) Non, merci. ????
Yes, please. はい。お願いします。 (Hai. onegaishimasu.) Oui, s'il vous plait. ????
If you would be so kind. お願いします。 (Onegaishimasu.) Je vous en prie, s'il vous plait. ????
Understood. わかりました。 (Wakarimashita.) Compris. ????
I'm sorry. I'm busy now. 今忙しいので、後にしてください。 (Ima isogashiinode, Ato ni shite kudasai.*) Je regrette. Je suis occupé(e) pour l'instant. ????
I'm playing solo right now. 今は独りで行動したいんです。 (Ima wa hitori de koudoushitaindesu.*) Je veux jouer en solo pour l'instant. ????
I don't know how to answer that question. 答えたいけど表現がわかりません。 (Kotaetaikedohyougenga wakarimasen.*) Je ne sais pas répondre à cette question. ????
I see. なるほど。 (Naruhodo.) Je vois. ????
Thanks for the offer, but I'll have to pass. せっかくだけど遠慮します。 (Sekkakudakedo enryo shimasu.*) Merci de l'offre, mais je dois refuser. ????
That's interesting. へぇー。 (Hee~.) C'est intéressant. ????
Um... えーっと… (E~tto...) Euh... ????
Huh!? えっ!? (E-!?) Hein !? ????
Really? 本当に? (Honto ni?) Vraiment. ????
Hmmm. むむむ。 (Mmm.) Hmmm. ????
I have to go soon. もうすぐ別の予定があるんです。 (Mousugu betsu no yotei ga arundesu.*) J'ai quelque chose à faire bientôt. ????
I'd like another match. 再戦を希望します。 (Saisen o kibō shimasu.*) J'aimerais refaire une partie. ????
Let's call it a day. 対戦を終わりにしましょう。 (Taisen o owari ni shimashou.*) Arrêtons-nous là. ????
I'd like to take a break. 一時中断させてください。 (Ichiji chūdan sa sete kudasai.*) J'aimerais faire une pause. ????
Probably. そうかもしれません。 (Souka mo shiremasen.) Peut-être. ????


English Japanese French German
Casting spell. 詠唱中です。(Eishouchuu desu*) ???? ????
Time for work! 仕事の時間です。(Shigoto no jikan desu.*) ???? ????
I have plans. 約束があるんです。(Yakusoku ga aru ndesu.*) ???? ????
I'm sleepy. 眠くなりました。(Nemuku narimashita.*) ???? ????
I'm tired. 疲れました。(Tsukaremashita.*) ???? ????
Have stuff to do, gotta go! 用事があるので、これで。(Youji ga aru node, kore de.*) ???? ????
I don't feel well. 体調が悪いんです。(Taichou ga waruindesu.*) ???? ????
I'm not up for it. 気が向きません。(Ki ga mukimasen.*) ???? ????
I'm interested. 興味があります。(Kyoumi ga arimasu.*) ???? ????
I'm bound by duty. コンテンツ中なんです。(Contents chuuna ndesu.*) ???? ????
Fighting right now! 戦闘中なんです。(Sentou chuunandesu.*) ???? ????
I want to make money. お金を稼ぎたいです。(Okane o kasegitai desu.*) ???? ????
I don't remember. 覚えてないんです。(Oboe tenai ndesu.*) ???? ????
I don't know. 知らないんです。(Shiranai ndesu.*) ???? ????
Just used it. 使ったばかりです。(Tsukatta bakari desu.*) ???? ????
I want experience points. 経験値が欲しいです。(Keikenchigahoshii desu.*) ???? ????
Oops! 間違えました。(Machigaemashita.*) ???? ????
I already have an invite. すでに誘われています。(Sudeni sasowa rete imasu.*) ???? ????
I already have one. すでに持っています。(Sudeni motte imasu.) ???? ????
No longer recruiting. 募集が終わりました。(Boshuu ga owarimashita.) ???? ????
I'm getting ready now. 準備をしています。(Junbi o shite imasu.*) ???? ????
My hands are full. 手が離せません。(Te ga hanasemasen.*) ???? ????
We're chewing the fat. 雑談をしています。(Zatsudan o shite imasu.*) ???? ????
I seem to have misplaced my keyboard. キーボードを使っていません。(Keyboard o tsukatte imasen.*) ???? ????
I'm checking things out. 探索中です。(Tansaku chuudesu.*) ???? ????


English Japanese French German
Can I have it? くれませんか?(Kuremasen ka?) ???? ????
Can you do it for me? してくれませんか?(Shite kuremasen ka?) ???? ????
Lower the price? 安くしてくれませんか?(Yasuku shite kuremasen ka?*) ???? ????
Buy? 買ってくれませんか?(Katte kuremasen ka?*) ???? ????
Sell? 売ってくれませんか?(Utte kuremasen ka?*) ???? ????
Trade? トレードしませんか?(Trade shimasen ka?) ???? ????
Do you need it? いりませんか?(Irimasen ka?) ???? ????
Can you make it? 製作できませんか?(Seisaku dekimasen ka?*) ???? ????
Do you have it? 持っていませんか?(Motte imasen ka?*) ???? ????
What materials are needed? 必要な素材は何ですか?(Hitsuyouna sozai wa nanidesu ka?*) ???? ????
I don't have any money. お金がありません。(Okane ga arimasen.) ???? ????
I don't have the item. アイテムがありません。(Item ga arimasen.) ???? ????
I don't have anything to give you. あなたにあげられる物はなさそうです。(Anata ni age rareru mono wa na-sa-soudesu.) ???? ????
You can have this. これをあなたにあげましょう。(Kore o anata ni agemashou.) ???? ????
Please. ください。(Kudasai.) ???? ????
Reward: 報酬:(Houshuu:*) ???? ????
Price: 値段:(Nedan:*) ???? ????
delivery お届け物 (Otodokemono*) ???? ????


English Japanese French German
Looking for members. ???? ???? ????
Gather together. ???? ???? ????
Team up? ???? ???? ????
Are you alone? ???? ???? ????
Any vacancies? ???? ???? ????
Please invite me. ???? ???? ????
Please let me join. ???? ???? ????
Who is the leader? ???? ???? ????
Just for a short time is fine. ???? ???? ????
Our party's full. ???? ???? ????
Please assist. ???? ???? ????
Disbanding party. ???? ???? ????
Taking a break. ???? ???? ????
Looking for party. ???? ???? ????
light party ???? ???? ????
full party ???? ???? ????
I'm inexperienced. ???? ???? ????
Should we find some replacements? ???? ???? ????


English Japanese French German
Full attack! 全力で攻撃してください!(Zenryoku de kougeki shite kudasai!*) Attaque maximum ! ????
Pull back. 少し下がって。(Sukoshi sagatte.*) Reculez un peu. ????
Watch your aggro! 敵視に注意してください。(Tekishi ni chuui shite kudasai.*) Attention à l'inimitié. ????
Defeat this one first! これを先にやっつけて!(Kore o sakini yattsukete!) Éliminez d'abord celui-ci ! ????
Please don't attack. 攻撃しないでください。(Kougeki shinaide kudasai.*) N'attaquez pas. ????
Hold the target! 足止めしてください!(Ashidome shite kudasai!*) Entravez la cible ! ????
Please deactivate it. 無効化してください!(Mukouka shite kudasai!*) Empêchez-le d'agir ! ????
Heal! 回復してください!(Kaifuku shite kudasai!*) Soignez ! ????
Cast it! 掛けてください!(Kakete kudasai!*) Lancez le sort ! ????
Run away! 逃げて!(Nigete!*) ???? ????
Help me out! 助けて!(Tasukete!*) ???? ????
Stop! 止まって!(Tomatte!*) ???? ????
Standing by. 待機します。(Taiki shimasu.*) ???? ????
None left. なくなりました。(Nakunarimashita.) ???? ????
Don't have it. ありません。(Arimasen.) ???? ????
Please use it sparingly. 節約してください。(Setsuyaku shite kudasai.*) ???? ????
I'll use it sparingly. 節約します。(Setsuyaku shimasu.*) ???? ????
My gear is in poor condition. 装備品の耐久度が下がってきました。(Soubihin no taikyuudo ga sagatte kimashita.*) ???? ????
Ready! 準備完了!(Junbi kanryou*) ???? ????
Please use it. 使ってください。(Tsukatte kudasai.*) ???? ????
Pulling enemy over. 敵を連れてきます。(Teki o tsurete kimasu.*) ???? ????
Drawing enemy over. 敵を引きつけます。(Teki o hikitsukemasu.*) ???? ????
Please draw enmity. 敵視を稼いでください。(Tekishi o kaseide kudasai.*) ???? ????
The enemy is near! 敵が近づいてます!(Teki ga chikadzuitemasu!*) ???? ????
Don't worry about it. 気にしないでください。(Kinishinaide kudasai.*) ???? ????
Please ignore that. 無視してください。(Mushi shite kudasai.*) ???? ????
Change with me. 交代してください!(Koutai shite kudasai!) ???? ????
I'll deal the first blow. 私が最初に攻撃します!(Watashi ga saisho ni kougeki shimasu!*) ???? ????
Do it! 実行してください!(Jikkou shite kudasai!*) ???? ????
Avoid the attack! 回避してください!(Kaihi shite kudasai!*) ???? ????
Turn away. 後ろを向いてください。(Ushiro o muite kudasai.*) ???? ????
Get hit. ダメージを受けてください。(Damage o ukete kudasai.*) ???? ????
Pull the enemy away. 敵を離してください。(Teki o hanashite kudasai.*) ???? ????
Move away. 離れてください。(Hanarete kudasai.*) ???? ????
Come closer. 近づいてください。(Chikadzuite kudasai.*) ???? ????
Carry it. 運んでください。(Hakonde kudasai.*) ???? ????
Cut the link! 切断してください!(Setsudan shite kudasai!*) ???? ????
Keep it busy. 維持してください!(Iji shite kudasai!*) ???? ????
Take them down at the same time! 同時に倒しましょう!(Doujini taoshimashou!*) ???? ????
Hide! 隠れて!(Kakurete!*) ???? ????
Mounting machina! 搭乗します!(Toujou shimasu!*) ???? ????
Mount the machina! 搭乗してください!(Toujou shite kudasai!*) ???? ????
Please set enemy marks. マーカーを設定してください。(Marker o settei shite kudasai.*) ???? ????
○ (Type Circle) ○:まる(Maru) ???? ????
× (Type Cross) ×:ばつ(batsu) ???? ????
△ (Type Triangle) △:さんかく(sankaku) ???? ????
□ (Type Square) □:しかく(shikaku) ???? ????
+ (Type Plus) +:プラス(purasu) ???? ????
Let's take it slow. ゆっくり進みましょう。(Yukkuri susumimashou.*) ???? ????
Please follow. ついてきてください。(Tsuite kite kudasai.*) ???? ????
I'll follow you. ついていきます。(Tsuite ikimasu.*) ???? ????
Please check it. 調べてみてください。(Shirabete mite kudasai.*) ???? ????
Found it! 見つけました!(Mitsukemashita!) ???? ????
Let's rest for a while. 休憩しましょう。(Kyuukei shimashou.*) ???? ????
Wait, please. 待ってください。(Matte kudasai.*) ???? ????
Let's meet there. 現地に集合しましょう。(Genchi ni shuugou shimashou.*) ???? ????
Let's move. 移動しましょう。(Idou shimashou.*) ???? ????
Stay there. そこにいてください。(Soko ni ite kudasai.) ???? ????
On my way. これから向かいます。(Korekara mukaimasu.*) ???? ????
Will be right back. すぐ戻ります。(Sugu modorimasu.*) ???? ????
Roll for loot, please. ロットしてください。(Lot shite kudasai.) ???? ????
Weakness: 弱点:(Jakuten:*) ???? ????
Beware of 注意:(Chui:*) ???? ????
Recommended: おすすめ:(Osusume:) ???? ????
Kill Order: 討伐順:(Toubatsu jun:*) ???? ????
I want 欲しいもの:(Hoshiimono:*) ???? ????
Direction: 方向:(Houkou:*) ???? ????
inner 内周(Naishuu*) ???? ????
outer 外周(Gaishuu*) ???? ????
clockwise 時計回り(Tokei mawari*) ???? ????
counterclockwise 反時計回り(Hantokeimawari*) ???? ????
offensive stance 攻撃スタンス(Kougeki stance*) ???? ????
defensive stance 防御スタンス(Bougyo stance*) ???? ????
action indicator 予兆(Yochou*) ???? ????
gaze 視線(Shisen*) ???? ????
circle 円形(Enkei*) ???? ????
fan 扇状(Senjou*) ???? ????
diagonal 対角線(Taikakusen*) ???? ????
straight line 直線(Chokusen*) ???? ????
donut ドーナツ範囲(Donut han'i*) ???? ????
line 線(Sen*) ???? ????
sphere 球(Kyuu*) ???? ????
ground 地面(Jimen*) ???? ????
wall 壁(Kabe*) ???? ????
pillar 柱(Hashira*) ???? ????
boulder 岩(Iwa*) ???? ????
flame 炎(Honou*) ???? ????
water 水(Mizu*) ???? ????
ice 氷(Kouri*) ???? ????
explosion 爆発(Bakuhatsu*) ???? ????
simultaneously 同時(Douji*) ???? ????
one after the other 交互(Kougo*) ???? ????
combine 合体(Gattai*) ???? ????
gather 集合(Shougou*) ???? ????
spread out 散開(Sankai*) ???? ????
divided damage 頭割りダメージ(Atamawari damage*) ???? ????
reflected damage 反射ダメージ(Hansha damage*) ???? ????
damage over time 継続ダメージ(Keizoku damage*) ???? ????
mode change モードチェンジ(Mode change) ???? ????
phase フェーズ(Phase) ???? ????
stacked enhancement スタックバフ(Stack buff) ???? ????
stacked enfeeblement スタックデバフ(Stack debuff) ???? ????
random target ランダムターゲット(Random target) ???? ????
Switch. スイッチ(Switch) ???? ????


English Japanese French German
leader リーダー(Leader) ???? ????
master マスター(Master) ???? ????
Disciples of War ファイター(Fighter) ???? ????
Disciples of Magic ソーサラー(Sorcerer) ???? ????
Disciples of the Land ギャザラー(Gatherer) ???? ????
Disciples of the Hand クラフター(Crafter) ???? ????
tank タンク(Tank) ???? ????
healer ヒーラー(Healer) ???? ????
DPS DPS ???? ????
melee 近接攻撃役(Kinsetsu kougeki yaku) ???? ????
ranged 遠隔攻撃役(Enkaku kougeki yaku) ???? ????
caster 魔法攻撃役(Mahou kougeki yaku) ???? ????
buffer 強化役(Kyouka yaku) ???? ????


English Japanese French German
position 位置 (ichi*) ???? ????
east 東 (azuma*) ???? ????
west 西 (nishi*) ???? ????
south 南 (minami*) ???? ????
north 北 (kita*) ???? ????
up 上 (jou*) ???? ????
down 下 (shita) ???? ????
left 左 (hidari) ???? ????
right 右 (migi) ???? ????
front side 表 (hyou*) ???? ????
back 裏 (ura*) ???? ????
front 正面 (shoumen*) ???? ????
flank 側面 (sokumen*) ???? ????
rear 背面 (haimen*) ???? ????
side 横 (yoko*) ???? ????
inside 内側 (uchigawa*) ???? ????
outside 外側 (sotogawa*) ???? ????
middle 中央 (chuuou*) ???? ????
this way こっち (kocchi) ???? ????
over there あっち (acchi) ???? ????
that way そっち (socchi) ???? ????
closer もっと近く (motto chikaku*) ???? ????
farther もっと遠く (motto touku*) ???? ????
entrance 入口 (iriguchi*) ???? ????
exit 出口 (deguchi*) ???? ????
one o'clock 1時 (1 ji) ???? ????
two o'clock 2時 (2 ji) ???? ????
three o'clock 3時 (3 ji) ???? ????
four o'clock 4時 (4 ji) ???? ????
five o'clock 5時 (5 ji) ???? ????
six o'clock 6時 (6 ji) ???? ????
seven o'clock 7時 (7 ji) ???? ????
eight o'clock 8時 (8 ji) ???? ????
nine o'clock 9時 (9 ji) ???? ????
ten o'clock 10時 (10 ji) ???? ????
eleven o'clock 11時 (11 ji) ???? ????
twelve o'clock 12時 (12 ji) ???? ????


English Japanese French German
today 今日 (kyou) ???? ????
yesterday 昨日 (kinou) ???? ????
day before yesterday おととい (ototoi) ???? ????
tomorrow 明日 (ashita) ???? ????
day after tomorrow あさって (asatte) ???? ????
this week 今週 (konshuu) ???? ????
last week 先週 (senshuu) ???? ????
next week 来週 (raishuu) ???? ????
a.m. 午前 (gozen*) ???? ????
p.m. 午後 (gogo*) ???? ????
morning 朝 (asa) ???? ????
afternoon 昼 (hiru) ???? ????
night 夜 (yoru) ???? ????
day of the week 曜日 (youbi) ???? ????
Sunday 日曜日 (nichiyoubi) ???? ????
Monday 月曜日 (getsuyoubi) ???? ????
Tuesday 火曜日 (kayoubi) ???? ????
Wednesday 水曜日 (suiyoubi) ???? ????
Thursday 木曜日 (mokuyoubi) ???? ????
Friday 金曜日 (kinyoubi) ???? ????
Saturday 土曜日 (doyoubi) ???? ????
holiday 休日 (kyuujitsu*) ???? ????
break 休み (yasumi*) ???? ????
long time 長期 (chouki*) ???? ????
short time 短期 (tanki*) ???? ????
date 日付 (hidzuke*) ???? ????
hour 時間 (jikan) ???? ????
year 年 (toshi) ???? ????
month 月 (tsuki*) ???? ????
minute 分 (bun) ???? ????
second 秒 (byou*) ???? ????
this month 今月 (kongetsu*) ???? ????
last month 先月 (sengetsu) ???? ????
next month 来月 (raigetsu) ???? ????
this year 今年 (kotoshi*) ???? ????
last year 去年 (kyounen*) ???? ????
next year 来年 (rainen*) ???? ????
now 今 (ima) ???? ????
soon もうすぐ (mousoku) ???? ????
any time いつでも (itsudemo) ???? ????
before 直前 (choukuzen*) ???? ????
after 直後 (chokugo*) ???? ????
first 最初 (saisho*) ???? ????
last 最後 (saigo*) ???? ????
waiting time 待ち時間 (machi jikan*) ???? ????
time remaining 残り時間 (nokori jikan*) ???? ????
end time 終了時間 (shuuryou jikan*) ???? ????
January 1月 (1 gatsu) ???? ????
February 2月 (2 gatsu) ???? ????
March 3月 (3 gatsu) ???? ????
April 4月 (4 gatsu) ???? ????
May 5月 (5 gatsu) ???? ????
June 6月 (6 gatsu) ???? ????
July 7月 (7 gatsu) ???? ????
August 8月 (8 gatsu) ???? ????
September 9月 (9 gatsu) ???? ????
October 10月 (10 gatsu) ???? ????
November 11月 (11 gatsu) ???? ????
December 12月 (12 gatsu) ???? ????
Sixth Astral Era 第六星暦 (dairoku seireki*) ???? ????
Seventh Umbral Era 第七霊災 (dainana reiwazawai*) ???? ????
Seventh Astral Era 第七星暦 (dainana seireki*) ???? ????


English Japanese French German
walk ???? ???? ????
run ???? ???? ????
follow ???? ???? ????
chocobo ???? ???? ????
personal chocobo ???? ???? ????
rental chocobo ???? ???? ????
chocobo porter ???? ???? ????
mount ???? ???? ????
Teleport ???? ???? ????
Return ???? ???? ????
Aethernet ???? ???? ????
airship ???? ???? ????
Home Point ???? ???? ????
ferry ???? ???? ????
flying mount ???? ???? ????


English Japanese French German
aetheryte ???? ???? ????
city-state aetheryte ???? ???? ????
Adventurers' Guild ???? ???? ????
guild ???? ???? ????
shop ???? ???? ????
chocobo stop ???? ???? ????
inn ???? ???? ????
summoning bell ???? ???? ????
sanctuary ???? ???? ????
levemete ???? ???? ????
linkshell distributor ???? ???? ????
market board ???? ???? ????
retainer vocate ???? ???? ????
armor mender ???? ???? ????
landing ???? ???? ????
delivery moogle ???? ???? ????
docks ???? ???? ????
ferry docks ???? ???? ????
airship landing ???? ???? ????
Maelstrom Command ???? ???? ????
The Adders' Nest ???? ???? ????
The Hall of Flames ???? ???? ????
residential district ???? ???? ????
entry counter ???? ???? ????
Hunt board ???? ???? ????
skywatcher ???? ???? ????
crystal bell ???? ???? ????
subdivision ???? ???? ????
orchestrion ???? ???? ????
striking dummy ???? ???? ????
materia melder ???? ???? ????

Grand Company

English Japanese French German
Grand Company ???? ???? Staatliche Gesellschaft
Grand Company rank ???? ???? Rang der Staatlichen Gesellschaften
supplies ???? ???? Liefereinsätze
provisions ???? ???? Staatstaler
high-quality supplies ???? ???? hochwertige Lieferungen
Maelstrom ???? ???? Der Mahlstrom
Order of the Twin Adder ???? ???? Die Bruderschaft der Morgenviper
Immortal Flames ???? ???? Die Legion der Unsterblichen

Free Company

English Japanese French German
free company ???? ???? ????
signature ???? ???? ????
company board ???? ???? ????
company chest ???? ???? ????
company crest ???? ???? ????
company action ???? ???? ????
company crafting ???? ???? ????
company workshop ???? ???? ????
exploratory voyage ???? ???? ????


English Japanese French German
class ???? ???? ????
class change ???? ???? ????
job ???? ???? ????
job change ???? ???? ????
soul crystal ???? ???? ????
level ???? ???? ????
experience points ???? ???? ????
guardian ???? ???? ????
race ???? ???? ????
clan ???? ???? ????
area ???? ???? ????
Armoury ???? ???? ????
item ???? ???? ????
gear set ???? ???? ????
rested bonus ???? ???? ????
solo ???? ???? ????
party ???? ???? ????
mount ???? ???? ????
minion ???? ???? ????
retainer ???? ???? ????
battle ???? ???? ????
crafting ???? ???? ????
gathering ???? ???? ????
durability ???? ???? ????
spiritbond ???? ???? ????
gear affinity ???? ???? ????
treasure coffer ???? ???? ????
target ???? ???? ????
lock on ???? ???? ????
focus target ???? ???? ????
enemy sign ???? ???? ????
menu ???? ???? ????
map ???? ???? ????
support desk ???? ???? ????
screenshot ???? ???? ????
log out ???? ???? ????
exit game ???? ???? ????
shutdown ???? ???? ????
auto-translation dictionary ???? ???? ????
emote ???? ???? ????
achievements ???? ???? ????
title ???? ???? ????
currency ???? ???? ????
gil ???? ???? ????
trade ???? ???? ????
examine ???? ???? ????
auto-follow ???? ???? ????
alliance ???? ???? ????
housing ???? ???? ????
reputation ???? ???? ????
reputation rank ???? ???? ????
commendation ???? ???? ????
Allagan tomestone ???? ???? ????
Allagan tomestone of mythology ???? ???? ????
Allagan tomestone of poetics ???? ???? ????
Allagan tomestone of philosophy ???? ???? ????
Allagan tomestone of soldiery ???? ???? ????
Allagan tomestone of poetics ???? ???? ????
Allagan tomestone of law ???? ???? ????
Allagan tomestone of esoterics ???? ???? ????
Allagan tomestone of lore ???? ???? ????
vote dismiss ???? ???? ????
vote abandon ???? ???? ????
waymark ???? ???? ????
ground target ???? ???? ????
glamours ???? ???? ????
Allagan tomestone of soldiery ???? ???? ????
aesthetician ???? ???? ????
retainer ventures ???? ???? ????
atma ???? ???? ????
Zodiac Weapon ???? ???? ????
alexandrite ???? ???? ????
animus ???? ???? ????
novus ???? ???? ????
Allied Seals ???? ???? ????
mark bill ???? ???? ????
Frontline ???? ???? ????
The Echo ???? ???? ????
chocobo raising ???? ???? ????
weather report ???? ???? ????
Allagan tomestone of poetics ???? ???? ????
quota points ???? ???? ????
company seals ???? ???? ????
Wolf Marks ???? ???? ????
Zenith ???? ???? ????
Nexus ???? ???? ????
Centurio Seal ???? ???? ????
Allagan tomestone of law ???? ???? ????
Allagan tomestone of esoterics ???? ???? ????
Loot Rule: Lootmaster ???? ???? ????
Loot Rule: Greed Only ???? ???? ????
Loot Rule: Normal ???? ???? ????
Anima Weapon ???? ???? ????
Allagan tomestone of lore ???? ???? ????
Ceremony of Eternal Bonding ???? ???? ????
item level ???? ???? ????
quest sync ???? ???? ????


English Japanese French German
attack ???? ???? ????
action ???? ???? ????
general action ???? ???? ????
trait ???? ???? ????
job action ???? ???? ????
additional action ???? ???? ????
magic ???? ???? ????
weaponskill ???? ???? ????
ability ???? ???? ????
cast time ???? ???? ????
recast time ???? ???? ????
affinity ???? ???? ????
link ???? ???? ????
pet ???? ???? ????
companion ???? ???? ????
enmity ???? ???? ????
active ???? ???? ????
passive ???? ???? ????
KO'd ???? ???? ????
loot ???? ???? ????
divvy loot ???? ???? ????
lot ???? ???? ????
resist ???? ???? ????
acquire ???? ???? ????
aggro ???? ???? ????
area of effect ???? ???? ????
limit break ???? ???? ????
enemy ???? ???? ????
monster ???? ???? ????
notorious monster ???? ???? ????
point allotment ???? ???? ????
EXP chain ???? ???? ????
Armoury bonus ???? ???? ????
level sync ???? ???? ????
PvP action ???? ???? ????
area of effect attack ???? ???? ????
frontal area of effect attack ???? ???? ????
rear area of effect attack ???? ???? ????
whole area of effect attack ???? ???? ????
outpost ???? ???? ????
Allagan Manors ???? ???? ????
stronghold ???? ???? ????
standard ???? ???? ????
occupied ???? ???? ????
unoccupied ???? ???? ????
Tactical Rating ???? ???? ????
Allagan Markets ???? ???? ????
Allagan Sun Temple ???? ???? ????
combo ???? ???? ????
adrenaline rush ???? ???? ????
single target attack ???? ???? ????
ballista ???? ???? ????
Allagan tomelith ???? ???? ????
The Claws ???? ???? ????
The Fangs ???? ???? ????
medal ???? ???? ????
Heavy Medal ???? ???? ????
Culling Time ???? ???? ????
offensive supplies ???? ???? ????
defensive supplies ???? ???? ????
medical supplies ???? ???? ????
adrenaline ???? ???? ????
offense kit ???? ???? ????
defense kit ???? ???? ????
medicine kit ???? ???? ????
adrenaline kit ???? ???? ????
supply box ???? ???? ????
K - Knockout ???? ???? ????
D - Down ???? ???? ????
A - Assist ???? ???? ????
chain ???? ???? ????

Online Status

English Japanese French German
Online ???? ???? ????
Away ???? ???? ????
Busy ???? ???? ????
Looking for Party ???? ???? ????
Looking to Meld Materia ???? ???? ????
Bound by Duty ???? ???? ????
Offline ???? ???? ????
Recruiting Party Members ???? ???? ????
New Adventurer ???? ???? ????
Mentor ???? ???? ????
PvE Mentor ???? ???? ????
PvP Mentor ???? ???? ????
Trade Mentor ???? ???? ????


English Japanese French German
chat ???? ???? ????
Tell ???? ???? ????
Say ???? ???? ????
Shout ???? ???? ????
Yell ???? ???? ????
friend list ???? ???? ????
blacklist ???? ???? ????
Player Search ???? ???? ????
linkshell ???? ???? ????
moogle letter ???? ???? ????
Lodestone ???? ???? ????
blog ???? ???? ????
follow ???? ???? ????
forums ???? ???? ????
ranking ???? ???? ????
Grand Company ranking ???? ???? ????
free company ranking ???? ???? ????
party ???? ???? ????
alliance ???? ???? ????
linkshell ???? ???? ????
free company ???? ???? ????
Novice Network ???? ???? ????

Crafting & Gathering

English Japanese French German
shard ???? ???? ????
crystal ???? ???? ????
cluster ???? ???? ????
materia ???? ???? ????
materia creation ???? ???? ????
materia craft ???? ???? ????
markets ???? ???? ????
market search ???? ???? ????
HQ ???? ???? ????
Unique ???? ???? ????
Untradable ???? ???? ????
material ???? ???? ????
quick synthesis ???? ???? ????
quality ???? ???? ????
high-quality ???? ???? ????
highest-quality ???? ???? ????
repair ???? ???? ????
repair materials ???? ???? ????
gear dyeing ???? ???? ????
mature tree ???? ???? ????
logging ???? ???? ????
harvesting ???? ???? ????
mineral deposit ???? ???? ????
mining ???? ???? ????
quarrying ???? ???? ????
fishing ???? ???? ????
materia melding ???? ???? ????
advanced materia melding ???? ???? ????
gardening ???? ???? ????
raising ???? ???? ????
harvesting ???? ???? ????
master recipe book ???? ???? ????
desynthesis ???? ???? ????
big fishing ???? ???? ????
release ???? ???? ????
unspoiled locations ???? ???? ????
collectable ???? ???? ????
specialist ???? ???? ????
DoL favors ???? ???? ????
tome of regional folklore ???? ???? ????
crafters' scrip ???? ???? ????
gatherers' scrip ???? ???? ????
red crafters' scrip ???? ???? ????
blue crafters' scrip ???? ???? ????
red gatherers' scrip ???? ???? ????
blue gatherers' scrip ???? ???? ????


English Japanese French German
primal ???? ???? ????
Ifrit ???? ???? ????
Titan ???? ???? ????
Garuda ???? ???? ????
Bahamut ???? ???? ????
Moggle Mog XII ???? ???? ????
beastmen ???? ???? ????
Amalj'aa ???? ???? ????
sylphs ???? ???? ????
Ixal ???? ???? ????
kobolds ???? ???? ????
Sahagin ???? ???? ????
Leviathan ???? ???? ????
Ramuh ???? ???? ????
Shiva ???? ???? ????
Alexander (primal) ???? ???? ????
Ravana ???? ???? ????
Bismarck ???? ???? ????
Gnath ???? ???? ????
Vanu Vanu ???? ???? ????
goblins ???? ???? ????
dragons ???? ???? ????


English Japanese French German
duty ???? ???? Missionen
quest ???? ???? Quest
main scenario quest ???? ???? Hauptszenario Quest
sidequest ???? ???? Nebenquest
class quest ???? ???? Klassenquest
job quest ???? ???? Job-Quest
Grand Company quest ???? ???? Staatliche Gesellschaften
FATE ???? ???? FATE
guildleve ???? ???? Gildengeheiße
levequest ???? ???? Freibriefe
battlecraft leve ???? ???? Gefecht
fieldcraft leve ???? ???? Sammeln
tradecraft leve ???? ???? Fertigung
Grand Company leve ???? ???? Staatserlasse
leve link ???? ???? ????
leve allowance ???? ???? ????
levequest difficulty ???? ???? ????
guildhest ???? ???? ????
dungeon ???? ???? Dungeon
primal battle ???? ???? ????
hard primal battle ???? ???? ????
legatus battle ???? ???? ????
raid ???? ???? Raid
The Coliseum ???? ???? ????
The Thousand Maws of Toto-Rak ???? ???? Tausend Löcher von Toto-Rak
The Tam-Tara Deepcroft ???? ???? Totenacker Tam-Tara
Copperbell Mines ???? ???? Kupferglocken-Mine
Sastasha ???? ???? Sastasha
The Aurum Vale ???? ???? Goldklamm
Haukke Manor ???? ???? Haukke-Herrenhaus
Halatali ???? ???? Halatali
Brayflox's Longstop ???? ???? Brüllvolx' Langrast
The Sunken Temple of Qarn ???? ???? Versunkener Tempel von Qarn
The Wanderer's Palace ???? ???? Palast des Wanderers
The Stone Vigil ???? ???? Steinerne Wacht
Cutter's Cry ???? ???? Sägerschrei
Dzemael Darkhold ???? ???? Die Feste Dzemael
Amdapor Keep ???? ???? Die Ruinen von Amdapor
Castrum Meridianum ???? ???? Castrum Meridianum - Außenbereich
The Praetorium ???? ???? Castrum Meridianum - Praetorium
Basic Training: Enemy Parties ???? ???? Einer für alle, alle für einen
Under the Armor ???? ???? Bockmanns Gefolge
Basic Training: Enemy Strongholds ???? ???? Sturmkommando
Hero on the Halfshell ???? ???? Gil oder Leben
Pulling Poison Posies ???? ???? Unkraut jäten
Stinging Back ???? ???? Ins Wespennest stechen
All's Well that Ends in the Well ???? ???? Briaxio ausschalten
Flicking Sticks and Taking Names ???? ???? Bombige Goblins
More than a Feeler ???? ???? Tödliches Rankenspiel
Annoy the Void ???? ???? Gefahr aus dem Nichts
Shadow and Claw ???? ???? Kampf gegen Schatten
Long Live the Queen ???? ???? Miss Bombastic
Ward Up ???? ???? Unzertrennlich
Solemn Trinity ???? ???? Wuchtige Dreifaltigkeit
The Bowl of Embers (Normal) ???? ???? Das Grab der Lohe
The Navel (Normal) ???? ???? Der Nabel
The Howling Eye (Normal) ???? ???? Das Tosende Auge
The Bowl of Embers (Hard) ???? ???? Götterdämmerung - Ifrit
The Navel (Hard) ???? ???? Götterdämmerung - Titan
The Howling Eye (Hard) ???? ???? Götterdämmerung - Garuda
Cape Westwind ???? ???? Kap Westwind
The Binding Coil of Bahamut ???? ???? Verschlungene Schatten
The Wolves' Den ???? ???? Wolfshöhle
The Bowl of Embers (Extreme) ???? ???? Zenit der Götter - Ifrit
The Navel (Extreme) ???? ???? Zenit der Götter - Titan
The Howling Eye (Extreme) ???? ???? Zenit der Götter - Garuda
Thornmarch (Hard) ???? ???? Königliche Konfrontation (schwer)
The Minstrel's Ballad: Ultima's Bane ???? ???? Heldenlied von Ultima
Crystal Tower ???? ???? Kristallturm
The Binding Coil of Bahamut ???? ???? Verschlungene Schatten
Labyrinth of the Ancients ???? ???? Kristallturm - Das Labyrinth der Alten
Decipher ???? ???? Entziffern
hard mode ???? ???? ????
Duty Roulette ???? ???? ????
The Second Coil of Bahamut ???? ???? Verschlungene Schatten 2
Pharos Sirius ???? ???? Pharos Sirius
Thornmarch (Extreme) ???? ???? Königliche Konfrontation (extrem)
The Whorleater (Hard) ???? ???? Götterdämmerung - Leviathan
The Whorleater (Extreme) ???? ???? Zenit der Götter - Leviathan
A Relic Reborn: The Chimera ???? ???? Kampf gegen die Dhorme-Chimära
A Relic Reborn: The Hydra ???? ???? Kampf gegen die Hydra
Battle on the Big Bridge ???? ???? Duell auf der großen Brücke
PvP ???? ???? PvP
beast tribe quest ???? ???? Wilde Stämme
beast tribe sidequest ???? ???? ????
beast tribe main quest ???? ???? ????
side story quest ???? ???? ????
treasure hunt ???? ???? ????
chronicles of a new era quest ???? ???? Chroniken der neuen Ära
seasonal event ???? ???? Saisonale Aufträge
The Lost City of Amdapor ???? ???? Historisches Amdapor
Trials of the Braves ???? ???? Die Ephemeriden
sphere scroll ???? ???? Sphärentafel
The Hunt ???? ???? Hohe Jagd
elite marks ???? ???? ????
The Striking Tree (Hard) ???? ???? Götterdämmerung - Ramuh
The Striking Tree (Extreme) ???? ???? Zenit der Götter - Ramuh
Syrcus Tower ???? ???? Kristallturm - Der Syrcus-Turm
The Second Coil of Bahamut (Savage) ???? ???? Verschlungene Schatten 2 (episch)
The Carteneau Flats ???? ???? ????
Hullbreaker Isle ???? ???? Schiffbrecher-Insel
Frontline ???? ???? ????
low-level ???? ???? ????
expert ???? ???? ????
high-level ???? ???? ????
The Final Coil of Bahamut ???? ???? Verschlungene Schatten 3
The Akh Afah Amphitheatre (Hard) ???? ???? Götterdämmerung - Shiva
The Akh Afah Amphitheatre (Extreme) ???? ???? Zenit der Götter - Shiva
Snowcloak ???? ???? Das Schneekleid
The Dragon's Neck ???? ???? Das Drachenhals-Kolosseum
delivery quest ???? ???? Mogry-Post Quest
Urth's Fount (Hard) ???? ???? Jenseits Urths Quelle
The World of Darkness ???? ???? Die Welt der Dunkelheit
The Borderland Ruins ???? ???? Äußere Ruinen
(Secure) ???? ???? (Sicherung)
(Slaughter) ???? ???? ????
The Keeper of the Lake ???? ???? Hüter des Sees
Battle in the Big Keep ???? ???? Revanche in den Ruinen
Ascian ???? ???? Ascian
the void ???? ???? ????
The Great Gubal Library ???? ???? Große Gubal-Bibliothek
Neverreap ???? ???? Nimmerreich
The Vault ???? ???? Erzbasilika
The Fractal Continuum ???? ???? Die Fraktal-Kontinuum
Dusk Vigil ???? ???? Abendrot-Wacht
Sohm Al ???? ???? Sohm Al
Aetherochemical Research Facility ???? ???? Ätherochemisches Forschungslabor
The Aery ???? ???? Nest des Drachen
Thok ast Thok (Hard) ???? ???? Götterdämmerung - Ravana
Thok ast Thok (Extreme) ???? ???? Zenit der Götter - Ravana
Limitless Blue (Hard) ???? ???? Götterdämmerung - Bismarck
Limitless Blue (Extreme) ???? ???? Zenit der Götter - Bismarck
Seal Rock ???? ???? Robbenholm
(Seize) ???? ???? (Eroberung)
Alexander ???? ???? Alexander
Alexander (Savage) ???? ???? Alexander (Episch)
Gordias ???? ???? Alexander - Gordias
The Chrysalis (Normal) ???? ???? Chrysalis
The Steps of Faith (Normal) ???? ???? Der Schicksalsweg
The Singularity Reactor (Normal) ???? ???? Singularitäts-Reaktor
Temple leve ???? ???? Freibriefe
Saint Mocianne's Arboretum ???? ???? Sankt Mocianne-Arboretum
The Shadow of Mhach ???? ???? Schatten von Mhach
The Void Ark ???? ???? Die Nichts-Arche
Hall of the Novice ???? ???? ????
The Antitower ???? ???? Antiturm
Midas ???? ???? Alexander – Midas
Containment Bay S1T7 (Normal) ???? ???? Götterdämmerung - Sephirot
Containment Bay S1T7 (Extreme) ???? ???? Zenit der Götter - Sephirot
The Fold ???? ???? The Fold
The Feast ???? ???? The Feast
Stone, Sky, Sea ???? ???? Steinpuppen-Training
Sohr Khai ???? ???? Sohr Khai
The Weeping City of Mhach ???? ???? Die Stadt der Tränen
The Final Steps of Faith ???? ???? Der letzte Schicksalsweg
The Minstrel's Ballad: Nidhogg's Rage ???? ???? Das Lied von Nidhoggs letztem Ruf
The Fields of Glory ???? ???? Feld der Ehre
(Shatter) ???? ???? (Zersplitterung)


English Japanese French German
company chocobo ???? ???? ????
goobbue ???? ???? ????
legacy chocobo ???? ???? ????
magitek armor ???? ???? ????
coeurl ???? ???? ????
ahriman ???? ???? ????
unicorn ???? ???? ????
behemoth ???? ???? ????
cavalry drake ???? ???? ????
laurel goobbue ???? ???? ????
gilded magitek armor ???? ???? ????
nightmare ???? ???? ????
fat chocobo ???? ???? ????
cavalry elbst ???? ???? ????
bomb palanquin ???? ???? ????
Aithon ???? ???? ????
Xanthos ???? ???? ????
Gullfaxi ???? ???? ????
Enbarr ???? ???? ????
warlion ???? ???? ????
warbear ???? ???? ????
draught chocobo ???? ???? ????
direwolf ???? ???? ????
storm warsteed ???? ???? ????
serpent warsteed ???? ???? ????
flame warsteed ???? ???? ????
Markab ???? ???? ????
ceremony chocobo ???? ???? ????
Sleipnir ???? ???? ????
Boreas ???? ???? ????
parade chocobo ???? ???? ????
black chocobo ???? ???? ????
adamantoise ???? ???? ????
Kirin ???? ???? ????
logistics system ???? ???? ????
Fenrir ???? ???? ????
Midgardsormr ???? ???? ????
amber draught chocobo ???? ???? ????
sanuwa ???? ???? ????
griffin ???? ???? ????
manacutter ???? ???? ????
war panther ???? ???? ????
gobwalker ???? ???? ????
Twintania ???? ???? ????
witch's broom ???? ???? ????
Pegasus ???? ???? ????
White Devil ???? ???? ????
Red Baron ???? ???? ????
wyvern ???? ???? ????
kongamato ???? ???? ????
zu ???? ???? ????
bennu ???? ???? ????
white lanner ???? ???? ????
rose lanner ???? ???? ????
round lanner ???? ???? ????
warring lanner ???? ???? ????
Gloria-class airship ???? ???? ????
original fat chocobo ???? ???? ????

Classes & Jobs

English Japanese French German
gladiator 剣術士 (kenjutsu shi*) gladiateur Gladiator
pugilist 格闘士 (kakutou shi*) pugiliste Faustkämpfer
marauder 斧術士 (onojutsu shi*) maraudeur Marodeur
lancer 槍術士 (soujutsu shi*) maître d'hast Pikenier
archer 弓術士 (kyuujutsu shi*) archer Waldläufer
conjurer 幻術士 (genjutsu shi*) élémentaliste Druide
thaumaturge 呪術士 (jujutsu shi*) occultiste Thaumaturge
carpenter 木工師 (mokkou shi*) menuisier Zimmerer
blacksmith 鍛冶師 (tanyashi*) forgeron Grobschmied
armorer 甲冑師 (katchuushi*) armurier Plattner
goldsmith 彫金師 (choukinshi*) orfèvre Goldschmied
leatherworker 革細工師 (kawazaikushi*) tanneur Gerber
weaver 裁縫師 (saihoushi*) couturier Weber
alchemist 錬金術師 (renkinjutsu shi) alchimiste Alchemist
culinarian 調理師 (chouri shi*) cuisinier Gourmet
miner 採掘師 (saikutsu shi*) mineur Minenarbeiter
botanist 園芸師 (engeishi*) botaniste Gärtner
fisher 漁師 (ryoushi*) pêcheur Fischer
paladin ナイト (knight) paladin Paladin
monk モンク (monk) moine Mönch
warrior 戦士 (senshi) guerrier Krieger
dragoon 竜騎士 (ryuu kishi*) chevalier dragon Dragoon
bard 吟遊詩人 (ginyuushijin*) barde Barde
white mage 白魔道士 (shiro madoushi) mage blanc Weißmagier
black mage 黒魔道士 (kuro madoushi) mage noir Schwarzmagier
arcanist 巴術士 (tomoejutsu shi*) arcaniste Hermetiker
summoner 召喚士 (shoukan shi*) invocateur Beschwörer
scholar 学者 (gakusha*) érudit Gelehrter
rogue 双剣士 (soukenshi*) surineur Schurke
ninja 忍者 (ninja*) ninja Ninja
machinist 機工士 (kikoushi*) machiniste Maschinist
dark knight 暗黒騎士 (ankoku kishi*) chevalier noir Dunkelritter
astrologian 占星術師 (senseijutsu shi*) astromancien Astrologe
samurai 侍 (samurai) samouraï ????
red mage 赤魔道士 (aka madoushi) mage rouge ????
blue mage 青魔道士 (ao madoushi) mage bleu ????
gunbreaker ガンブレイカー (gunbreaker) pistosabreur ????
dancer 踊り子 (odoriko*) danseur ????
reaper ???? faucheur ????
sage ???? sage ????


English Japanese French German
Hydaelyn ???? ???? ????
Eorzea ???? ???? ????
La Noscea ???? ???? ????
The Black Shroud ???? ???? ????
Thanalan ???? ???? ????
Coerthas ???? ???? ????
Mor Dhona ???? ???? ????
Limsa Lominsa ???? ???? ????
Limsa Lominsa Upper Decks ???? ???? ????
Limsa Lominsa Lower Decks ???? ???? ????
Middle La Noscea ???? ???? ????
Lower La Noscea ???? ???? ????
Eastern La Noscea ???? ???? ????
Western La Noscea ???? ???? ????
Upper La Noscea ???? ???? ????
Sastasha ???? ???? ????
Brayflox's Longstop ???? ???? ????
The Wanderer's Palace ???? ???? ????
Gridania ???? ???? ????
Ul'dah - Steps of Nald ???? ???? ????
Ul'dah - Steps of Thal ???? ???? ????
Western Thanalan ???? ???? ????
Central Thanalan ???? ???? ????
Eastern Thanalan ???? ???? ????
Southern Thanalan ???? ???? ????
Northern Thanalan ???? ???? ????
Cutter's Cry ???? ???? ????
Copperbell Mines ???? ???? ????
Halatali ???? ???? ????
The Sunken Temple of Qarn ???? ???? ????
Ul'dah ???? ???? ????
New Gridania ???? ???? ????
Old Gridania ???? ???? ????
Central Shroud ???? ???? ????
East Shroud ???? ???? ????
South Shroud ???? ???? ????
North Shroud ???? ???? ????
The Tam-Tara Deepcroft ???? ???? ????
Haukke Manor ???? ???? ????
The Thousand Maws of Toto-Rak ???? ???? ????
Ishgard ???? ???? ????
Coerthas Central Highlands ???? ???? ????
Dzemael Darkhold ???? ???? ????
Aurum Vale ???? ???? ????
Mor Dhona ???? ???? ????
Bentbranch Meadows ???? ???? ????
The Hawthorne Hut ???? ???? ????
Camp Tranquil ???? ???? ????
Quarrymill ???? ???? ????
Fallgourd Float ???? ???? ????
The Fold ???? ???? ????
Summerford Farms ???? ???? ????
Costa del Sol ???? ???? ????
Wineport ???? ???? ????
Swiftperch ???? ???? ????
Aleport ???? ???? ????
Camp Overlook ???? ???? ????
Camp Bronze Lake ???? ???? ????
Horizon ???? ???? ????
Black Brush Station ???? ???? ????
Camp Drybone ???? ???? ????
Little Ala Mhigo ???? ???? ????
Forgotten Springs ???? ???? ????
Camp Bluefog ???? ???? ????
Ceruleum Processing Plant ???? ???? ????
Moraby Drydocks ???? ???? ????
Outer La Noscea ???? ???? ????
Bowl of Embers ???? ???? ????
Wolves' Den Pier ???? ???? ????
The Navel ???? ???? ????
Thornmarch ???? ???? ????
The Howling Eye ???? ???? ????
Griffin Crossing ???? ???? ????
Camp Dragonhead ???? ???? ????
The Weeping Saint ???? ???? ????
Steps of Faith ???? ???? ????
Revenant's Toll ???? ???? ????
Mist ???? ???? ????
The Lavender Beds ???? ???? ????
The Goblet ???? ???? ????
Praetorium ???? ???? ????
The Howling Eye ???? ???? ????
Rhotano Sea ???? ???? ????
Porta Decumana ???? ???? ????
Abalathia's Spine ???? ???? ????
Dravania ???? ???? ????
Hall of the Bestiarii ???? ???? ????
Dalamud's Shadow ???? ???? ????
The Outer Coil ???? ???? ????
Central Decks ???? ???? ????
The Holocharts ???? ???? ????
Main Bridge ???? ???? ????
The Whorleater ???? ???? ????
The Striking Tree ???? ???? ????
Carteneau Flats: Borderland Ruins ???? ???? ????
The Chrysalis ???? ???? ????
Akh Afah Amphitheatre ???? ???? ????
IC-06 Central Decks ???? ???? ????
IC-06 Regeneration Grid ???? ???? ????
IC-06 Main Bridge ???? ???? ????
The Burning Heart ???? ???? ????
IC-04 Main Bridge ???? ???? ????
The Gold Saucer ???? ???? ????
Chocobo Square ???? ???? ????
The Fist of the Father ???? ???? ????
The Cuff of the Father ???? ???? ????
The Arm of the Father ???? ???? ????
The Burden of the Father ???? ???? ????
The Diadem ???? ???? ????
The Feast ???? ???? ????
The Fist of the Son ???? ???? ????
The Cuff of the Son ???? ???? ????
The Arm of the Son ???? ???? ????
The Burden of the Son ???? ???? ????
The Dravanian Forelands ???? ???? ????
The Dravanian Hinterlands ???? ???? ????
The Churning Mists ???? ???? ????
Tailfeather ???? ???? ????
Anyx Trine ???? ???? ????
Moghome ???? ???? ????
Zenith ???? ???? ????
Thok ast Thok ???? ???? ????
Idyllshire ???? ???? ????
The Sea of Clouds ???? ???? ????
Azys Lla ???? ???? ????
Camp Cloudtop ???? ???? ????
Ok' Zundu ???? ???? ????
Helix ???? ???? ????
The Limitless Blue ???? ???? ????
Void Ark ???? ???? ????
Coerthas Western Highlands ???? ???? ????
Falcon's Nest ???? ???? ????
Containment Bay S1T7 ???? ???? ????
Foundation ???? ???? ????
The Pillars ???? ???? ????


English Japanese French German
Hyur ???? ???? ????
Elezen ???? ???? ????
Lalafell ???? ???? ????
Miqo'te ???? ???? ????
Roegadyn ???? ???? ????
Au Ra ???? ???? ????


English Japanese French German
Midlander ???? ???? ????
Highlander ???? ???? ????
Wildwood ???? ???? ????
Duskwight ???? ???? ????
Plainsfolk ???? ???? ????
Dunesfolk ???? ???? ????
Seeker of the Sun ???? ???? ????
Keeper of the Moon ???? ???? ????
Sea Wolf ???? ???? ????
Hellsguard ???? ???? ????
Raen ???? ???? ????
Xaela ???? ???? ????


English Japanese French German
Halone, the Fury ???? ???? ????
Menphina, the Lover ???? ???? ????
Thaliak, the Scholar ???? ???? ????
Nymeia, the Spinner ???? ???? ????
Llymlaen, the Navigator ???? ???? ????
Oschon, the Wanderer ???? ???? ????
Byregot, the Builder ???? ???? ????
Rhalgr, the Destroyer ???? ???? ????
Azeyma, the Warden ???? ???? ????
Nald'thal, the Traders ???? ???? ????
Nophica, the Matron ???? ???? ????
Althyk, the Keeper ???? ???? ????

General Actions

English Japanese French German
Auto-attack ???? ???? ????
Jump ???? ???? ????
Limit Break ???? ???? ????
Sprint ???? ???? ????
Desynthesis ???? ???? ????
Repair ???? ???? ????
Teleport ???? ???? ????
Return ???? ???? ????
Mount Roulette ???? ???? ????
Minion Roulette ???? ???? ????
Materia Melding ???? ???? ????
Advanced Materia Melding ???? ???? ????
Materia Assimilating ???? ???? ????
Dye ???? ???? ????
Target Forward ???? ???? ????
Target Back ???? ???? ????
Set Down ???? ???? ????
Decipher ???? ???? ????
Dig ???? ???? ????
Aetherial Reduction ???? ???? ????
Cast Glamour ???? ???? ????
Flying Mount Roulette ???? ???? ????

Disciple of War & Magic Actions

English Japanese French German
Fast Blade ???? ???? ????
Rampart ???? ???? ????
Savage Blade ???? ???? ????
Convalescence ???? ???? ????
Awareness ???? ???? ????
Flash ???? ???? ????
Riot Blade ???? ???? ????
Shield Bash ???? ???? ????
Sentinel ???? ???? ????
Provoke ???? ???? ????
Tempered Will ???? ???? ????
Fight or Flight ???? ???? ????
Rage of Halone ???? ???? ????
Bulwark ???? ???? ????
Circle of Scorn ???? ???? ????
Shield Lob ???? ???? ????
Shield Swipe ???? ???? ????
Sword Oath ???? ???? ????
Cover ???? ???? ????
Shield Oath ???? ???? ????
Spirits Within ???? ???? ????
Hallowed Ground ???? ???? ????
Heavy Swing ???? ???? ????
Foresight ???? ???? ????
Fracture ???? ???? ????
Bloodbath ???? ???? ????
Skull Sunder ???? ???? ????
Mercy Stroke ???? ???? ????
Maim ???? ???? ????
Berserk ???? ???? ????
Brutal Swing ???? ???? ????
Thrill of Battle ???? ???? ????
Overpower ???? ???? ????
Storm's Path ???? ???? ????
Holmgang ???? ???? ????
Vengeance ???? ???? ????
Storm's Eye ???? ???? ????
Tomahawk ???? ???? ????
Butcher's Block ???? ???? ????
Defiance ???? ???? ????
Inner Beast ???? ???? ????
Unchained ???? ???? ????
Steel Cyclone ???? ???? ????
Infuriate ???? ???? ????
Bootshine ???? ???? ????
True Strike ???? ???? ????
Featherfoot ???? ???? ????
Snap Punch ???? ???? ????
Second Wind ???? ???? ????
Haymaker ???? ???? ????
Internal Release ???? ???? ????
Fists of Earth ???? ???? ????
Twin Snakes ???? ???? ????
Arm of the Destroyer ???? ???? ????
Fists of Fire ???? ???? ????
Steel Peak ???? ???? ????
Mantra ???? ???? ????
Demolish ???? ???? ????
Howling Fist ???? ???? ????
Touch of Death ???? ???? ????
Perfect Balance ???? ???? ????
Rockbreaker ???? ???? ????
Shoulder Tackle ???? ???? ????
One Ilm Punch ???? ???? ????
Fists of Wind ???? ???? ????
Dragon Kick ???? ???? ????
True Thrust ???? ???? ????
Feint ???? ???? ????
Keen Flurry ???? ???? ????
Vorpal Thrust ???? ???? ????
Heavy Thrust ???? ???? ????
Invigorate ???? ???? ????
Impulse Drive ???? ???? ????
Leg Sweep ???? ???? ????
Life Surge ???? ???? ????
Full Thrust ???? ???? ????
Blood for Blood ???? ???? ????
Doom Spike ???? ???? ????
Disembowel ???? ???? ????
Chaos Thrust ???? ???? ????
Ring of Thorns ???? ???? ????
Piercing Talon ???? ???? ????
Phlebotomize ???? ???? ????
Jump ???? ???? ????
Power Surge ???? ???? ????
Elusive Jump ???? ???? ????
Spineshatter Dive ???? ???? ????
Dragonfire Dive ???? ???? ????
Heavy Shot ???? ???? ????
Straight Shot ???? ???? ????
Hawk's Eye ???? ???? ????
Venomous Bite ???? ???? ????
Raging Strikes ???? ???? ????
Flaming Arrow ???? ???? ????
Misery's End ???? ???? ????
Quelling Strikes ???? ???? ????
Swiftsong ???? ???? ????
Quick Nock ???? ???? ????
Barrage ???? ???? ????
Shadowbind ???? ???? ????
Blunt Arrow ???? ???? ????
Bloodletter ???? ???? ????
Wide Volley ???? ???? ????
Repelling Shot ???? ???? ????
Windbite ???? ???? ????
Mage's Ballad ???? ???? ????
Foe Requiem ???? ???? ????
Army's Paeon ???? ???? ????
Rain of Death ???? ???? ????
Battle Voice ???? ???? ????
Stone ???? ???? ????
Cure ???? ???? ????
Aero ???? ???? ????
Cleric Stance ???? ???? ????
Protect ???? ???? ????
Medica ???? ???? ????
Raise ???? ???? ????
Esuna ???? ???? ????
Stone II ???? ???? ????
Repose ???? ???? ????
Stoneskin ???? ???? ????
Shroud of Saints ???? ???? ????
Cure III ???? ???? ????
Aero II ???? ???? ????
Medica II ???? ???? ????
Fluid Aura ???? ???? ????
Cure II ???? ???? ????
Presence of Mind ???? ???? ????
Regen ???? ???? ????
Divine Seal ???? ???? ????
Holy ???? ???? ????
Benediction ???? ???? ????
Fire ???? ???? ????
Blizzard ???? ???? ????
Surecast ???? ???? ????
Thunder ???? ???? ????
Sleep ???? ???? ????
Blizzard II ???? ???? ????
Fire II ???? ???? ????
Thunder II ???? ???? ????
Transpose ???? ???? ????
Swiftcast ???? ???? ????
Lethargy ???? ???? ????
Fire III ???? ???? ????
Thunder III ???? ???? ????
Blizzard III ???? ???? ????
Aetherial Manipulation ???? ???? ????
Scathe ???? ???? ????
Manaward ???? ???? ????
Convert ???? ???? ????
Freeze ???? ???? ????
Apocatastasis ???? ???? ????
Manawall ???? ???? ????
Flare ???? ???? ????
Ruin ???? ???? ????
Bio ???? ???? ????
Summon ???? ???? ????
Aetherflow ???? ???? ????
Energy Drain ???? ???? ????
Miasma ???? ???? ????
Virus ???? ???? ????
Summon II ???? ???? ????
Sustain ???? ???? ????
Ruin II ???? ???? ????
Resurrection ???? ???? ????
Bane ???? ???? ????
Eye for an Eye ???? ???? ????
Rouse ???? ???? ????
Miasma II ???? ???? ????
Bio II ???? ???? ????
Shadow Flare ???? ???? ????
Summon III ???? ???? ????
Fester ???? ???? ????
Tri-bind ???? ???? ????
Spur ???? ???? ????
Enkindle ???? ???? ????
Adloquium ???? ???? ????
Succor ???? ???? ????
Leeches ???? ???? ????
Sacred Soil ???? ???? ????
Lustrate ???? ???? ????
Physick ???? ???? ????
Stoneskin II ???? ???? ????
Shield Wall ???? ???? ????
Mighty Guard ???? ???? ????
Last Bastion ???? ???? ????
Braver ???? ???? ????
Bladedance ???? ???? ????
Final Heaven ???? ???? ????
Skyshard ???? ???? ????
Starstorm ???? ???? ????
Meteor ???? ???? ????
Healing Wind ???? ???? ????
Breath of the Earth ???? ???? ????
Pulse of Life ???? ???? ????
Triangulate ???? ???? ????
Arbor Call ???? ???? ????
Stealth ???? ???? ????
Preparation ???? ???? ????
Toil of the Pioneer ???? ???? ????
Ageless Words ???? ???? ????
Brunt Force ???? ???? ????
Nophica's Ward ???? ???? ????
Field Mastery ???? ???? ????
Byregot's Ward ???? ???? ????
Field Mastery II ???? ???? ????
Truth of Forests ???? ???? ????
Blessed Harvest ???? ???? ????
Blessed Harvest II ???? ???? ????
Leaf Turn ???? ???? ????
Leaf Turn II ???? ???? ????
Prospect ???? ???? ????
Lay of the Land ???? ???? ????
Toil of the Mountaineer ???? ???? ????
Solid Reason ???? ???? ????
Deep Vigor ???? ???? ????
Nald'thal's Ward ???? ???? ????
Sharp Vision ???? ???? ????
Menphina's Ward ???? ???? ????
Sharp Vision II ???? ???? ????
Truth of Mountains ???? ???? ????
King's Yield ???? ???? ????
King's Yield II ???? ???? ????
Unearth ???? ???? ????
Unearth II ???? ???? ????
Steady Hand ???? ???? ????
Inner Quiet ???? ???? ????
Great Strides ???? ???? ????
Rumination ???? ???? ????
Ingenuity ???? ???? ????
Manipulation ???? ???? ????
Waste Not ???? ???? ????
Steady Hand II ???? ???? ????
Ingenuity II ???? ???? ????
Innovation ???? ???? ????
Waste Not II ???? ???? ????
Comfort Zone ???? ???? ????
Reclaim ???? ???? ????
Bait ???? ???? ????
Cast ???? ???? ????
Arbor Call II ???? ???? ????
Lay of the Land II ???? ???? ????
Llymlaen's Ward ???? ???? ????
Thaliak's Ward ???? ???? ????
Field Mastery III ???? ???? ????
Sharp Vision III ???? ???? ????
Hook ???? ???? ????
Mooch ???? ???? ????
Quit ???? ???? ????
Release ???? ???? ????
Cast Light ???? ???? ????
Spinning Edge ???? ???? ????
Shade Shift ???? ???? ????
Gust Slash ???? ???? ????
Kiss of the Wasp ???? ???? ????
Mutilate ???? ???? ????
Hide ???? ???? ????
Assassinate ???? ???? ????
Throwing Dagger ???? ???? ????
Mug ???? ???? ????
Goad ???? ???? ????
Sneak Attack ???? ???? ????
Dancing Edge ???? ???? ????
Kiss of the Viper ???? ???? ????
Death Blossom ???? ???? ????
Aeolian Edge ???? ???? ????
Jugulate ???? ???? ????
Shadow Fang ???? ???? ????
Trick Attack ???? ???? ????
Ten ???? ???? ????
Ninjutsu ???? ???? ????
Chi ???? ???? ????
Shukuchi ???? ???? ????
Jin ???? ???? ????
Kassatsu ???? ???? ????
Fuma Shuriken ???? ???? ????
Katon ???? ???? ????
Raiton ???? ???? ????
Hyoton ???? ???? ????
Huton ???? ???? ????
Doton ???? ???? ????
Suiton ???? ???? ????
Rabbit Medium ???? ???? ????
Rook Autoturret ???? ???? ????
Bishop Autoturret ???? ???? ????
Split Shot ???? ???? ????
Reload ???? ???? ????
Slug Shot ???? ???? ????
Lead Shot ???? ???? ????
Spread Shot ???? ???? ????
Grenado Shot ???? ???? ????
Hot Shot ???? ???? ????
Clean Shot ???? ???? ????
Gauss Round ???? ???? ????
Heartbreak ???? ???? ????
Reassemble ???? ???? ????
Leg Graze ???? ???? ????
Wildfire ???? ???? ????
Quick Reload ???? ???? ????
Gauss Barrel ???? ???? ????
Rapid Fire ???? ???? ????
Rend Mind ???? ???? ????
Suppressive Fire ???? ???? ????
Foot Graze ???? ???? ????
Hypercharge ???? ???? ????
Head Graze ???? ???? ????
Dismantle ???? ???? ????
Blank ???? ???? ????
Promotion ???? ???? ????
Ricochet ???? ???? ????
Aegis Boon ???? ???? ????
Raw Destruction ???? ???? ????
Cometeor ???? ???? ????
Empyrean Rain ???? ???? ????
Turret Retrieval ???? ???? ????
Goring Blade ???? ???? ????
Royal Authority ???? ???? ????
Divine Veil ???? ???? ????
Clemency ???? ???? ????
Sheltron ???? ???? ????
Tornado Kick ???? ???? ????
Purification ???? ???? ????
Elixir Field ???? ???? ????
Meditation ???? ???? ????
the Forbidden Chakra ???? ???? ????
Deliverance ???? ???? ????
Fell Cleave ???? ???? ????
Decimate ???? ???? ????
Raw Intuition ???? ???? ????
Equilibrium ???? ???? ????
Blood of the Dragon ???? ???? ????
Fang and Claw ???? ???? ????
Geirskogul ???? ???? ????
Wheeling Thrust ???? ???? ????
Battle Litany ???? ???? ????
Empyreal Arrow ???? ???? ????
the Wanderer's Minuet ???? ???? ????
Iron Jaws ???? ???? ????
the Warden's Paean ???? ???? ????
Sidewinder ???? ???? ????
Armor Crush ???? ???? ????
Shadewalker ???? ???? ????
Smoke Screen ???? ???? ????
Dream Within a Dream ???? ???? ????
Duality ???? ???? ????
Stone III ???? ???? ????
Asylum ???? ???? ????
Tetragrammaton ???? ???? ????
Assize ???? ???? ????
Aero III ???? ???? ????
Ley Lines ???? ???? ????
Sharpcast ???? ???? ????
Enochian ???? ???? ????
Blizzard IV ???? ???? ????
Fire IV ???? ???? ????
Painflare ???? ???? ????
Ruin III ???? ???? ????
Tri-disaster ???? ???? ????
Dreadwyrm Trance ???? ???? ????
Deathflare ???? ???? ????
Indomitability ???? ???? ????
Broil ???? ???? ????
Deployment Tactics ???? ???? ????
Emergency Tactics ???? ???? ????
Dissipation ???? ???? ????
Charged Volley Fire ???? ???? ????
Charged Aether Mortar ???? ???? ????
Draw ???? ???? ????
Royal Road ???? ???? ????
Spread ???? ???? ????
Redraw ???? ???? ????
Benefic ???? ???? ????
Aspected Benefic ???? ???? ????
Malefic ???? ???? ????
Stella ???? ???? ????
Malefic II ???? ???? ????
Combust ???? ???? ????
Helios ???? ???? ????
Aspected Helios ???? ???? ????
Exalted Detriment ???? ???? ????
Ascend ???? ???? ????
Diurnal Sect ???? ???? ????
Nocturnal Sect ???? ???? ????
Lightspeed ???? ???? ????
Luminiferous Aether ???? ???? ????
Combust II ???? ???? ????
Disable ???? ???? ????
Benefic II ???? ???? ????
Time Dilation ???? ???? ????
Synastry ???? ???? ????
Collective Unconscious ???? ???? ????
Essential Dignity ???? ???? ????
Gravity ???? ???? ????
Celestial Opposition ???? ???? ????
Hard Slash ???? ???? ????
Shadowskin ???? ???? ????
Spinning Slash ???? ???? ????
Scourge ???? ???? ????
Unleash ???? ???? ????
Low Blow ???? ???? ????
Syphon Strike ???? ???? ????
Unmend ???? ???? ????
Blood Weapon ???? ???? ????
Reprisal ???? ???? ????
Power Slash ???? ???? ????
Darkside ???? ???? ????
Grit ???? ???? ????
Dark Dance ???? ???? ????
Blood Price ???? ???? ????
Souleater ???? ???? ????
Dark Passenger ???? ???? ????
Dark Mind ???? ???? ????
Dark Arts ???? ???? ????
Shadow Wall ???? ???? ????
Delirium ???? ???? ????
Living Dead ???? ???? ????
Salted Earth ???? ???? ????
Plunge ???? ???? ????
Abyssal Drain ???? ???? ????
Sole Survivor ???? ???? ????
Carve and Spit ???? ???? ????
Mana Capacitor ???? ???? ????
Muscle Activator ???? ???? ????
Clear Vision ???? ???? ????
Bountiful Yield ???? ???? ????
Collector's Glove ???? ???? ????
Methodical Appraisal ???? ???? ????
Instinctual Appraisal ???? ???? ????
Impulsive Appraisal ???? ???? ????
Discerning Eye ???? ???? ????
Utmost Caution ???? ???? ????
Deep Breath ???? ???? ????
Luck of the Mountaineer ???? ???? ????
Dredge ???? ???? ????
Dredge II ???? ???? ????
Single Mind ???? ???? ????
Last Ditch ???? ???? ????
Flora Mastery ???? ???? ????
Bountiful Harvest ???? ???? ????
Luck of the Pioneer ???? ???? ????
Prune ???? ???? ????
Prune II ???? ???? ????
Snagging ???? ???? ????
Patience ???? ???? ????
Powerful Hookset ???? ???? ????
Chum ???? ???? ????
Fish Eyes ???? ???? ????
Patience II ???? ???? ????
Precision Hookset ???? ???? ????
Big Shot ???? ???? ????
Desperado ???? ???? ????
Land Waker ???? ???? ????
Dark Force ???? ???? ????
Dragonsong Dive ???? ???? ????
Chimatsuri ???? ???? ????
Sagittarius Arrow ???? ???? ????
Satellite Beam ???? ???? ????
Teraflare ???? ???? ????
Angel Feathers ???? ???? ????
Astral Stasis ???? ???? ????
Terminal Velocity ???? ???? ????
Form Shift ???? ???? ????
the Balance ???? ???? ????
the Bole ???? ???? ????
the Arrow ???? ???? ????
the Spear ???? ???? ????
the Ewer ???? ???? ????
the Spire ???? ???? ????
Collectable Synthesis ???? ???? ????
Name of the Wind ???? ???? ????
Name of Fire ???? ???? ????
Name of Ice ???? ???? ????
Name of Earth ???? ???? ????
Name of Lightning ???? ???? ????
Name of Water ???? ???? ????

Disciple of the Hand Actions

English Japanese French German
Basic Synthesis ???? ???? ????
Basic Touch ???? ???? ????
Master's Mend ???? ???? ????
Standard Touch ???? ???? ????
Master's Mend II ???? ???? ????
Brand of Wind ???? ???? ????
Standard Synthesis ???? ???? ????
Advanced Touch ???? ???? ????
Byregot's Blessing ???? ???? ????
Observe ???? ???? ????
Brand of Fire ???? ???? ????
Rapid Synthesis ???? ???? ????
Brand of Ice ???? ???? ????
Piece by Piece ???? ???? ????
Brand of Earth ???? ???? ????
Careful Synthesis ???? ???? ????
Brand of Lightning ???? ???? ????
Careful Synthesis II ???? ???? ????
Flawless Synthesis ???? ???? ????
Brand of Water ???? ???? ????
Tricks of the Trade ???? ???? ????
Hasty Touch ???? ???? ????
Byregot's Brow ???? ???? ????
Precise Touch ???? ???? ????
Muscle Memory ???? ???? ????
Innovative Touch ???? ???? ????
Byregot's Miracle ???? ???? ????
Nymeia's Wheel ???? ???? ????
Trained Hand ???? ???? ????
Satisfaction ???? ???? ????
Finishing Touches ???? ???? ????
Maker's Mark ???? ???? ????
Heart of the Carpenter ???? ???? ????
Heart of the Blacksmith ???? ???? ????
Heart of the Armorer ???? ???? ????
Heart of the Goldsmith ???? ???? ????
Heart of the Leatherworker ???? ???? ????
Heart of the Weaver ???? ???? ????
Heart of the Alchemist ???? ???? ????
Heart of the Culinarian ???? ???? ????
Whistle While You Work ???? ???? ????

Companion Actions

English Japanese French German
Withdraw ???? ???? ????
Follow ???? ???? ????
Free Stance ???? ???? ????
Defender Stance ???? ???? ????
Attacker Stance ???? ???? ????
Healer Stance ???? ???? ????

Pet Actions

English Japanese French German
Away ???? ???? ????
Heel ???? ???? ????
Place ???? ???? ????
Stay ???? ???? ????
Guard ???? ???? ????
Steady ???? ???? ????
Sic ???? ???? ????
Obey ???? ???? ????
Gust ???? ???? ????
Backdraft ???? ???? ????
Downburst ???? ???? ????
Shining Emerald ???? ???? ????
Gouge ???? ???? ????
Shining Topaz ???? ???? ????
Curl ???? ???? ????
Storm ???? ???? ????
Wind Blade ???? ???? ????
Shockwave ???? ???? ????
Aerial Slash ???? ???? ????
Contagion ???? ???? ????
Aerial Blast ???? ???? ????
Rock Buster ???? ???? ????
Mountain Buster ???? ???? ????
Earthen Ward ???? ???? ????
Landslide ???? ???? ????
Earthen Fury ???? ???? ????
Crimson Cyclone ???? ???? ????
Burning Strike ???? ???? ????
Radiant Shield ???? ???? ????
Flaming Crush ???? ???? ????
Inferno ???? ???? ????
Embrace ???? ???? ????
Whispering Dawn ???? ???? ????
Fey Covenant ???? ???? ????
Fey Illumination ???? ???? ????
Silent Dusk ???? ???? ????
Fey Caress ???? ???? ????
Fey Wind ???? ???? ????


English Japanese French German
Clear Skies ???? ???? ????
Fair Skies ???? ???? ????
Clouds ???? ???? ????
Fog ???? ???? ????
Wind ???? ???? ????
Gales ???? ???? ????
Rain ???? ???? ????
Showers ???? ???? ????
Thunder ???? ???? ????
Thunderstorms ???? ???? ????
Dust Storms ???? ???? ????
Heat Waves ???? ???? ????
Snow ???? ???? ????
Blizzards ???? ???? ????
Gloom ???? ???? ????
Darkness ???? ???? ????
Tension ???? ???? ????
Storm Clouds ???? ???? ????
Rough Seas ???? ???? ????
Louring ???? ???? ????
Eruptions ???? ???? ????
Irradiance ???? ???? ????
Core Radiation ???? ???? ????
Shelf Clouds ???? ???? ????
Oppression ???? ???? ????
Umbral Wind ???? ???? ????
Umbral Static ???? ???? ????
Smoke ???? ???? ????
Royal Levin ???? ???? ????
Hyperelectricity ???? ???? ????
Multiplicity ???? ???? ????

Main Commands

English Japanese French German
Stance ???? ???? ????
Character ???? ???? ????
Actions & Traits ???? ???? ????
Journal ???? ???? ????
Timers ???? ???? ????
Achievements ???? ???? ????
Gathering Log ???? ???? ????
Hunting Log ???? ???? ????
Crafting Log ???? ???? ????
Inventory ???? ???? ????
Key Items ???? ???? ????
Party Members ???? ???? ????
Friend List ???? ???? ????
Blacklist ???? ???? ????
Player Search ???? ???? ????
Map ???? ???? ????
Emotes ???? ???? ????
Signs ???? ???? ????
System Configuration ???? ???? ????
Keybind ???? ???? ????
User Macros ???? ???? ????
HUD Layout ???? ???? ????
Log Out ???? ???? ????
Exit Game ???? ???? ????
Armoury Chest ???? ???? ????
Free Company ???? ???? ????
Linkshells ???? ???? ????
Fishing Log ???? ???? ????
Active Help ???? ???? ????
Recommendations ???? ???? ????
Support Desk ???? ???? ????
Duty Finder ???? ???? ????
Character Configuration ???? ???? ????
Teleport ???? ???? ????
Return ???? ???? ????
Fish Guide ???? ???? ????
Companion ???? ???? ????
Housing ???? ???? ????
PvP Profile ???? ???? ????
Party Finder ???? ???? ????
Waymarks ???? ???? ????
Ready Check ???? ???? ????
Challenge Log ???? ???? ????
Mount Guide ???? ???? ????
Minion Guide ???? ???? ????
Sightseeing Log ???? ???? ????
Gold Saucer ???? ???? ????
Currency ???? ???? ????
Aether Currents ???? ???? ????
Playguide ???? ???? ????
Orchestrion List ???? ???? ????
Hall of the Novice ???? ???? ????

Text Commands

English Japanese French German
/novice ???? ???? ????
/beginner ???? ???? ????
/say ???? ???? ????
/shout ???? ???? ????
/tell ???? ???? ????
/party ???? ???? ????
/linkshell ???? ???? ????
/linkshell1 ???? ???? ????
/linkshell2 ???? ???? ????
/linkshell3 ???? ???? ????
/linkshell4 ???? ???? ????
/linkshell5 ???? ???? ????
/linkshell6 ???? ???? ????
/linkshell7 ???? ???? ????
/linkshell8 ???? ???? ????
/freecompany ???? ???? ????
/echo ???? ???? ????
/yell ???? ???? ????
/reply ???? ???? ????
/alliance ???? ???? ????
/join ???? ???? ????
/decline ???? ???? ????
/invite ???? ???? ????
/kick ???? ???? ????
/leader ???? ???? ????
/leave ???? ???? ????
/check ???? ???? ????
/trade ???? ???? ????
/automove ???? ???? ????
/follow ???? ???? ????
/loot ???? ???? ????
/meldrequest ???? ???? ????
/character ???? ???? ????
/journal ???? ???? ????
/dutyfinder ???? ???? ????
/armourychest ???? ???? ????
/huntinglog ???? ???? ????
/craftinglog ???? ???? ????
/gatheringlog ???? ???? ????
/fishinglog ???? ???? ????
/achievements ???? ???? ????
/partycmd ???? ???? ????
/friendlist ???? ???? ????
/blacklist ???? ???? ????
/search ???? ???? ????
/map ???? ???? ????
/teleport ???? ???? ????
/enemysign ???? ???? ????
/marking ???? ???? ????
/actionlist ???? ???? ????
/timers ???? ???? ????
/recommended ???? ???? ????
/inventory ???? ???? ????
/freecompanycmd ???? ???? ????
/linkshellcmd ???? ???? ????
/return ???? ???? ????
/emotelist ???? ???? ????
/activehelp ???? ???? ????
/supportdesk ???? ???? ????
/characterconfig ???? ???? ????
/systemconfig ???? ???? ????
/keybind ???? ???? ????
/macros ???? ???? ????
/hudlayout ???? ???? ????
/logout ???? ???? ????
/shutdown ???? ???? ????
/partysort ???? ???? ????
/readycheck ???? ???? ????
/ready ???? ???? ????
/hold ???? ???? ????
/notready ???? ???? ????
/waymark ???? ???? ????
/fishguide ???? ???? ????
/housing ???? ???? ????
/minionguide ???? ???? ????
/mountguide ???? ???? ????
/partyfinder ???? ???? ????
/pvpprofile ???? ???? ????
/companion ???? ???? ????
/keyitem ???? ???? ????
/challengelog ???? ???? ????
/sightseeinglog ???? ???? ????
/goldsaucer ???? ???? ????
/currency ???? ???? ????
/aethercurrent ???? ???? ????
/logcolor ???? ???? ????
/playguide ???? ???? ????
/? ???? ???? ????
/wait ???? ???? ????
/legacymark ???? ???? ????
/gcsalute ???? ???? ????
/macroicon ???? ???? ????
/recast ???? ???? ????
/gearset ???? ???? ????
/itemsort ???? ???? ????
/random ???? ???? ????
/cleartellhistory ???? ???? ????
/macrolock ???? ???? ????
/macroerror ???? ???? ????
/clearlog ???? ???? ????
/macrocancel ???? ???? ????
/playtime ???? ???? ????
/grouppose ???? ???? ????
/itemsearch ???? ???? ????
/idlingcamera ???? ???? ????
/busy ???? ???? ????
/away ???? ???? ????
/lookingforparty ???? ???? ????
/lookingtomeld ???? ???? ????
/lookingformeld ???? ???? ????
/searchcomment ???? ???? ????
/nastatus ???? ???? ????
/beginnerstatus ???? ???? ????
/novicenetwork ???? ???? ????
/beginnerchannel ???? ???? ????
/action ???? ???? ????
/battlemode ???? ???? ????
/target ???? ???? ????
/targetpc ???? ???? ????
/targetnpc ???? ???? ????
/targetenemy ???? ???? ????
/battletarget ???? ???? ????
/assist ???? ???? ????
/facetarget ???? ???? ????
/nexttarget ???? ???? ????
/previoustarget ???? ???? ????
/targetlasttarget ???? ???? ????
/targetlastenemy ???? ???? ????
/lockon ???? ???? ????
/focustarget ???? ???? ????
/petaction ???? ???? ????
/companionaction ???? ???? ????
/facecamera ???? ???? ????
/levelsync ???? ???? ????
/mount ???? ???? ????
/additionalaction ???? ???? ????
/generalaction ???? ???? ????
/minion ???? ???? ????
/statusoff ???? ???? ????
/addpvpaction ???? ???? ????
/autolockon ???? ???? ????
/autofacetarget ???? ???? ????
/targetring ???? ???? ????
/targetline ???? ???? ????
/aggroline ???? ???? ????
/linkline ???? ???? ????
/autotarget ???? ???? ????
/displayhead ???? ???? ????
/displayarms ???? ???? ????
/autosheathe ???? ???? ????
/targetself ???? ???? ????
/groundclick ???? ???? ????
/chatlog ???? ???? ????
/battleeffect ???? ???? ????
/hud ???? ???? ????
/hotbar ???? ???? ????
/crosshotbar ???? ???? ????
/hudreset ???? ???? ????
/uireset ???? ???? ????
/uiscale ???? ???? ????
/actionerror ???? ???? ????
/recasterror ???? ???? ????
/crosshotbartype ???? ???? ????
/emote ???? ???? ????
/surprised ???? ???? ????
/angry ???? ???? ????
/furious ???? ???? ????
/blush ???? ???? ????
/bow ???? ???? ????
/cheer ???? ???? ????
/clap ???? ???? ????
/beckon ???? ???? ????
/comfort ???? ???? ????
/cry ???? ???? ????
/dance ???? ???? ????
/doubt ???? ???? ????
/doze ???? ???? ????
/fume ???? ???? ????
/goodbye ???? ???? ????
/wave ???? ???? ????
/huh ???? ???? ????
/joy ???? ???? ????
/kneel ???? ???? ????
/chuckle ???? ???? ????
/laugh ???? ???? ????
/lookout ???? ???? ????
/me ???? ???? ????
/no ???? ???? ????
/deny ???? ???? ????
/panic ???? ???? ????
/point ???? ???? ????
/poke ???? ???? ????
/congratulate ???? ???? ????
/psych ???? ???? ????
/salute ???? ???? ????
/shocked ???? ???? ????
/shrug ???? ???? ????
/rally ???? ???? ????
/soothe ???? ???? ????
/stagger ???? ???? ????
/stretch ???? ???? ????
/sulk ???? ???? ????
/think ???? ???? ????
/upset ???? ???? ????
/welcome ???? ???? ????
/yes ???? ???? ????
/thumbsup ???? ???? ????
/examineself ???? ???? ????
/pose ???? ???? ????
/blowkiss ???? ???? ????
/grovel ???? ???? ????
/happy ???? ???? ????
/disappointed ???? ???? ????
/lounge ???? ???? ????
/airquotes ???? ???? ????
/gcsalute ???? ???? ????
/pray ???? ???? ????
/imperialsalute ???? ???? ????
/visor ???? ???? ????
/straightface ???? ???? ????
/smile ???? ???? ????
/grin ???? ???? ????
/smirk ???? ???? ????
/taunt ???? ???? ????
/shuteyes ???? ???? ????
/sad ???? ???? ????
/scared ???? ???? ????
/amazed ???? ???? ????
/ouch ???? ???? ????
/annoyed ???? ???? ????
/alert ???? ???? ????
/worried ???? ???? ????
/throw ???? ???? ????
/changepose ???? ???? ????
/stepdance ???? ???? ????
/harvestdance ???? ???? ????
/balldance ???? ???? ????
/mandervilledance ???? ???? ????
/pet ???? ???? ????
/stroke ???? ???? ????
/handover ???? ???? ????
/bombdance ???? ???? ????
/huzzah ???? ???? ????
/hurray ???? ???? ????
/slap ???? ???? ????
/hug ???? ???? ????
/embrace ???? ???? ????
/hildibrand ???? ???? ????
/fistbump ???? ???? ????
/thavdance ???? ???? ????
/golddance ???? ???? ????
/sundropdance ???? ???? ????
/sundance ???? ???? ????
/battlestance ???? ???? ????
/victorypose ???? ???? ????
/eureka ???? ???? ????

PvP Actions

English Japanese French German
Testudo ???? ???? ????
Glory Slash ???? ???? ????
Mythril Tempest ???? ???? ????
Thrill of War ???? ???? ????
Full Swing ???? ???? ????
Axe Kick ???? ???? ????
Somersault ???? ???? ????
Fetter Ward ???? ???? ????
Impulse Rush ???? ???? ????
Skewer ???? ???? ????
Manasong ???? ???? ????
Farshot ???? ???? ????
Blast Shot ???? ???? ????
Sacred Prism ???? ???? ????
Divine Breath ???? ???? ????
Night Wing ???? ???? ????
Phantom Dart ???? ???? ????
Misty Veil ???? ???? ????
Wither ???? ???? ????
Aura Blast ???? ???? ????
Focalization ???? ???? ????
Weapon Throw ???? ???? ????
Enliven ???? ???? ????
Aetheric Burst ???? ???? ????
Equanimity ???? ???? ????
Mana Draw ???? ???? ????
Purify ???? ???? ????
Attunement ???? ???? ????
Detect ???? ???? ????
Malmsight ???? ???? ????
Overwhelm ???? ???? ????
Ill Wind ???? ???? ????
Recouperate ???? ???? ????
Between the Eyes ???? ???? ????
Stun Gun ???? ???? ????
Report ???? ???? ????
Retrogradation ???? ???? ????
Tar Pit ???? ???? ????
Carnal Chill ???? ???? ????
Push Back ???? ???? ????


English Japanese French German
Emerald Carbuncle ???? ???? ????
Topaz Carbuncle ???? ???? ????
Ifrit-Egi ???? ???? ????
Titan-Egi ???? ???? ????
Garuda-Egi ???? ???? ????
Eos ???? ???? ????
Selene ???? ???? ????
Rook Autoturret ???? ???? ????
Bishop Autoturret ???? ???? ????


English Japanese French German
cherry bomb ???? ???? ????
mammet #001 ???? ???? ????
wayward hatchling ???? ???? ????
Cait Sith doll ???? ???? ????
baby behemoth ???? ???? ????
mammet #003L ???? ???? ????
mammet #003G ???? ???? ????
mammet #003U ???? ???? ????
storm hatchling ???? ???? ????
serpent hatchling ???? ???? ????
flame hatchling ???? ???? ????
morbol seedling ???? ???? ????
tiny rat ???? ???? ????
baby bun ???? ???? ????
chigoe larva ???? ???? ????
bluebird ???? ???? ????
wide-eyed fawn ???? ???? ????
infant imp ???? ???? ????
coeurl kitten ???? ???? ????
black coeurl ???? ???? ????
wind-up gentleman ???? ???? ????
gravel golem ???? ???? ????
wind-up tonberry ???? ???? ????
tiny tortoise ???? ???? ????
baby raptor ???? ???? ????
baby bat ???? ???? ????
tiny bulb ???? ???? ????
dust bunny ???? ???? ????
wind-up dullahan ???? ???? ????
gigantpole ???? ???? ????
pudgy puk ???? ???? ????
buffalo calf ???? ???? ????
cactuar cutting ???? ???? ????
smallshell ???? ???? ????
wolf pup ???? ???? ????
beady eye ???? ???? ????
fledgling dodo ???? ???? ????
coblyn larva ???? ???? ????
wind-up aldgoat ???? ???? ????
fledgling apkallu ???? ???? ????
goobbue sproutling ???? ???? ????
bite-sized pudding ???? ???? ????
model vanguard ???? ???? ????
demon brick ???? ???? ????
mini mole ???? ???? ????
tender lamb ???? ???? ????
slime puddle ???? ???? ????
kidragora ???? ???? ????
wind-up goblin ???? ???? ????
wind-up sylph ???? ???? ????
wind-up cursor ???? ???? ????
wind-up airship ???? ???? ????
wind-up Qiqirn ???? ???? ????
black chocobo chick ???? ???? ????
wind-up Dalamud ???? ???? ????
minute mindflayer ???? ???? ????
tight-beaked parrot ???? ???? ????
wind-up Amalj'aa ???? ???? ????
wind-up Ixal ???? ???? ????
wind-up kobold ???? ???? ????
wind-up Sahagin ???? ???? ????
wind-up brickman ???? ???? ????
wind-up Shantotto ???? ???? ????
wind-up Edvya ???? ???? ????
wind-up sun ???? ???? ????
plush cushion ???? ???? ????
Minion of Light ???? ???? ????
wind-up leader ???? ???? ????
wind-up Merlwyb ???? ???? ????
wind-up Kan-E ???? ???? ????
wind-up Raubahn ???? ???? ????
princely hatchling ???? ???? ????
wind-up Odin ???? ???? ????
wind-up Warrior of Light ???? ???? ????
wind-up Bahamut ???? ???? ????
wind-up moogle ???? ???? ????
baby opo-opo ???? ???? ????
magic broom ???? ???? ????
wind-up succubus ???? ???? ????
zu hatchling ???? ???? ????
wind-up Nanamo ???? ???? ????
wind-up Gilgamesh ???? ???? ????
Onion Prince ???? ???? ????
Eggplant Knight ???? ???? ????
Garlic Jester ???? ???? ????
Tomato King ???? ???? ????
Mandragora Queen ???? ???? ????
wind-up Y'shtola ???? ???? ????
wind-up onion knight ???? ???? ????
treasure box ???? ???? ????
tiny tapir ???? ???? ????
Nana bear ???? ???? ????
miniature minecart ???? ???? ????
nutkin ???? ???? ????
wind-up Minfilia ???? ???? ????
wind-up Thancred ???? ???? ????
model magitek bit ???? ???? ????
puff of darkness ???? ???? ????
naughty nanka ???? ???? ????
panda cub ???? ???? ????
wind-up Ultros ???? ???? ????
Hoary the Snowman ???? ???? ????
heavy hatchling ???? ???? ????
wind-up Yda ???? ???? ????
wind-up Papalymo ???? ???? ????
wind-up Urianger ???? ???? ????
fat cat ???? ???? ????
Littlefoot ???? ???? ????
mummy's little mummy ???? ???? ????
model Enterprise ???? ???? ????
wind-up delivery moogle ???? ???? ????
assassin fry ???? ???? ????
demon box ???? ???? ????
water imp ???? ???? ????
wind-up Louisoix ???? ???? ????
Midgardsormr ???? ???? ????
Doman magpie ???? ???? ????
Enkidu ???? ???? ????
wind-up Violet ???? ???? ????
wind-up founder ???? ???? ????
wind-up Dezul Qualan ???? ???? ????
wind-up kobolder ???? ???? ????
wind-up Sea Devil ???? ???? ????
chocobo chick courier ???? ???? ????
wind-up Kain ???? ???? ????
wind-up Alphinaud ???? ???? ????
wind-up Alisaie ???? ???? ????
wind-up Tataru ???? ???? ????
wind-up Cid ???? ???? ????
unicolt ???? ???? ????
wind-up Gundu warrior ???? ???? ????
atrophied Atomos ???? ???? ????
owlet ???? ???? ????
ugly duckling ???? ???? ????
gaelikitten ???? ???? ????
clockwork barrow ???? ???? ????
lesser panda ???? ???? ????
page 63 ???? ???? ????
iron dwarf ???? ???? ????
griffin hatchling ???? ???? ????
wind-up Iceheart ???? ???? ????
Gestahl ???? ???? ????
steam-powered gobwalker G-VII ???? ???? ????
behemoth heir ???? ???? ????
accompaniment node ???? ???? ????
wind-up Yugiri ???? ???? ????
Peridot Carbuncle ???? ???? ????
Heliodor Carbuncle ???? ???? ????
gold rush minecart ???? ???? ????
set of Primogs ???? ???? ????
wind-up Gnath ???? ???? ????
paissa brat ???? ???? ????
wind-up Illuminatus ???? ???? ????
Pumpkin Butler ???? ???? ????
wind-up Echidna ???? ???? ????
wind-up Relm ???? ???? ????
hunting hawk ???? ???? ????
shalloweye ???? ???? ????
penguin prince ???? ???? ????
clockwork Twintania ???? ???? ????
korpokkur kid ???? ???? ????
wind-up Firion ???? ???? ????
wind-up Ifrit ???? ???? ????
wind-up Garuda ???? ???? ????
wind-up Titan ???? ???? ????
wind-up Leviathan ???? ???? ????
wind-up Zundu warrior ???? ???? ????
wind-up Haurchefant ???? ???? ????
wind-up Nero tol Scaeva ???? ???? ????
wind-up Vath ???? ???? ????
faustlet ???? ???? ????
Calca ???? ???? ????
Brina ???? ???? ????
morpho ???? ???? ????
Poro Roggo ???? ???? ????
spoony bard ???? ???? ????
Fenrir pup ???? ???? ????

Gold Saucer

English Japanese French German
chocobo race ???? ???? ????
race chocobo ???? ???? ????
fledgling chocobo ???? ???? ????
retired chocobo ???? ???? ????
covering ???? ???? ????
rating ???? ???? ????
pedigree level ???? ???? ????
course roulette ???? ???? ????
Sagolii Road ???? ???? ????
Tranquil Paths ???? ???? ????
Triple Triad ???? ???? ????
card ???? ???? ????
card type ???? ???? ????
rarity ???? ???? ????
match ???? ???? ????
tournament ???? ???? ????
tourney ???? ???? ????
points ???? ???? ????
rule variations ???? ???? ????
regional rules ???? ???? ????
match rules ???? ???? ????
tournament rules ???? ???? ????
All Open ???? ???? ????
Three Open ???? ???? ????
Same ???? ???? ????
Sudden Death ???? ???? ????
Plus ???? ???? ????
Random ???? ???? ????
Order ???? ???? ????
Chaos ???? ???? ????
Reverse ???? ???? ????
Fallen Ace ???? ???? ????
Ascension ???? ???? ????
Descension ???? ???? ????
Swap ???? ???? ????
Roulette ???? ???? ????
deck ???? ???? ????
desired rule ???? ???? ????
GATE ???? ???? ????
Cactpot ???? ???? ????
Jumbo Cactpot ???? ???? ????
Mini Cactpot ???? ???? ????
winning number ???? ???? ????
Lord of Verminion ???? ???? ????
Strengths ???? ???? ????
Arcana Stone ???? ???? ????
Verminion Gate ???? ???? ????
Shield ???? ???? ????
Search Eye ???? ???? ????
critter ???? ???? ????
poppet ???? ???? ????
gadget ???? ???? ????
ability ???? ???? ????
trap ???? ???? ????


English Japanese French German
paralysis ???? Paralysie (altération) ????
silence ???? Silence (altération) ????
stun ???? Etourdissement (altération) ????
sleep ???? Sommeil (altération) ????
heavy ???? Pesanteur (altération) ????
petrification ???? Pétrification (altération) ????
charmed ???? Envoûtement (altération) ????
drain ???? Absorption (altération) ????
bind ???? Attache (altération) ????
transfiguration ???? Transformation (altération) ????
poison ???? Poison (altération) ????